On the way to buy a gift, Tang Jinshe called Fu Jinyan again. Only then did he know that Fu Jinyan had learned that Yu had twisted his foot and said he would come later.

Then, after having lunch outside, the family of three arrived at Fu's at 12:50.

Old lady Yu has put mahjong on the table. Then she and Yu Zhenni come out to meet the Tang family.

"Grandma Yu, aunt, this is my parents, parents, this is grandma Yu, and brother Jin Yan's mother." Tang Jinshe stands in the middle to introduce.

"Come in, come in." Old lady Yu took a look at Tang Zhengqin, and her eyes fell on Lin Wan. She said to herself that it's no wonder that Jin se is so beautiful, and her parents are so beautiful.

It's just that Lin Wan's eyes fell on her. She couldn't help looking at her twice. She was inexplicably familiar with her.

"Thank you." Lin Wan smiled and nodded, and entered the villa with Yu.

Mr. Yu will be sitting on the sofa in the living room. Because his feet are twisted and his ankles are swollen, it's inconvenient to walk.

After introducing Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan to Mr. Yu, Tang Jinshe sat down quietly.

Yu Zhenni is standing aside. She is very tense.

"Mahjong is ready, or let's start, Mrs. Tang. You don't know. My mother has been looking forward to it all morning." Yu Zhenni's fingernails are almost pinched into the palm of his hand, but his smile is very appropriate.

Lin Wan had time to look at Yu Zhenni carefully. She didn't know why. She always felt that the woman was vaguely familiar with her, but she couldn't say specifically.

She didn't think much, smiled and nodded, then she got up with Tang Zhengqin.

Yu Zhenni and Yu laoma stand up and walk towards the mahjong table. Then they carefully hold the old man and sit down.

Seeing that Tang Zhengqin and Lin Wan were seated, Yu Zhenni immediately asked, "OK, let's start, Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang. Is oolong tea OK?"

"Yes." Lin Wan answered, couldn't help looking at Yu Zhenni again, and then smiled.

Yu Zhenni said quietly, "Mom and Dad, I'll make tea first. Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang, if you need to tell the housekeeper directly. Jin se, if you come often, I won't greet you. You can help yourself."

"Thank you, aunt." Tang Jinshe hooked his lips, and the expression on his face was water tight.

Yu Zhenni went directly to the kitchen. At the moment of turning around, the smile on her face disappeared immediately, and her eyes were cold.

Originally, I thought that Yu's foot had been twisted. Today's meeting could be postponed later. Unexpectedly, Yu called the Tang family and asked them to come here.

Fortunately, Lin Wan didn't seem to have a big reaction, and Yu Zhenni was able to breathe a little.

And she knew that this meeting would come sooner or later, so she was prepared, and did not show any horse feet in front of the crowd.

After making the tea, Yu Zhenni went out with the tray and put the four cups of tea on the small table.

The servant also came up with fruit and snacks, and then retired.

Old lady Yu really hasn't played mahjong for a long time. She is in a good mood and has a happy smile on her face.

"Xiaowan, how old did you start playing mahjong?"

Lin Wan smiled: "I started playing mahjong after I got married. At first, I wasn't very interested in it, but I had many friends in business. Sometimes when those people come to my home, I have to be responsible for entertaining those wives, so I have to learn. Who knows, I still like it later."

After a forty thousand, Lin Wan asked, "how about you, aunt?"

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