Fu family is a big family in K City, with an extraordinary status.

Fu Jinyan is the only son of Fu family. His future is immeasurable! Because of this, everyone dare not provoke her. In school, she is basically the kind that nobody dares to manage when she walks sideways

After all, who let her be Fu Jinyan's girlfriend?

This fake identity has been used for many years, and Fu Jinyan has never poked through her.

When junior high school was in a tight academic environment, her grades immediately dropped significantly because of her previous playfulness She was afraid of failing the final exam, so she begged her brother to teach her.

Especially her weakest math!

But I can't teach her three questions. My brother Tang Xiao just left her pen and didn't have the patience to teach her any more.

"Don jinsher, why are you so stupid and can't you do such simple questions correctly?"

"Don't go out and say you're my sister."

"I feel ashamed!"


Tang felt that at that time, he was extremely bent. He was going to report to his parents. When he took a good look at Tang Xiao's book, Tang Xiao called Fu Jinyan to clean up the mess.

Beautiful name says, "early love" the result that causes falls!

Later, it was Fu Jinyan who taught her mathematics, and every week gave her a supplementary lesson in Xiaozao.

"Here is today's math notes. Take them back and have a good look!"

"The parts I write in red are the key points. The final exam is likely to be taken, and you are thinking about it in your own mind..."

"I'll give you an hour to finish the comprehensive exercise paper, and I'll correct it."


Fu Jinyan was like a tutor at that time. He explained and marked every problem she did wrong very carefully.

And that time she got a good score in the final math!

"Brother, look, I got the certificate of three good students!"

"You said you couldn't teach me, but why can brother Jin Yan teach me so well?"

"At the end of the day, brother, your strength is limited. Hahaha..."

"Brother, my level of fake boyfriend is still very high..."

Tang Jinse remembered her that day. She was very happy.

Because of this, for a long time after that, Fu Jinyan was more like her brother in her mind than her own brother!

He is special to her.

High cold and warm exist at the same time.

They are often inseparable and go together.

The days passed smoothly until she went to high school and met Gu chuyang.

Gu chuyang is his deskmate.

All the original safe and orderly life, here, began to diverge

Gu chuyang looks elegant and handsome, treats people gently and politely, which is totally different from Gao Leng's indifference to others. Gu chuyang is like a light under the warm sun. He will always be tolerant and considerate of others, and moisten things silently into other people's lives.

For example, when it's her turn to clean, Gu chuyang will silently take over the broom in her hand and sweep the floor for her.

For example, when it's raining, she forgot to take an umbrella. Gu chuyang will give her his umbrella, and then he will run into the dense rain alone, and finally tell her to go back earlier

For example, when her brother and Fu Jinyan are not around, Gu chuyang will stand up to protect her and help her block those social gangsters who hate her identity as "Fu Jinyan's girlfriend".

There are so many of them.

At that time, she was too small, and her mind was not fully mature. When she didn't know what was love and what was love for each other, she thought that this kind of emotion of Gu chuyang was love and adoration.

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