As soon as the door was locked here, Tang Jinshe's cell phone on the bed rang.

Fu Jinyan went to pick up Tang Jinshe's mobile phone. Seeing that it was Du Hengsheng's phone, he frowned again.

He bit his teeth and immediately came to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Kinsey, your phone."

"Take it for me." Tang Jinse's voice came from the bathroom.

"Yes A call from Du Hengsheng. " Fu Jinyan hesitated and said.

"Take it for me." Tang Jinshe is still saying that.

Fu Jinyan is even more entangled.

Did she not hear clearly?

"Jin se, it's Du Hengsheng."

"I know. You pick me up. I'm going to the bathroom."

Fu Jinyan looked at the mobile phone silently for a long time, and then connected the phone: "hello..."

At that end of the phone, Du Hengsheng was about to speak, but he heard a male voice coming from the phone. After a meal, he knew who the other party was.

"Where's Jin se, Mr. Fu?"

For the first time, Fu felt so awkward: "she What's the matter with you? "

He can't say that don is in the bathroom now, can he?

This is not good for Tang Jinshe's reputation.

"Here I'm sorry, Mr. Fu. This is Jinse's family business. I won't tell you. "

Du Hengsheng received Lin Wan's phone call before, asking him to help find her relatives. He just called Tang Jinshe.

It's a private matter of the Tang family. Even if the relationship between Tang Jinshe and Fu Jinyan is good, Du Hengsheng still feels that he shouldn't tell Fu Jinyan about it.

Fu Jin Yan snorted coldly in his heart and turned black.

Is Du Hengsheng showing off with him?

If it wasn't for Tang Jinshe's sake, he would never have let go of this stinky boy.

When he tightened his cell phone, Fu Jin said in a cold voice, "are you still busy?"

"No, goodbye, Mr. Fu." Du Hengsheng then hung up.

How do you think Fu Jin Yan doesn't speak to him in a friendly way?

What did he do wrong?

He shouldn't have said anything about the private affairs of the Tang family.

On the other side

When Tang Jinshe came out of the bathroom, he saw Fu Jinyan's face was not very good-looking. Tang Jinshe couldn't help but click.

Doesn't he know anything?

It's impossible for Du Hengsheng to say anything.

Tang Jin se watched Fu Jin Yan's face carefully, and then he came up and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Fu Jin Yan takes back Sen Leng's look and returns his mobile phone to Tang Jinshe.

"What did Du Hengsheng say?" Asked Tang Jinshe tentatively.

"He only said it was your family business, and he wanted to tell you in person." Fu Jinyan's voice was cold. He thought that he had shown his love to Tang Jinshe in front of Du Hengsheng before. He didn't expect to be tortured back so soon. It's really retribution.

"It should be my grandma's business. My mother always said she wanted to ask him for help."

Tang Jinshe said, opened Du Hengsheng's wechat and sent a message to him.

What are you going to tell me? ]

Fu Jin Yan glanced at the contents of Tang Jinshe's wechat, closed his eyes and turned to the bathroom.

Forget it, if you don't see it, you'll be dead.

Tang Jinshe looks at the back of the Yanfu Jinyan, and the mobile phone vibrates.

Du Hengsheng: [I know everything about your mother. She said that she can't leave these days. She wants me to take you to President Gao's side to have a look. Maybe I can find some clues. ]

Tang Jinshe sits down on the sofa, fingers are flying fast: [I'm here already, and I'll go to the chief courtyard with brother Jin Yan tomorrow. ]

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