"Jin Yan will never forget that you sent his biological mother to prison. Even if Jin Yan is indifferent to me, he still has me in his heart..."

"Yu Zhenni, you make me sick." Tang Jinshe can't hear any more here. The cold voice interrupts Yu Zhenni's words.

She felt sad for Fu Jinyan to have such a mother.

"You say that you are brother Jin's mother. Have you ever done your duty as a mother? Have you ever been in charge of brother Jin Yan? Where were you when brother Jin Yan was ill? Where are you every time brother Jin Yan holds a parents' meeting? When brother Jin Yan needs you, you never appear. Why do you say you are his mother? "

"I tell you Yu Zhenni, brother Jin Yan doesn't need you. He doesn't need you from the time you ignore him. I'll take good care of brother Jin Yan and love him well, and our children. I'll give him a warm home. And you, you'll spend the rest of your life in prison. Think about how sad and ridiculous your first half is."

"It's all empty. In the end, there's nothing left. Yu Zhenni, it doesn't belong to you. You can't catch it even if you try hard. I think you'll understand that in prison."

With the cold voice finished, Tang Jinshe didn't want to look at Zhenni again, so she turned around and went out.

"Don Jinse!" Yu Zhenni roared, which made all the wounds on her body ache violently.

Her chest heaved violently, and she wanted to get out of bed, but she fell directly under the bed, in a state of embarrassment.

After Tang Jinshe went out, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Fu Jinyan's number.

"Brother Jin Yan, where are you?"

"We are in the garden below." Fu Jin replied.

Tang Jinshe answered, went downstairs, came to the garden and found everyone.

"Jin se, let's go. Your grandma and grandpa are a little tired and want to go back to have a rest." Lin Wan stood up from the bench and said.

Tang Jinshe hears the words and looks at Mr. Yu. She finds that there is something wrong with Mr. Yu's face. At first, she is stunned, and then her eyes fall on Fu Jinyan.

He said it.

Tang Jinshe's eyebrows and heart slightly tied. Thinking of what Yu Zhenni said just now, the coldness and bitterness in her heart came out again.

"Parents, take grandma and grandpa back. I want to stay with brother Jin."

Fu Jin Yan smiled faintly, stepped forward, raised his hand and gently rubbed Tang Jinshe's head: "you go back first, I'll call you later."


"Go back. Did you forget that there was disinfectant in the hospital? Not good for children. " Fu Jin said softly.

Tang Jinshe blinked, looked at Fu Jinyan for a while, and nodded.

"Well, then You're finished looking for me, before dinner. "

"Good." Fu Jin nodded.

Then, don chin Se and his family got in the car and left the hospital.

On the way, Tang Jinshe didn't say a word. It was obvious that he had something on his mind.

She was afraid that Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu would have an opinion on Fu Jinyan because of Yu Zhenni.

When he got home, Lin Wan sent Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu upstairs. Tang Jinshe pulled Tang Zhengqin aside and whispered, "Dad, did grandma just say something in the garden?"

Tang Zhengqin can naturally see Tang Jinshe's mind: "don't worry, your grandma and grandpa are all bright eyed people. They still regard Jin Yan as their grandson, and their feelings for Jin Yan will not change."

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