Tang Jinshe is hiding in the office. Her heart beats very fast.

Chen Dong appears here. Does that mean Fu Jinyan is also around here?

Last time in the mall, she saw Fu Jinyan once. Unexpectedly, in such a short time, they almost met again.

She's hiding here, isn't she just avoiding Fu Jinyan?

If Fu Jinyan sees himself

When Tang Jinse thought of it, his worried look became lonely.

What is she worried about?

What if Fu Jinyan saw her?

He hated her so much that he didn't even want to see her again. Even if they met face to face, he would think he didn't see her.

Yes, they are strangers.

Tang Jinshe slowly lowered his eyes, covered the sadness at the bottom of his eyes, and chuckled.

It's just that smile that looks bitter.

She was still worried about this.

Don jinsher, do you really think you can get into Fu Jinyan's eyes?

Don't like him any more.

It's just like this one. Although it's just beginning to sink into the sea, when Tang Jinse thinks that Fu Jinyan hates her so much, Fu Jinyan will marry other women. Her whole life is like being destroyed.

Tang did not expect that one day she would be so vulnerable. Because of that, she decided to go abroad. Although she knew that life abroad would be better than living at home, she left.

She didn't cry at that time.

Now, as long as she thinks of Fu Jin Yan, her eyes are always wet.

Knock knock knock

There was a knock on the door.

Tang Jinshe was startled. He hurriedly raised his hand and hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes. He took a deep breath and coughed softly and said, "in."

Then the door of the office opened and Shen Feng came in from outside.

"Manager Tang..."

Shen Feng's tone was more polite than at the beginning. Although he still had some conflicts with Tang Jinshe, he was also in line with the rules.

"This is the leasing contract of the production line. If you have a look, you can..."

Shen Feng said that when he saw Tang Jinshe, he found that his eyes were red and he had obviously cried.

He froze for a moment.

Tang Jinshe is embarrassed, but she still puts out her hand as if she were nothing.

"Give it to me."

After a meal, Shen Feng gave the contract to Tang Jinshe.

"You go out first. I'll give it to you after reading and signing." Tang opened the contract and said as he looked at it.

But she doesn't really care about the contract now.

Shen Feng looks at Tang Jinshe again for the last time. He responds softly and turns around and goes out.

Tang Jinshe took a long breath, sorted out his thoughts, and began to look at the contract.

At about five o'clock in the evening, Tang Jinshe left the company and went directly to his small apartment. Then he talked with Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan's video for a while, and sister-in-law Zhang called her to have dinner.

Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan both look very happy. Tang Jinshe knows that even if her parents said that they would let her kill the child, it would scare her, that is to say who the father of the child is.

Next generation is a magic thing. Seeing her parents know how happy she is after pregnancy, Tang can't help laughing.

She can't even wait to see the baby in her stomach.

The next morning, Gu chuyang still came with the ingredients. After breakfast, he packed them and took them away.

Tang Jinshe finished his breakfast, took a taxi to the company, and began to work all day.

The life is just like this. It's ordinary and full. But when people can't sleep at night, she still thinks of Fu Jin Yan.

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