Tang Zhengqin, on the other side, saw this, and the appreciation of the bottom of his eyes became more and more strong: "ha ha, you are so refreshing, uncle, I like young people like you!"

But after a couple of cups, Tang Zhengqin's face faintly rose a little bit of drunken blush, and even his words became more and more

On the contrary, Fu Jinyan, who also drank a lot of wine, was as white as a piece of paper. He didn't see any intoxication at all!

"Jin Yan, uncle, I grew up to see you grow up. You are a good boy. I'm relieved to entrust Jin se to you!"

"Dad, you drink too much." Tang Jinshe hears the words on one side and tries to diverge the topic.

Now I am Fu Jinyan's lover. I am different from their imaginary wife.

But it's obvious that Tang Zhengqin, who is getting more and more drunk, doesn't intend to end this topic: "I'm not drunk, your father can be sober now, and he still needs to be so sober to see you get married and have children, and have a happy life..."

"By the way, Jin Yan, are you going to get the license first or do you want to have a banquet first?" Suddenly, Tang Zhengqin raised his eyes and asked Fu Jinyan.

Tang Jinshe hears the words, eyes color a stagnant, turn to look at the man beside.

It's over

What should she do?

As soon as Fu Jin said anything, the lie that she had kept for so long would be thoroughly exposed!

"Don't worry, Jin se said that we should first focus on the company's business. After the situation of Tang family has been completely stabilized, it's not too late for us to talk about it."

Just as Tang Jinshe was about to accept the accountability for the exposed lies, Fu Jinyan took the lead

When Tang Jinshe heard the words, he felt a sigh of relief. His eyes towards the man beside him were full of deep gratitude, which completely disappeared the perfunctory and negligent way when he stood by the car to thank!

Fu Jin's words tore at his lips, and a light sarcasm rose from the corners of his mouth.

"It's also true. It's still your consideration. Tang's soldiers are in a mess now. It's really not the best time to have a wedding."

Tang Zhengqin did not doubt that he was there, even he was very pleased.

The child has grown up

Will consider the interests of the company, considering to share the burden on his shoulders ah!

"By the way, Jin se, how was your talk with Mr. Feng today? Did he agree to cooperate with us?"

After a glass of wine, Tang Zhengqin brought the topic to work again.

"No, he neither promised nor refused. He said he would think about it for a few more days, but I can understand. After all, this time is different from the past. Our Tang Group is still in the recovery stage. He should be more careful!"

Tang Jinshe thought about it a little, then said.

If Tang group wants to return to the past peak, it is not easy at present, even if it needs more time to re operate and maintain.


Tang Zhengqin hears the words and sighs heavily.

"Dad, although Mr. Feng hasn't given me an accurate answer yet, I'm confident that I can persuade him. Don't worry!" Tang Jinshe comforted.

"Jin se, dad doesn't believe you, but you are a layman after all. There are many things you need to learn about company operation and management. Dad just worries that if a company as big as Tang's can't keep up with the company's operation and management, even if there is capital injection from Shengshi group, it will be useless in the end..."

Tang Zhengqin said, but his eyes gradually fell on Fu Jin Yan.

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