What he didn't expect was that when he put the money into the account of the other party, the man who took the initiative to find him suddenly pulled black. He couldn't find it, just like it disappeared in K city!

However, the company whose qualification has been verified by him, the person in charge of receiving him told him that his company had never had such a "project director" and had no intention of developing the original ecological resort.

When things got to this point, he suddenly realized that he was cheated!

The other side used his eagerness to find another way out, applied the name of other companies, first described a false vision of his career ambition, and finally, when he was enchanted, he ran straight with his money!

The cultural company he registered in the name of his father, which lost 30 million yuan, is in danger of bankruptcy

After all, 10 million of the 30 million he lost was directly written down from the company's book. If the follow-up funds can't be made up in time, the only industry he has now will be hard to keep.


"Thank you, Zhou Xingchang? If you had not refused to lend to Tang Group, how could Tang Group have such a good opportunity to get a billion yuan of financing? " Tang Jinshe hooks up the corner of his lips, but there is no smile on his face.

Although Zhou Ji was dismissed by Ruifeng bank, he should not mix the wealth he has accumulated over the years with the appearance of asking people to borrow money

She didn't know what happened to Zhouji recently, but no matter what it was, it had nothing to do with her.

If I could abandon her, I would not want her to have any more sympathy now, because they Not worthy of her pity!

"Miss Tang, I know I used to be blind and neglect you. I'm here to apologize to you. I hope you can have a large number of adults. Don't worry about what to do with people like me who are temporarily confused..."

Zhou Ji said awkwardly as he raised his eyes to Tang Jinshe, who was standing in front of him. The humble gesture fell into Tang Jinshe's eyes, but she was more and more despised!

Before Mingming, she behaved so well in front of her. Now, for the sake of her own interests, she can kneel to her in public last time?

Should she praise Zhouji's ability to bend and extend, or should she say that Zhouji is willing to abandon himself and bow down to the two words in front of interests

It's funny and sad.

Zhou Ji didn't know Tang Jinshe's exclamation. He only knew that now there is a billion Yuan Tang family, which is not the same as before.

If he can get Tang Jinse's help, maybe his current crisis can be solved immediately?

After all, 30 million is not worth mentioning compared with 1 billion!

Thinking of this, Zhou Ji's dark and turbid eyes flashed a dark light that was eager to try: "now Miss Tang is promoted to the general manager of Tang's group, it's not difficult to transfer 30 million yuan from the company, is it? If Miss Tang is willing to help me get through this difficult time, I will reward Miss Tang with a great gift someday! "

"Help you?"

Tang Jin se sneered coldly, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable irony.

"Why did you ask me to help you?"

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