When many girls sit on the copilot, they feel bored and will eat all the way. They also make videos and upload them to the Internet.

Although the videos are funny, they are also warm, and the co pilot has a special meaning for women.

Tang Jinshe touched his stomach, his lips were light, and he looked at Fu Jinyan.

"Brother Jin Yan, do you know the legend of the copilot?"

"The legend of the copilot?"

Fu Jin Yan glanced at Tang Jin Se and shook his head.

"Co pilot and legend?"

"Of course."

Tang Jinshe tilted his head and said softly: "after a man buys a car, the copilot is the exclusive of his girlfriend or wife Of course, it's a man with a girlfriend and a wife

When Fu Jin Yan heard this, he couldn't help but look at Tang Jinshe again. His eyes were a little deep.

Is that it?

She's sitting on his copilot right now

Fu Jin Yan's thin lips gently raised a light arc: "what about those who don't have a girlfriend or wife?"

"If you don't, sit for your sister. It's like your current copilot is sitting for me." Tang Jinshe said in a mischievous voice, and bowed and took out the snacks Fu Jinyan had bought for her.

These snacks are eaten by pregnant women. Although they are not better than normal snacks, they are not junk food at least. Eating them does no harm to the baby in the stomach.

When Fu Jinyan heard Tang Jinshe's words, he felt a little bitter in his heart. However, Yu Guang saw Tang Jinshe taking photos while eating.

"Why take a picture with one bite?" he wondered

"Make a video. You will know later. I'll show it to you when I'm finished." Tang Jinshe said mysteriously.

Fu Jin smiled and nodded.

As a result, Tang did not finish the video until he got off the highway.

She ate all the way and finally began to burp.

Fu Jin said he regretted buying so many things for her.

"Can we have dinner again?"

Tang Jinshe felt his round belly and said with a hiccup, "yes, you can. Don't look down on my combat effectiveness."

Fu Jin Yan was amused by Tang Jin SE's words: "I never look down on your combat effectiveness."

After a while, Fu stopped the car.

The afterglow has dyed the whole earth red.

Fu Jinyan got out of the car and opened the door for Tang jinsher: "I don't think I can go back today. Let's live here now. We'll go to the morning Dean tomorrow morning and go back."

"Good." Tang Jinshe got out of the car, looked at the small hotel in front of him, and went in with Fu Jinyan.

The front desk staff had a trained smile on their face: "ID card."

Tang Jinshe immediately took out the ID card and handed it to the staff together with Fu Jinyan.

"Wuwu Wuwu...... "

Fu Jin Yan's mobile phone suddenly vibrated. He patted Tang Jin se lightly on the shoulder, took out his mobile phone and went to answer it.

"Hello, madam. We also have a standard room and two single rooms. Excuse me..."

"Standard room is fine." Tang Jinshe smiled.

The staff nodded.

Soon, the staff registered and handed the ID card and room card to Tang Jinshe.

"Well, five zero seven on the fifth floor."

"Thank you." Tang Jinshe takes over, nods to the staff again, turns around, sees Fu Jinyan is still answering the phone, she walks towards the elevator door first.

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