After Fu Jin Yan went in, he looked around.

It's small. The whole house is about the size of his bedroom, but it's warm.

Does she live here with Du Hengsheng?

Fu Jin Yan forcefully suppressed his jealousy and turned to look at Tang Jinshe.

"You intend to stay here all the time?"

"Sit down first, and I'll pour you water."

Tang chin se smiled, then went to the kitchen and poured out two glasses of water.

Then, she sat down opposite Fu.

"It's very good here. It's close to where I work, and the community is very safe. Although it's small, it has everything. There are supermarkets, subways and even schools nearby."

Speaking of these, Tang Jinse's eyebrows and eyes reveal a touch of plain happiness.

Fu Jinyan looks at Tang Jinshe, and her eyes are a little deeper.

Yes, it's happy to be with the one you love, even if the house is small.

Fu Jin said nothing and took a drink from the water glass.

The water has no taste. It can be drunk into the mouth, but it is so bitter.

Tang Jinshe silently looked at Fu Jinyan for a while, then suddenly he opened his mouth and called him gently: "brother Jin Yan..."

These three words made Fu Jin Yan's heart tip tremble, and his hand also trembled, almost dropping the cup in his hand.

He immediately put down the water glass and answered with a faint voice: "hmm?"

Tang Jinshe's pink lips gently draw up a light arc, because the little face is mellow, she laughs very cute.

"I owe you a thank you all the time. You helped Tang so much before. Although Tang didn't keep it in the end, it was my problem. You invested so much money in Tang and lost so much. I should not only thank you, but also say sorry to you."

"You have thanked me." Fu Jin's voice is light.

He wants, how can be a thank you a sorry?

What he wants is her sincerity.

There was a trace of pain in Fu Jin's heart, which was as sad as a ruin.

"I was confused at that time. I forgot what I said to you. This time I really mean it."

When Fu Jin Yan heard Tang Jin se saying this, his tone was relaxed as if all the past and the past had been put down.

She is really happy now, so happy that he can't bear to disturb her.

The line of sight fell to Tang Jinshe's raised abdomen again. Fu Jinyan looked at it stupidly for a while and then said, "I also owe you a congratulations."

Tang Jinshe stroked his belly, bowed his head, and the corner of his lips raised a bitter arc.

Baby, do you hear me?

Your father says congratulations to your mother. Congratulations to your mother for being pregnant.

It's such a sad thing for mom.

Fu Jinyan looks at Tang Jinshe's happy appearance when he caresses his belly. He can even see the maternal brilliance of Tang Jinshe's body. But it has nothing to do with him. It's Du Hengsheng's bad boy who takes such a big advantage

Fu Jin Yan could not sit still. Before he collapsed, he stood up abruptly.

"I have something else to do. I'll go first."

After that, Fu Jin Yan strode out. It seemed that his back was a little flustered, as if he was running away from something.

Tang Jinshe stood up with a slight pause. After only one step, Fu Jinyan had closed the door and left.

She stood staring at the door for a long time, and finally sat down powerless.

Slowly close your eyes, Tang Jinshe's mind once again came up with Fu Jinyan's back, so thin, but so great

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