Tang Zhengqin naturally doesn't want his daughter to be a stream of people, which is too harmful to his body.

He just wants to know who is the father of the baby in Tang Jinshe's belly.

"If you don't say who the father is, I will never let you have this baby."

Tang Jinshe raised his hand and stroked his belly, unconsciously forming a protective posture.

Who is the father of the child

Now her mind is full of Fu Jin Yan, and she can't think of the second man. What do you want her to say?

Just when Tang Jinshe didn't know how to open his mouth, suddenly there was a ring outside.

Tang Jinshe glanced at Tang Zhengqin's serious face and sighed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, someone came at this time, which gave her a chance to breathe.

She hurriedly forced back the tears at the bottom of her eyes, turned to look at the past, but she was stunned.

Du Hengsheng?

What happened to him?

When Du Hengsheng saw that Tang Jinshe was really back, the color of worry on his face was silent.

He strode over and looked at Tang Jinshe, then nodded to Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan.

"Uncle Tang, aunt Tang..."

Tang Zhengqin used to wonder what Du Hengsheng was doing at this time, but when Du Hengsheng and Tang Jinshe stood together, Tang Zhengqin suddenly understood something.

His vision swept several circles between them, opened his mouth, but he didn't ask.

If it wasn't Du Hengsheng, wouldn't he have let it slip?

Although it's not a disgrace for his daughter to get pregnant before she gets married, the key problem is that his daughter won't even say who the father is.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhengqin's face slowed down and smiled faintly.

"Here comes Hang Seng. Please take a seat."

Du Hengsheng still stands when he sees Tang Jinshe. Instead of sitting down, he looks at Tang Jinshe anxiously.

Lin Wan naturally saw that there was something in Du Hengsheng's eyes when she looked at Tang Jinshe. She looked at the two men for a while and then smiled.

"Young master Du, please take a seat."

"Aunt Tang, just call me Heng Sheng. My father and uncle Tang are also good friends."

Du Hengsheng smiled and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry to come here and disturb you. Because Jin se didn't go to the company today and didn't get through with the phone, I was worried, so I came to have a look..."

Don't wait for Du Hengsheng to finish, Tang Zhengqin can hear it.

Together with Du Hengsheng, Tang Jinshe has been with him for a long time.

What other companies

Doesn't that mean that Du Hengsheng knew that Tang jinsher was pregnant.

"Jin se has been working at Dushi recently?"

"I work for a clothing company under my name."

Speaking of this, Du Hengsheng apologized again: "Uncle Tang, aunt Tang, I'm sorry that I haven't told you one, but..."

"But you also know about Jin SE's pregnancy. You helped her to hide it from us?" Tang Zhengqin's tone became unhappy.

Du Hengsheng also guessed that Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan knew that Tang Jinshe was pregnant, so he nodded.

"So the boy's father..." Tang Zhengqin didn't ask the whole question. After lengthening the ending, his eyes stopped on Du Hengsheng.

Du Hengsheng looks at Tang Jinshe for the rest of his life, and suddenly everything is clear.

So he nodded, "yes, the baby in Jin SE's belly is mine."

After Tang Zhengqin's words fell, Tang Jinshe wanted to explain them, but he didn't expect Du Hengsheng to admit it.

She looked at him with big eyes.

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