Fu Jinyan is also looking at Tang Jinshe. He can see her changes at a glance.

Originally so skinny a person, at this time that small face son has already mellow a circle, even the belly has been bloated up.

Don Kinsey, you are really pregnant.

Fu Jin Yan only felt that his throat was choked by someone. He couldn't breathe. The pain in his heart became more and more intense, which made him want to die.

They just look at each other like they can't hold anyone in their eyes. They have seen each other for thousands of years

Tang Jinshe thought of the wechat that Fu Jinyan sent her. Her eyes were in a panic. She immediately took back her sight, stood up abruptly, and said, "Mom, I suddenly remember that I have something else to do. I'll go first."

"What's the matter?" Lin Wan also stood up and held Tang Jinshe's arm.

She added: "after breakfast, you can leave. What can you do without breakfast? You have two children in your stomach. "

For Fu Jin Yan, Lin Wan's words have brought him pain of being late.

Two children


Fu Jin Yan lowered his eyes and hid the color of pain at the bottom of his eyes.

"I'll go upstairs to get my bag first." Tang Jinshe breaks Lin Wan's hand and goes upstairs quickly.

Lin Wan was puzzled for a while. After seeing the back of Tang Jinshe, he smiled at Fu Jinyan.

"Here comes Jin Yan. Come and have a seat." When Lin Wan finished, she asked the servant to pour water.

Fu Jin Yan can't move. He looks at Tang Jinshe's back until she disappears on the stairs. Fu Jin Yan's heart is empty. He reluctantly takes back his sight and walks towards Lin Wan.

When he was seated, Lin Wan smiled again and asked, "Jin Yan, what's the matter with you coming so early?"

Fu Jinyan came last night. He had been sitting at the gate of the Tang villa all night. He just wanted to see Tang Jinshe, but he didn't think of anything else.

Now Lin Wan asked him what he was doing so early. For a while, Fu Jin Yan didn't know how to answer.

He just wanted to confirm the answer. Now that Tang Jinshe is really pregnant, Fu Jinyan's eyes are gray, and even the brilliance in his life is fading, turning black and white.

Lin Wan didn't get Fu Jinyan's response. He looked at Tang Zhengqin for a while.

Tang Zhengqin silently shook his head and told Lin Wan that he didn't know what happened?

Fu Jinyan is very strange this day. He came here in the morning, but he never came in.

Now that I'm in, I don't speak.

Just when Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan didn't know what was wrong with Fu Jinyan, Tang Jinshe came down with the bag.

Her eyes fell directly on Lin Wan, but Yu Guang couldn't help floating towards Fu Jin Yan.

Thinking of the wechat Fu Jinyan sent to her again, Tang Jinshe was shocked and said, "Mom and Dad, I'll go first."

"Jin se, you can leave after breakfast. It will be ready soon, Jin se..." Lin Wan stands up to stop Tang Jinshe.

Fu Jin Yan, who had been silent, stood up.

"I'll see you off."

In a light floating sentence, Fu Jin Yan was the focus of the Tang family.

Fu Jinyan met Tang Jinshe's somewhat surprised sight, and walked towards Tang Jinshe with a long leg and a heavy step.

"I'm just fine. You You're pregnant. It's dangerous to drive by yourself. "

When he said this, Fu Jin Yan felt a great pain in his heart, just like a thousand arrows pierce his heart. After seeing Tang Jinshe, he took the lead in going out.

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