Shen Feng and they haven't come back yet. Fu Jin Yan put down the food and asked softly, "what do you want to drink? I'll get it. "

Tang Jinshe blinked, thought for a while and said, "I want to drink lemonade, the kind of sour."

Fu Jin chuckled and said "OK". He turned and strode over.

Tang Jinshe looked at Fu Jinyan's back, his lips could not help rising a little, and his heart was very satisfied.

"Manager Tang!" Liu Yun's voice suddenly sounded.

Tang Jinshe was a little frightened. Then he took back his sight and sat up straight.


"Did I scare you?" Liu Yun asked apologetically.

"No, I'm not that vulnerable." Tang Jinshe smiled and looked at Shen Feng and Milu who came back together with Liu Yun. His eyes fell on the food they had brought back.

Crabs, lobsters, like clams

Lobster and clam are OK. She can eat them, but the crab

She regretted having a table with them!

Just at this time, Fu Jinyan came back. Seeing Tang Jinshe staring at the crabs on the table, he smiled silently.

Little greedy cat

With a slight cough, Fu Jinyan went to sit down and put a glass of lemonade in front of Tang Jinshe.

"Try it first. It's not sour enough."

Tang Jinshe stares at the crab and swallows his saliva again. He looks down at the lemonade in the glass

She's sour enough without tasting.

Liu Yun's gossiping line of sight went around between the two again. At the moment, she is the lemon in the cup!

Why can people's love be so immortal?

She's really sour!

Just when Liu Yun was envious, Shen Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

He stood up, picked up a cocktail and held it up to Tang Jinshe. He said sincerely, "manager Tang, I'll give you this drink. Thank you for your help. I'll be your right arm in the future. As long as you need it, whether it's public or private, I'll be on call."

Finish saying, Shen Feng is in blush before, look up the metropolis in the cup gulps.

Tang Jinshe smiled happily, picked up the water glass in front of him, and said, "then I'll replace wine with lemonade..."

As he said that, Tang Jinshe was about to drink all the lemonade in the cup, but Fu Jinyan stopped him.

"You can eat before you drink."

Shen Feng also realized that he was careless, and hurriedly said, "yes, manager Tang, you need to eat first."

Tang took a sip of lemonade, then put the glass down and nodded.

Shen Feng was seated again. He looked at Jin Yan and then at Tang Jinshe, and smiled a little embarrassed.

"Manager Tang, you don't know. I thought you and our big boss I even thought that the baby in your stomach was the boss's. If you didn't say that your baby was not the boss last time, I really think you are the kind of woman who relies on the boss. I'm really sorry. "

Tang Jinshe didn't expect the Shen summit to say these words suddenly. She opened her mouth wide and tried to stop Shen Feng from continuing, but she was worried that it would be covered up.

And she had already felt that Fu Jin Yan's eyes had changed.

She's not sure what's the reason why Fu Jinyan is good to her, whether she only regards her as her sister or likes her a little

In the shocked gaze of Fu Jin Yan, Tang Jin se took a deep breath in silence, forced himself to calm down, and then gave Shen Feng a calm smile.

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