Tan suling was so frightened that she stepped back. Seeing the distant vehicles, she subconsciously reached out to stop a car and followed him to Shilihe beach.

When sitting in the car, Tan suling, who gradually woke up, was in a complex and remorseful mood. What did she do with her?

Wouldn't it be better if he was angry and didn't want to talk to her?

In this way, she won't have to come here every day and face his crazy growing feelings that she can't control.

They will return to the original track and live in peace, won't they?

When the car was driving on the road, she should have had countless opportunities to regret, but she seemed to be possessed and never asked the driver to take her back.

Until the car stopped at the gate of Shilihe beach, she had no choice but to get out of the car and walk to the villa inside.

At the door of the villa, I happened to meet Aunt Zhang who came out with tools to cut flowers and plants.

"Miss Tan, you're back." Aunt Zhang didn't know what happened today. She greeted her with a bland and gentle expression. She just wondered how Tan suling came back so early today.

"Yes." Tan suling smiled uninteresting and asked Aunt Zhang, "Aunt Zhang, Luo YUNZHUO, is he in there?"

"I seem to have just come back and went upstairs angrily. I don't know who I'm angry with." Aunt Zhang sighed and shook her head.

Tan suling felt guilty, touched her nose and said with a smile, "then I'll go first."

Aunt Zhang looked at her running back and said "eh" gently, as if she suddenly understood something.

Therefore, the young master was angry entirely because of Miss Tan. Did they come back one after another because Miss Tan was coaxing the young master?

Aunt Zhang's eyes lit up and her heart was a little itchy to follow her in, but due to the majesty of the young master, she had to give up at last.

Tan suling walked into the familiar living room. Unconsciously, everything here seemed to be closely related to her. She was neither strange nor restrained.

Although the villa Han Fan took her to is romantic and dreamy, she may be used to it. Tan suling seems to prefer the place where she came to live ten years ago. This feeling is like being branded by fate and wandering around. She still returns here.

Just this time, how long can she stay here?

Tan suling walked up the stairs step by step with a heavy heart and came to his study. Instead, her pace slowed down.

The door of the man's study was not closed tightly, and there was still a crack. Tan suling still held out her hand and gently knocked on the door.

There was no response inside, but Tan suling could feel that he was inside. She reached out and pushed the door open. She saw the man with his back to her, as if he was still angry.

"Luo... YUNZHUO." Tan suling softened her tone, looked at his gloomy back and quietly explained, "I just went out for a walk. I forgot to bring my mobile phone. I didn't mean to worry you."

"Go out for a walk?" Luo YUNZHUO seemed to hear some funny joke. With a sneer, he got up and walked towards her and grabbed her wrist. "Tan suling, do you know how many people I launched today are looking for you?"

He let people get so many surveillance and didn't find her. As a result, she sent him away as soon as she went out for a walk?

Tan suling was so frightened by his momentum that she didn't dare to go out. She looked up innocently at the man approaching in front of her and said timidly, "I'm sorry..."

"I don't want to hear you say I'm sorry!" Luo YUNZHUO couldn't hold back his anger and almost roared out.

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