To cheat her parents, Tang Jinshe is already very sorry. Then she will involve Du Hengsheng's parents, and more and more people will be sorry for her.

"Du Hengsheng, I......"

"Leave my parents alone. I'll make it clear to them, but don't worry. They are very open-minded and won't look at you with colored eyes."

Du Hengsheng glanced at Tang Jinshe and then said, "but Jinshe, are you really not going to tell Fu Jinyan? Unless you really plan to marry me, sooner or later You have to face the situation once again. "

In fact, what he wants to ask is, can't you really think about me?

"When the baby is born, my parents will never throw it away."

Tang Jinshe closed her eyes and had a headache.

She really doesn't want to think anymore.

Du Hengsheng didn't say anything more. He directly sent Tang Jinshe to the company.

Tang returned to the office to recharge the phone.

As soon as the phone is turned on, a series of missed calls will follow.

She took a look. In addition to Du Hengsheng's phone, there were Gu chuyang's.

It must have been what sister-in-law Zhang said when he went in the morning.

Tang Jinshe calls Gu chuyang.

Almost the first time the phone was connected, Gu chuyang's warm voice caught a touch of anxiety.

"Jin se..."

"Brother chuyang, my cell phone is dead. I went home before and just arrived at the company."

Gu chuyang is finally down to earth.

But the next moment, he heard the key information in Tang Jinshe's words.


"So, Kinsey, do aunts and uncles know?"

Tang Jinshe looked at the door of the office and whispered the story to Gu chuyang.

Gu chuyang hears Du Hengsheng's taking this matter down, and makes a cold sweat for Du Hengsheng in his heart.

Fu Jinyan was already upset with him. Now Du Hengsheng boasts that he is the father of Fu Jinyan's children. Isn't he looking for death?

When Fu Jinyan knows the truth, he will never give Du Hengsheng good fruit to eat.

Besides, Du Hengsheng always wants to return to his own life. He can't carry it for her all his life.

"Chin se, tell me what do you think? How long do you think this will cover you? "

Tang Jinshe's heart was in a mess, and his voice was tired: "I don't know, I just want to give birth to the child now, and I don't want to care about other things Brother chuyang, don't forget what you promised me. You will never tell brother Jin Yan. "

"Why should I say something about you?" Gu chuyang has a deep voice.

Tang Jinshe knows that Gu chuyang may think he is making a fool of himself, but what can she do?

Fu Jinyan prepares for pregnancy with Su Nuan and sends her wechat like that. She is not allowed to appear in front of him. What can she do?

Do you want her to go to Fu Jinyan with her stomach full, and say to her, brother Jin Yan, you don't want to prepare for pregnancy with Su Nuan, you want me to give birth to your child, do you want her to say that?

Tang Jinshe's tears suddenly fell down. Now she only hated herself for being too stupid, and realized that she liked Fu Jinyan.

But even if she knew her feelings for Fu Jinyan long ago, what would happen?

He doesn't like himself.

Tang Jinshe raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his cheek, gave a long breath, and said in his voice as usual: "brother chuyang, I will solve this problem well."

Gu chuyang knows that her tone may be a little heavy. She is in a difficult situation now. He really shouldn't say that about her.

"In a word, I'm still saying that. If you have anything to ask me."

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