"Hello, my last name is tan." Tan suling introduced herself to her point to point.

Nanxiang's attitude towards her is not friendly, and Tan suling naturally doesn't need to be too polite to her.

"Then go and remember to bring your recorder." Nanxiang said with a smile.

"Where are you going?" Tan suling is a little unclear, so she has to choose a special place for the interview. Can't it be here? She's been here so long.

"Eat." Luo YUNZHUO said.

Tan suling only thought Nanxiang couldn't get used to the food here. Luo YUNZHUO was accommodating her, so she nodded.

She quickly went upstairs, changed her clothes, took her equipment, and followed out of the villa.

Luo YUNZHUO naturally won't let other women have dinner at his home. It's his greatest limit to let her come and talk about work.

Seeing that Tan suling was not at all depressed, he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Is he expecting Tan suling to be jealous, or should he be happy that she is sensible? He's a little confused about his mood.

The three people left the villa before and after, and a car stopped in front of the villa.

Luo YUNZHUO opened the door of the back seat and his eyes fell on Tan suling. Before she could react to the man's meaning, Nan Xiang took the lead in sitting in the back seat and said to tan suling, who was one step behind her with a smile: "then Miss Tan, just sit in front and interview me. Isn't it inconvenient for Miss Tan?"

Tan suling shook her head with a white face and forced out a smile.

When Nanxiang got on the bus, Luo YUNZHUO closed the door. Tan suling thought he would go around to the other side to get on the bus, so she stretched out her hand to pull the co pilot's door.

"You sit in the back." Luo YUNZHUO took the opportunity to sit in the co pilot's position.

Tan suling: "

He is very gentleman to miss Nan and very impolite to Miss Tan!

But she still helped Luo YUNZHUO close the door. When she got on the other side, she heard Nanxiang coquettish tunnel: "Mr. Luo, why did you sit in front? I still have a lot to say to you."

Before they finished talking about their work, Nanxiang deliberately made ambiguous remarks to make Tan suling misunderstand.

Tan suling really misunderstood. She opened the door on the other side and took a special look at Luo YUNZHUO. It seemed that she was asking him whether to change his position.

"That's all for today." Luo YUNZHUO has no expression on her face, but she secretly observes Tan suling's expression in her heart to see what she thinks.

"All right." Nanxiang reluctantly agrees. She looks back at Tan suling with a meaningful look. It seems that she interrupted their whisper.

Is it hard to talk about them because she's here?

Tan suling was a little wronged. She didn't mean to go to dinner with them. If Luo YUNZHUO didn't mention the interview, she didn't want to interview the international star.

"Don't you get on the bus yet?" Luo Yun Zhuo saw her standing outside the car and refused to get on the bus. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Fierce what fierce.

Tan suling hurried into the car and sat behind Nanxiang. She felt uncomfortable everywhere.

Especially when she was close, the strong perfume on the woman kept coming into the tip of her nose, which made her almost want to sneeze several times.

It was not easy to get to the place for dinner. As soon as she sat down, the waiter came to order. The menu was subconsciously handed to Luo YUNZHUO and Nan Xiang, which seemed that she was the redundant one.

Tan suling was a little embarrassed. When she didn't know what to do to alleviate the embarrassment, Luo YUNZHUO pushed his menu in front of her: "order what you want to eat."

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