
"Secretary Zhou, pay attention to your identity, and apologize to Miss Tang soon?"

Zhou Qian wants to say something more, but he is interrupted by Yang Zhonglei.

"Manager Tang, I was in a hurry just now. I'm sorry. Don't worry about it!" Even though Zhou Qian is reluctant to apologize to Tang Jinshe, it's Xinghui real estate. She still has to take Yang Zhonglei's face into consideration.

"You can correct your mistakes, but you can't help yourself. Secretary Zhou, I'm not a chicken. I'm just reminding you! In the future, your impulsive and disrespectful behavior will easily cause unnecessary troubles to Director Yang... "

Tang chin se eyebrows slightly pick, did not give the back of the words to explain.

But she believes that with Yang Zhonglei's keen insight, she will surely understand what she wants to express.

The quality of employees is linked to the image of the company. If Zhou Qian does this in front of other customers next time, they will lose a lot of partners!

"Miss Tang is right. I will teach my subordinates well in the future." Tang Jinshe's high attitude, however, put Zhou Qian together, but also successfully attracted Yang Zhonglei's "special" attention.

"However, Secretary Zhou is right. I wonder if Miss Tang can guarantee the supply of TKS materials?"

Zhou Qiangang has just suffered a defeat under Tang Jinshe!

But as soon as she heard Yang Zhonglei's words, the flame that had just wilted in her eyes began to burn again

The reason why she went to Xinghui real estate with all her heart is to see the scene that is about to happen: the scene that Tang Jinshe failed to sign the contract and left Xinghui real estate in frustration!

"To be honest with Director Yang, tks materials, we don't have the ability to provide them at present. If we buy them from other provinces, the high price will make Tang unprofitable."

Tang Jinshe replied truthfully.

TKS materials, she really can't provide, and doesn't want to provide!

"In this case, it's a pity that if Tang group can't provide TKS materials, we, Xinghui real estate, can't choose to cooperate with Tang Group?"

Hearing this, Yang Zhonglei said regretfully.

But if you look at it carefully, he has no other emotions except Qingming.

Zhou Qian thought that the cooperation between Tang's group and Xinghui real estate was over, but Tang Jinshe suddenly let her follow her for more than a month and took out two pieces of information and handed them to her.

"Director Yang, you can read this document first, and then consider whether you want to cooperate with Tang Group!"

Tang Jinshe said, and pushed one of the materials to Yang Zhonglei.

Although Yang Zhonglei is not sure about this, in order to be comprehensive, he still uses his hands to read the materials before he gets up

While taking advantage of Yang Zhonglei's reading gap, Tang Jinshe's gentle but powerful voice sounded again in this conference room: "as you can see from director Yang, at present, almost no manufacturer in the whole K city is providing TKS materials. In addition to the reason that the manufacturing cost is too high, there is actually a more important reason that blocks the manufacturing road of TKS! ”

Tang Jinshe said in a tone of voice, just opposite Yang Zhonglei, who just raised his eyes: "because TKS materials are detected to be toxic by authorities, they can't be put into any project!"

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