Tang Jinshe tilted his head and chuckled, "then I'm not polite."

After Fu Jinyan finished, he looked up at Tang Jinshe's smile and looked slightly trance.

When she's happy, his world lights up and becomes colorful.

After the meal, Fu Jinyan sent Tang Jinshe back to the company. He didn't go up and left directly.

Tang Jinshe enters the company, but doesn't go inside until there is an engine sound outside. She slowly turns around and looks out. She sees Fu Jinyan has driven away. She just goes out and looks at the direction of Fu Jinyan's departure

It was a long time before she returned to the office.

Sitting alone in the office, Tang Jinshe's mood is a little low In fact, it's not low, it's just that it's not interesting.

At this moment, Tang Jinshe realized that in her heart, she wanted to stick with Fu Jinyan.

What's the reason to meet him tomorrow?

Just at the time of daydreaming, there was a knock at the door of the office.

Tang Jinshe thought back and said "enter". Then the door of the office opened and Shen Feng came in from outside.

"Manager Tang, I just got a call from Pete. He asked me to meet him and talk about the compensation for liquidated damages."

Shen Feng looks very happy, but Tang Jinshe looks a little bit pale, nods and says, "well, you go."

Shen Feng looked at Tang Jinshe carefully for a while and asked with concern, "what's the matter with you, manager Tang? Isn't it uncomfortable? "

Tang Jinshe took a deep breath in silence and said: "no, I am I'm thinking about the next work. Although in this way, our turnover in the first half of the year has reached the goal ahead of time, we can't do nothing. "

"Manager Tang, I'll go first. Let's do some research when I come back. No matter what you do, I will support you."

After Shen Feng finished, he may feel that his words are a little too sarcastic, so he turned around and walked away.

Tang Jinshe looks at Shen Feng's back and smiles.

It wasn't until Shen Feng closed the door of the office that she took back her sight and kept thinking about the problem just now. After all, it's still a matter of work For now.

Hengyu is now in a stage where it can't go up and down. Although the turnover has been completed ahead of time, it still has no financial strength to set up a clothing brand.

For the time being, she has not heard of any bidding projects in the city.

The afternoon passed like this. At five o'clock in the evening, Tang Jinshe left the company and Liu Yun drove her home.

My colleagues in the company decided that everyone would take turns driving her home every day, which is safer than taking a taxi.

Tang Jinshe really appreciates everyone and feels very lucky to meet such a lovely group of people.

When she got home, Mrs. Zhang came and was cleaning.

Tang Jinshe talked with Mrs. Zhang again for a while. When it was nearly seven o'clock, Mrs. Zhang was going to start preparing dinner. She sat on the sofa and ate snacks while watching TV.

But still a little boring.

Tang Jinshe stared at the mobile phone on the coffee table for a long time, and her heart throbbed like countless claws grabbing her heart. She couldn't restrain the throbbing. She picked up her mobile phone and found Fu Jinyan's wechat and sent a message.

[brother Jin Yan, are you busy? ]

she thought Fu Jinyan would wait for a while to return her message. As a result, the next second, wechat conveniently showed "the other party is typing...".

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