"Hello, Mr. Feng. I'm Tang Jinshe, general manager of Tang Group. Here's my business card."

As soon as she entered the box, Tang Jinshe immediately entered into her role as general manager, with proper make-up and a light smile. At a glance, she was more and more aware of women in the workplace.

When one focuses on one thing, time always goes by so fast

It wasn't until dusk and dusk that Tang Jinse ended her first battle in the workplace!

"Manager Tang, we spent so much time talking, but Feng Tian didn't say anything. What does he mean?"

After seeing the guests go, Yu Yue, the secretary who came with Tang Jinshe, finally couldn't help but speak out her dissatisfaction.

"Xiaoyu, shopping malls are like battlefields. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. You have worked in Tang family for two years. Don't you know that you must be careful when you are outside?"

Looking at the opposite side of the cold tea walk, Tang Jinshe put down his glass, and his brow was rarely dyed with a serious color.

"Feng Tian, can you just open your mouth here? If the other party goes back, or is it heard and used by other people who are interested Then, how about you? Can we afford the huge loss of this mistake? "

Tang Jinshe turned his head and looked at the girl sitting beside him. His words were full of suggestions.

Although her major in the school is not business management, she is a top student of Yale University. Her fast learning ability and acceptance ability are her best!

Long before she met Feng Tian, she used those three blocks to read various books about the company's operation, as well as the negotiation and cooperation skills with customers, partners and competitors.

Among them, the most taboo is Yu Yue's unrestricted judgment!

Think of here, Tang Jinshe suddenly eyes color

When she was a child, she was a naughty little girl who needed Fu Jinyan to make up lessons for her. Now, on her own, she can analyze the obscure books she never touched all night.

Should she be happy for her like this?

It's time to be happy.

"Xiaoyu, think about what I said here. I'll go to the bathroom."

"Well, I see. I'm sorry, manager Tang. I'll reflect on it."



The long winding corridor is as dizzy as ever.

But this time, Tang Jinshe carefully wrote down the route, but he was not afraid to go back to find the box hidden in the corridor.

"President Qi, for the sake of our friendship for so many years, can you help me?"

"As long as you lend me 30 million yuan and wait for my fund to come back, I'll give you all the money with interest!"

"General manager Qi, don't you go?"


The familiar voice and scene are just the two sides in the scene of asking for help, but now they are back to each other.

Tang Jinshe came out of the bathroom and looked at the two people who were completely ignored by each other at the door of the box not far away. His eyes were clearly cold.

It's Zhou Ji and Zhou Qian!

Feng Shui turns in turn!

Zhou Ji, do you have such a day when people are refused?

"Dad! You asked me to dress like this to please Mr. Qi, but they didn't pay any attention to us. They also made me feel twice by this old man. It's disgusting to me... "

Zhou Qian said angrily as she wiped her hand with a wet tissue. She hated the place where the man touched her just now.

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