I've seen everyone say what she wants to say. The only thing I can do is to nod on one side.

She has a new CP to crack.

When I was gossiping with you in the last month, the mobile phone rang.

It's manager Tang.

I realized that she had been dragged down by gossip and even forgot her job. After answering the phone, I ran out of the restaurant.

After checking the new materials with Tang Jinshe, the two returned to the office.

"Xiao Yu, you go to the planning department and inform it. There will be a meeting in 20 minutes."

Yu Yue nodded, but didn't act. His eyes were moving on Tang Jinshe's pretty face.

Tang Jinshe can't help laughing when he is watched by Yu Yue: "why do you look at me like this?"

The light of gossip at the end of Yu Yue's eyes bloomed again: "manager Tang, I ask you a question, can you tell me the truth?"

Tang Jinshe has worked with Yu Yue for quite a long time. He still knows Yu Yue well.

Her expression is absolutely not a serious problem.

With a smile and a look of anger for more than a month, Tang Jinshe said: "you ask, but I can't guarantee to tell you the truth."

Yu yuehehe smiled and said, "manager Tang, you have a good relationship with general manager Gu, ha?"

What question did Tang Jinshe think Yu Yue was going to ask? It turned out to be this.

She nodded without thinking, "yes."

Grow up together from childhood, can not be good?

More than a month later, I laughed more gossip: "look, I'll tell you. In fact, I thought before that, your relationship with Mr. Fu was very good. Unexpectedly, there are better ones. Manager Tang and Mr. Gu are really good, handsome and super gentle. Most importantly, Mr. Gu's eyes are full of love."

Tang Jinshe: "..."

What's this all about?

"Xiaoyu, don't you have any good gossip? It's even on me. Hurry to work!"

On the surface, Tang Jinse looks very serious, but in fact, he is just acting.

I also know that the new manager is easy to get along with and has no airs at all.

At the beginning, Yu Yue also worried about her poor service. After all, when manager Tang took over the company, he wanted to get Tang back on track as soon as possible. Every day, he was very serious. Besides work, he still worked

But after a long time, I learned manager Tang's character, and I dare to joke for more than a month.

"Manager Tang, I just want to know if President Gu likes you or not."

Tang Jinshe felt helpless and funny: "Xiaoyu, I grew up with brother chuyang. How many days did you know him? I didn't know he liked me for so many years. Can you see that? The two of them are really like brothers and sisters. He has always regarded me as his sister. "

Yu Yue shakes her head and insists on her own judgment.

"No, absolutely not, manager Tang. I think people are the most accurate. You believe my judgment."

Hearing the words, Tang Jinshe was stunned.

Yu Yue's affirmative words really stirred up a circle of ripples in Tang Jinshe's heart lake.

For so many years, she never thought about her relationship with Gu chuyang.

In fact, Gu chuyang, whom she knows, is always like this. She is as warm as jade and has a sunny smile on her lips. If you look at it, it will bring warmth to people.

At that time, she, Gu chuyang, her brother and, of course, Fu Jinyan

They grew up together, and she played with them every day behind the backs of her three brothers.

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