After Dad's stroke and hospitalization, no one will take care of their family in the whole K city!

Those friends who used to make good friends with her now either hide from her or laugh at her openly and secretly and fall into trouble with their Zhou family.

She has changed from a young lady who does not touch yangchunshui to a depressed Cinderella who has to work outside to support herself.

And her father's monthly medical expenses need her to find a way to solve

And the source of all this is the woman standing in front of her at the moment!

Thinking of this, Zhou Qian's hatred became more and more intense: "Tang jinsher, you remember that as long as Zhou Qian takes office in Xinghui real estate for one day, he will never let you and the Tang group behind you live in such a stable way!"

"You have forced my father to such a situation that he is now half dead. Zhou Qian must keep this hatred in mind. In the future, I will let you taste what it is like to lose everything and become a bereaved dog."

It's clear that the weather outside is fine, but Zhou Qian's face is full of undisguised anger and resentment. It's as gloomy as a ghost howling.


Tang chin se sniffed at the words.

Then raised his eyes to meet last week Qian's dark, cannibal look, and there was no fear in the bottom of his eyes.

"I don't know. What's the feud between Tang Jinshe and your Zhou family? Your father is ill in hospital. I don't know what to do! "

She can avoid provocation.

But can't tolerate, other people again and again, again and again three slander her!

"Do you dare not admit it? If you had not mercilessly refused my father's request, how could my father have happened in the club afterwards, so who would it be if you had not driven my father to the brink of despair! "

Tang Jinshe's denial aroused all the anger in Zhou Qian's heart.

She looked at Tang Jinshe's beautiful face, which was as charming as a flower, and said with more biting teeth: "because my father didn't give you Tang's loan, would you like to kill him like this?"

"Don jinsher, you are really a vicious woman!"

"Your father was in hospital, because he owed the club account, fell down in the process of being asked for debt by the club, plus he was weak in pressure resistance and could not bear the blow in front of him, so he had a sudden stroke! It has nothing to do with Tang Jinshe. "

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe immediately retorted.

She didn't have the stupid idea of seizing this bad debt on herself!

"As for your father's asking me for help in the club before..."

Tang Jinshe said, raising his chin slightly, and approaching Zhou Qian: "I help him, it's love, not to help him, it's duty! It's not me, Tang Jinse, that drives your father to the brink, but your father himself. "

"You say I'm cruel because I didn't help your father? At that time, your father refused my request again and again and refused to lend to Tang family. Can I also say that he was extremely vicious? "


Zhou Qian blushed, but could not say a single retort.

"Remember, we don't owe each other any more than your father! So, don't let me hear your double standard framed untruthful remarks of me or our Tang family in the future, otherwise, I will definitely sue you for defamation! "

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