"President, how long has Miss Tang been standing in the cold wind, or shall we go for a ride?"

In the car, Chen Dong looks at Tang Jinshe, who is not far away from the road. Finally, he doesn't hold back and reveals what he has been holding for a long time.

This afternoon, he sent people to monitor Zhouji to report the situation of Zhouji to him, and told him that Tang Jinshe also appeared in the emperor's entertainment club

He knew that Tang Jinshe was not ordinary in the president's mind, so when he reported the weekly news, he also disclosed the news to the president by the way.

But I didn't expect that the president, after hearing this news, was completely "not reserved"! Let him drive directly to the side of the road directly opposite the gate of the club!

"Where is Zhou Ji now?"

In the face of Chen Dong's inquiry, Fu Jinyan in the back seat didn't answer his questions, but his cold and unpredictable eyes fell on a charming figure through the window

At the beginning, Zhou Ji, relying on his identity as bank president, not only deliberately made trouble for the woman, refused to lend to Tang Group, but even allowed his daughter to humiliate the woman

But his Fu Jin Yan's people, except for him, no one is qualified to surpass him!

If anyone doesn't take care of himself or herself, he or she should be prepared to pay the corresponding price.

Since Zhou Ji likes to refuse other people's requests so much, it's better to let him realize that he is in debt overnight, but there is no way to ask for help In the end, what will make him unforgettable?

"I still haven't come out of the club. The person just below sent me a message, saying that the owner of the club heard that Zhou Ji was expelled from the bank in case Zhou Ji ran away and broke his account. Now the decent people are blocking Zhou Ji from coming out, saying that unless Zhou Ji settles all the accounts he had on credit in the club today, he won't let them go!"

Chen Dong told the truth.

Last time, the president asked him to set up a set of Zhouji, and Zhouji was really hooked. They sent out 30 million people in vain!

Since then, Zhou Ji has been on the road of asking people to borrow money

If he can't raise 10 million yuan to fill the deficit in his company's book, then his Tianyue Culture Co., Ltd. will be closed for a long time!

And he used to be in the high-end hotels, restaurants, entertainment clubs in K city They all have a lot of credit. Now, if the other party all collect money from him, they may need a lot of money to pay.

Think of here, Chen Dong slightly raises the MOU, through the rearview mirror with the remaining light aimed at the ice beautiful man behind the eye.

Is it not for Miss Tang that the president is so focused on Zhou Ji?

"Well, let the stalkers go from tomorrow."

"Yes, president!" Chen Dong nodded in response.

"President, shall we go back to the company directly now? Alas, you say it's so cold outside at night. If Miss Tang blows the cold wind on the side of the road again, I'm afraid she will have a cold and fever tonight... "

Later, Chen Dong's black eyes turned and sighed heavily. He was ready to drive back, but he turned the topic to Tang Jinshe as if it were nothing. His eyes were a bit sly.

"Take the car and follow her if you can't get on." Fu Jin Yan frowned and finally let go.

But between the words is mingled with a wisp of others can not easily detect the unnatural.

"Yes, president!"

With Fu's permission, Chen immediately turned around and drove straight to the other end of the road.

In about two minutes.

The black Maybach stopped in front of Don chin se, who was dizzy because of the cold wind.

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