Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe takes his eyes back from the mobile phone screen. He had a ruddy face, but now he looks pale and weak.

Along the way, Tang Jinshe is not stable.

Remembering the man's inhuman tossing to her several times before, she even got a little shaky when she grabbed the steering wheel

Others say that men love women and people are happy.

But why, the only thing she felt was not the joy, but the pain that soaked her body and mind completely!

At seven twenty, the golden age international hotel.

Tang Jinshe's car stopped steadily at the door of the hotel.

She arrived forty minutes earlier than the time stipulated in the SMS!

Because of the cold weather, the scenery outside the hotel seems to have declined a little bit compared with the last time, but it is still the most beautiful place on the street

Tang Jin se looks down at the room card in her hand. After staying in the car for nearly half an hour, she leaves the car with a small white face.

The front desk of the hotel was very polite to Tang Jinshe's arrival, and even specifically asked Tang Jinshe to call her at any time if she needed anything.

But when Tang Jinshe saw this, the pace of marching into the suite became more and more urgent, and he was eager to hide himself immediately!

She always felt a trace of contempt in the eyes of others.

She always felt that her smile was mixed with a sense that she could not see clearly.

It's like laughing at her, at her willingness to become a lover's dirty


In the presidential suite.

Tang Jinshe, after taking a bath, bent his legs and sat on the edge of the bed with his arms in his arms.

The clock on the wall has pointed to eight o'clock, but Fu Jinyan hasn't come yet.

She is the only one in the room. It's so quiet that Tang Jinshe's mind is a little trance

Today, she is shouldering the responsibility of reviving the Tang family.

With the hope of her parents.

She alone, to face many things, to solve many problems

Being alone in the middle of the night has become the norm in her life.

But she remembered that before her relationship with Fu Jin Yan had become so bad, before the accident happened three years ago, before her relationship with Fu Jin Yan had faded.

Every time when something happened to her or when she was in trouble, Fu Jinyan came forward at the first time to help her solve it.

She forgot to write her homework. It was Fu Jin Yan who wrote it for her.

She got into trouble at school. It was Fu Jinyan who came out to pack for her, so that she could avoid being scolded by her teachers and parents.

There are so many things like this!

But Fu Jinyan has been bearing these things for her, which he should not have borne, and never let her have more heart.

So she always felt that Fu Jinyan was better than her brother Tang Xiao, and that she wanted to get close to her unconsciously.

As a young girl, she is often proud of Fu Jinyan's girlfriend status, and sometimes takes it out to show off among a group of little sisters, which makes those girls who secretly love Fu Jinyan envy and envy her!

At last, I can only look at it with greedy eyes.

Because, Fu Jin Yan will never look at any girl other than her.

"Fu Jinyan, I'm wang Tingting from class two, grade three in junior high school. I've liked you for a long time. Can you accept my confession and be my boyfriend?"

In the face of the blushing little face on the woman, the eyes full of hope, the boys' eyes are not only warm, but also cold: "No."

"Why? Is it because of Tang Jinshe? "

Girls are not willing to question, in exchange for boys more cold and ruthless answer: "because I don't like you, ugly eight strange."

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