The voice of the news commentator came out and answered her doubts: "Li Mou, a senior executive of a bank in our city, is suspected of participating in several major bribery cases, involving a large amount of money and extremely bad influence. It is reported that according to relevant regulations and laws, Li Mou will face more than 10 years in prison."

Tang Jinshe is shocked. How deep does she know the way behind the bank executives? President Li has been a veteran for many years. Who is so capable of uprooting such a person and sending him directly to prison without the ability to protect himself?

What's more, it's such a coincidence that it's just after she's been harassed? In this city, there are only a few people who can do this.

when Tang Jinse was meditating, suddenly he felt a man standing beside him, and a person who felt very uncomfortable by the smell of pungent perfume.

With a slight side of her head, she could not help but wonder that the fashionable woman beside her was not others, but Ling Xue.

Ling Xue, once one of the girls in high school.

It was just once

Three years ago, when she and Fu Jin Yan broke off their engagement, she was the most frustrated and excited.

Ling Xue actually saw Tang Jinse walk out of Fu Jinyan's office, and quietly followed her behind, just to have time, and "talk alone" with her.

At this time, seeing her alone waiting for the elevator, I couldn't help but go forward, with high toes and high Qi, and couldn't wait to say, "Don Kinsey, how can you still have the face to ask for president Fu over and over again? Financing for the vulnerable small businesses of your Tang family? Don't be silly. Mr. Fu has always been a man of action and integrity

Tang Jinshe pulled her lips. She used to pretend that she was cute no longer. It's her true face to be so arrogant.

She and Lingxue knew each other in high school. There was only one gambling father and weak mother in Lingxue's family. Their family was very poor. They were close friends in high school. Later, Lingxue's father lost tens of thousands of pieces of money left in his family. Her mother died of illness. If not supported by Tang family, she might not finish high school. Her father forced her to drop out of school 。

Knowing Ling Xue's encounter and her very clever and sensible, Tang's couple all like this little girl with less introverted words. They all contributed money for her to go to university, which can be said to be kind to her.

next minute, Lingxue's sharp voice interrupted Tang Jin SE's memory without mercy. She stretched out her fingers full of nail polish, dialed her long curly hair, and even mocked with irony.

"Don jinsher, are you still thinking that you were moved to save me? Do you know that 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, your Tang family is now a failure, and you, the Phoenix that landed on the ground, are not as good as chickens. Why should we take all the things that happened in the past seriously? It's long since we didn't count them, do you think? "

Tang Jinshe's little face is slightly white. She never cares about the gain and loss and future reports when she helps others, but she really treated her well at that time. Maybe the adolescent girl's self-esteem is too strong, which accidentally hurt Ling Xue.

So Tang Jinshe doesn't want to take care of her, just shakes her head slightly. Just as the elevator comes, she turns a deaf ear to Ling Xue's vitriolic words and enters the elevator with her head held high.

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