Tang Jinshe discussed with Lin Wan and decided to go back to the orphanage tomorrow. So the next morning, after breakfast, Tang Jinshe and Lin Wan got on the bus.

Driver Xiaoyao drives.

Tang Jinshe looks at Lin Wan from the side, holds her hand and pinches it gently: "Mom, I actually want to tell you something."

Lin Wan met Tang Jinshe's eyes, smiled and said, "I know what you're going to say. You don't have to worry about me. It's so many years since I have no obsession. With you and your father by my side, I'm very satisfied. Besides, I have two little babies now."

Tang Jinshe smiled with relief.

"Madam, miss..." I don't know how long later, Xiao Yao's voice suddenly sounded.

At this time, it's getting closer to the western suburb. It's more than half an hour before he can reach the angel orphanage. Suddenly, little Yao finds something wrong.

"Is the car in the back following us all the time?"

Wen Yan, Tang Jinshe and Lin Wan look back at the same time and see a white Lamborghini behind them.

Tang Jinshe raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the driver in the car carefully, but the man was wearing a cap. She could not see the man's face clearly, just vaguely felt a little familiar.

After another look, Tang Jinse turned around and asked, "little Yao, are you sure that car is always behind us?"

Little Yao nodded and said with certainty, "sure, but Miss, a Lamborghini, even if someone follows us, can't drive such a good car, can it be too eye-catching? "

Tang Jinshe hears the words and doesn't speak.

"Maybe I'm too sensitive." Xiaoyao said a little, slightly speeding up the speed.

Tang Jinshe thinks what Xiao Yao said is very reasonable. No one can drive such a remarkable car with tracking, but there are still some murmurs in her mind.

Half an hour later, Yao stopped at the door of the orphanage.

Tang Jinshe and Lin Wan get out of the car together, take out all the gifts for the children in the trunk together with Xiao Yao, and distribute them one by one before they come to the dean's office.

After so many years, the Dean has changed from an aunt to a middle-aged man in his forties.

The man's name is Zhou Bin. He is wearing a pair of rimless glasses. He looks very kind.

"Mrs. Tang, the children want to thank you in person for the gifts they receive every month."

Lin Wan smiled and chatted with Zhou Bin for a while, then he got to the point.

When Zhou Bin heard that Lin Wan wanted to find his family, he paused a little and took Tang Jinshe and Lin Wan to the archives.

"Mrs. Tang, I really forgot where I put your files for a while. Do you remember the year when you were an orphanage?" Zhou Bin asked.

Lin Wan remembered this clearly and answered Zhou Bin's question immediately.

Zhou Bin finds Lin Wan's file according to Lin Wan, and then hands it to Lin Wan.

"Look, Mrs. Tang. I'll go out first. If you need anything, I'll be in the office."

"Thank you." After Lin Wan thanked him, he sat down with Tang Jinshe and checked his files.

"Mom, haven't you checked your files before?"

Tang Jinshe thinks it's a little strange. If her mother wants to find her parents, she should have come to check her files for clues. How could she come today?

Lin Wan takes a look at Tang Jinshe and continues to look at the archives.

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