"Before you had an accident, I asked Jin Yan to call old lady Yu and ask her. Jin Yan gave her my number."

Lin Wan helps Tang Jinshe to sit down on the sofa. Seeing that Tang Jinshe's face is not bad, he is relieved.

"Jin se, you already know Su Nuan's true face?"

Lin Wan wanted to ask Tang Jinshe these questions last night, but he was worried that Tang Jinshe could not sleep at night, so he didn't ask them until this morning.

Tang Jinshe looks at Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan and nods.

Silent, she opened: "actually, I felt something wrong at that time, but at that time, the situation was critical, and I didn't think so much, and then the more I thought about it, the more wrong it was. Hengsheng also gave me some tips."

"Hang Seng? How does Hang Sheng know what kind of person Su Nuan is? " Lin Wan asked in surprise.

"Er He is more accurate in looking at people. " Tang Jinse is bullshit.

Although Du Hengsheng doesn't read countless girls, she has made many girlfriends before, but she can't say that.

Lin Wan didn't think much, just nodded, patted Tang Jinshe's hand gently and said, "thanks for Jin Yan last night, just..."

In fact, she can see that there is some ambiguity between Fu Jinyan and Tang Jinshe, but also look at Tang Jinshe's stomach

Lin Wan is in some trouble.

"What's the matter, Ma?" Asked Tang with concern.

"Nothing, nothing Go out for a walk. The air is fresh outside in the morning. " Lin Wan smiled and released Tang Jinshe's hand.

Tang Jinshe nodded and went out with her mobile phone.

Tang Zhengqin watched Tang Jinshe go out and asked, "what's the matter with you? Something went wrong last night. "

Lin Wan eyebrow slightly frowned and frowned: "I am not worried about this? You said that Jin Se and Jin Yan grew up together. Their relationship is normal. But if Jin Se and Jin Yan are so close to each other, they will not have a good relationship in the future. "

Tang Zhengqin thought Lin Wan was right: "you don't think I haven't thought about it, then What to do? Can't you just let them meet? "



After Tang Jinshe went out, he saw the servant watering flowers in the garden. He smiled a little. He took the kettle in the servant's hand and took over the work of watering flowers.

The breeze is blowing, the air is diffused with the fragrance of light plants and flowers, the sun is fine

Tang Jinshe was in a good mood, and could not help humming the song.

I don't know how long, but a cell phone ring suddenly rings.

Tang Jinshe immediately put down the kettle and picked up the mobile phone on the table. She saw that it was Fu Jinyan who called. She paused for a moment and didn't get through immediately.

Thinking of the last night's Internet search, Tang Jinshe bit her lower lip and silently cleared her throat, which was the only way to connect the phone.

"Hello, brother Jin Yan..."

Fu Jin Yan didn't hear Tang Jin SE's deliberately correct voice, just smiled and said, "I still think you wake up."

Tang Jinshe looked at the time, it was more than eight o'clock, unconsciously, she was in the garden for more than an hour.

"I've wanted to wake up for a long time. Would you call me to test whether I woke up or not?" Tang Jinshe asked with a smile, and his voice was gentle again.

Fu Jin said with a light smile, "I want to tell you that you are going to the police station to record your confession today."

"Well, I see." Tang Jinshe opens her mouth thoughtfully.

She also wants to see Su Nuan.


"Brother Jin Yan, come with me."

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