Fu Jin Yan holds Tang Jin se tightly in his arms, frowns and frowns. His stern eyes fall on the little boy, and the other hand pulls him back.


Tang Jin se heard Fu Jin Yan's voice, so he took back his infatuated sight and looked at the little boy again. He could not help but lower his head and smiled silently.

At the thought of such a big man as Fu Jin Yan and a little friend, he could not be frightened to cry.

Tang Jinshe hooked his lips and was about to say it was over. The boy's wayward voice began to ring.

"You deserve to be killed. I don't want to apologize, just a little..."

While saying that the little boy was making faces at Fu Jin Yan.

Tang Jinshe was so surprised that he looked at the little boy strangely.

He's so small, how can he say such a vicious thing?

Fu Jin Yan's face suddenly turned black, even the air pressure around him became low.


Fu Jin said a few words twice, indicating that he was really angry.

"I will not I will not, mom, he bullied me!" The little boy turned to tell his mother.

The little boy's mother has come over, protecting her child behind her, and she looks up and stares at Fu Jin Yan.

"What are you doing? He's still a kid. How can an adult like you get to know a kid? "

Tang Jinshe really didn't expect that the parents of the little boy would say such ungrounded words. Sure enough, there are bear parents and bear children.

"No apology, no apology!" The little boy's body came out from behind his mother's back. He said to Fu Jin that he was tongue sticking and grimace making.

Tang Jinshe really felt that Fu Jinyan's body was stiff.

He shouldn't have beaten the little boy.

Although the bear boy really needs to be beaten, so many people are watching him. If Fu Jin Yan does it, he will still treat a child Even if we do it to the mother of the child, it will be laughed at.

At this time, a girl like a college student came out and looked at the child's parents and snapped, "who do you say is shameless? Don't you see anyone pregnant? When your child bumps into someone, he should apologize. How do you educate your child? "

The little boy's mother stares at the college girl with one hand akimbo: "how can I teach my son not to worry about you? Who are you? What does it have to do with you? Take care of yourself when you have time. Don't meddle too much! "

"You..." The female university student's face suddenly turned red.

"Why is this man like this?"

"Ill bred!"

"If I do, I'll give them a lesson."

"Expose it to them and let netizens comment on it."

"No, the network spray is more terrible now."


In the crowd's voice, the little boy's mother was completely angry.

"What does it have to do with you? Do you think we are bullies? "

"Mom, I want to buy cake, I want to buy cake!" The little boy shook his mother's arm.

The little boy's mother stared at the others and turned to the counter.

"I want to..."

"I'll have all the cakes." Fu Jinyan hugs Tang Jinshe to come forward, takes out his black card directly and puts it on the counter.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Buy a cake. Do you want to take out the black card or express Centurion black gold card? Do you want to exaggerate?

"Isn't it a bank card? Now who swipes the card? It's all paid by scanning the code, buns. " The little boy's mother proudly took out her mobile phone and ordered payment.

"How much is it? I'll scan."

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