Luo's mother said that, she personally brought vegetables to tan suling and said gently, "come, suling, eat. Don't worry about the nonsense of those unimportant people."

Tan suling took the dish in a bit of embarrassment, turned her head and looked at Luo YUNZHUO next to her. Luo YUNZHUO grabbed her hand under the table and shook it hard.

Luo YUNZHUO's father didn't say anything later, but Tan suling could still feel that he was not very satisfied with himself.

After dinner, Luo's mother asked Luo YUNZHUO to take her to the yard.

"Xiaoling came to our house for the first time. You can familiarize her with the environment." Mother Luo said, then looked at Tan suling teasingly and said with a smile, "Xiaoling will come often in the future. Maybe this will be your home in the future."

Tan suling lowered her head shyly. Luo YUNZHUO grabbed her hand and said in a low voice, "let's go."

After they walked away, the smile on mother Luo's face faded, Turning around, he began to accuse father Luo: "what's the matter with you? My son has not even had a girlfriend for so many years, so he lives with the picture in the room. Now the girl has finally come back from abroad, and his son has come with her and offered to get married. Are you crazy or out of your mind? You have to stop them? Do you have to see your son die alone?"

Luo's mother points to Luo's father's nose and scolds. At the dinner table, Luo's mother cooperates with Lu Chunxiao to inquire about many reasons why Tan suling hasn't appeared in the past ten years.

The girl went abroad ten years ago.

Fortunately, she came back before her son died alone.

It's reasonable to say that at the age of girls, most of them have married and had children, but it's like what is destined to be good. Neither of the two children is married and agreed. They come together again ten years later.

"Yes, Dad, the eldest brother is not young. Let him marry whoever he likes." Lu Chunxiao followed.

In fact, she already knew what father Luo was thinking. She just wanted to make the fire bigger. Who made the old man so eccentric.

Also his son, her husband Luo asked that there was no such treatment as Luo YUNZHUO in this family. Luo YUNZHUO was in charge of the company and made all the decisions.

Luo YUNZHUO just graduated from university and is the direct person in charge of the company. What about her husband and the third?

The third, ah Dou, who can't help herself, has no fighting spirit. Her husband, who is bent on doing great things, can only succumb to Luo YUNZHUO's hands and become a worker with no future.

Don't talk about her husband, she also feels unbalanced.

In particular, she has been pregnant with twins, which is likely to add incense to their Luo family. Yesterday, Luo asked if the old man could raise him. The old man refused him without thinking. He also said that he was too young and unable to exercise for a few more years!

Luo asked that the intimate heart was unbalanced, and Lu Chunxiao was even more unbalanced. It was also their son. Why did they have two faces for the boss and her husband!

Father Luo didn't know the careful thoughts in young Lu Chunxiao's heart. He only had a headache and said, "what do you know? You know to make trouble for me all day!"

"If you don't make it clear today, you don't want to do anything else." Luo's mother stopped him from leaving.

Father Luo angrily said, "make it clear. How can I make it clear? Do you want me to tell you that the girl's father is a prisoner?"

Luo's mother was stunned. Lu Chunxiao pretended to exaggerate and asked, "what prisoner? Is Miss Tan's father inside?"

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