Tang Jinshe glanced at Fu Jinyan again. It seemed that Fu Jinyan was not angry, and he was very happy. That was a relief.

"Er Let's wait here. "

Fu Jin nodded, looked at Tang Jin se deeply for a while, then took back his sight, coughed softly and said, "Jin se, this is the lawyer of the flourishing age, Xie Lian."

Tang jinsher thought that he would deal with the bidding matter that Fu Jin said yesterday. Today, he came and brought the lawyer to her, which made her feel that Fu Jin said was on her mind.

With a smile, Tang Jinshe nodded to Xie Lian: "Hello, lawyer Xie."

Xie Lian also nodded. After talking to Tang Jinshe, Fu Jinyan said, "tell him the specific situation, and then give it to him."

Don jinsher is a little embarrassed. Is it very troublesome for Sheng Shi's lawyer to let others do things like this?

But Fu Jinyan said so, and Tang Jinshe nodded.

On the other side, Liu Yun has entered Shenfeng.

Shen Feng knows he's OK, and he's very happy.

"Thank you this time, Xiao Yun. If you didn't find me a witness, I would have a lawsuit."

Liu Yun curled his mouth: "did the police tell you? He said I found the witness? "

Shen Feng was shocked when he heard the words: "who are you? Zhang Guang? "

Liu Yun couldn't help turning a white eye, shaking his head and saying, "no, no, you can guess for yourself."

Shen Feng scratched his head and couldn't guess.

"I have so many friends. Where can I guess? Is it my predecessor? "

"Your predecessor? You have a predecessor? Why don't I know you've been with someone? " Liu Yun sniffed.

Shen Feng laughs twice: "it's not the object. I'm talking about our former general manager. Does he know that I have an accident?"

Liu Yun saw that Shen Feng was not serious and gave him a look.

"Come on, I'll tell you directly. It's manager Tang who found the witness for you."

"She? Is it true or not? " Shen Feng didn't believe it.

Liu Yun, with his hands akimbo, said positively, "what am I lying to you for? Really? It was manager Tang who asked Lao Zhang for a surveillance video at the gate of the factory, and then found the boy who took the video. You don't know. Manager Tang spent four or five hours looking around the factory with a big stomach. He found it in the morning and in the afternoon. "

When Shen Feng heard these words, he suddenly lost his voice.

He can see Tang Jinse looking for someone near the factory with a big stomach. She must be very worried. Moreover, she must be very tired after walking for such a long time with pregnancy.

But why?

His attitude towards her has always been bad. Why should she help him?

He thought that Tang Jinshe would take this opportunity to dismiss him, but she not only didn't, but also helped herself.

For a while, Shen Feng couldn't say a word, just thought he was a jerk.

After a long silence, Shen Feng nodded.

"I see."

"Manager Tang is outside. Let's go." Liu Yun said, one step ahead.

Shen Feng is a little upset. After a pause, he can catch up with Liu Yun.

At this moment, Tang jinsher, Fu Jinyan and Xie Lian are in the director's office.

Then, the door of the office opened, and the police came in with Shen Feng and Liu Yun.

When Tang Jinshe saw Shen Feng coming out, he stood up and looked at Shen Feng, then he looked at the director.

"Director Fei, the formalities have been completed. I can take my people away, right?"

Director Fei nodded with a smile: "that's right."

"Thank you." Tang Jinshe said thanks and went out with everyone.

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