She could hear that when Fu Jin Yan said that, her tone was humble and helpless, with a trace of sadness.

He has always been the pride of nature, the dragon of man, in the face of her, but so fragile.

When Tang Jinshe heard the figure of "8776 days", she was shocked. At this moment, she felt her importance in Fu Jinyan's heart.

A man to love a woman, can you do that feelings deeply hidden in the bottom of your heart so long?

She just likes Fu Jin Yan for less than a year. It's very painful to hide that feeling, but Fu Jin Yan has been suffering for more than 20 years

Tang Jinshe's heart was full of pain. She could not help but get into Fu Jinyan's arms and listen to his strong heart beat. The pain in her heart was slightly relieved.

"I'm sorry, brother Jin Yan."

Fu Jin Yan holds Tang Jin Se in his arms, lowers his head slightly and kisses her hair gently.

"May I ask you a question?"

Tang Jinshe nodded softly.

Fu Jin Yan's hoarse voice sounded again from his head: "four years ago, why did you leave?"

Tang Jinshe's body was slightly stiff for a while, and she was silent for a moment, so she said: "because your mother knew that night, she said something to me that I had to leave In fact, if you think about it now, it's nothing, but I was too young at that time, and because I lost my first time, I still followed you. I was a little flustered and left. It's a kind of escape. "

Fu Jin Yan frowned: "why did you give it to me for the first time and you want to leave?"

Tang Jinshe bit his lower lip and faltered, "I didn't like you at that time. I always thought of you as my brother You said that if one day you had a relationship with your brothers and sisters, would you not escape? "

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"

"Then why didn't you recognize me that night?" Tang Jinshe sat up and asked.

That night she remembered that Fu Jinyan saw her, or he put her on the bed, not to let her struggle, not to let her talk

All of a sudden, Fu Jin Yan, who had always been like her brother, did that to her, but he was not as cold and gentle as before, and became powerful and domineering, plundering her again and again

She was really flustered and scared.

Maybe even if she didn't have those words, she would choose to escape.

"I was drugged that night," said Fu

It was planned by Zhenni and Su Nuan together. At that time, he had no doubt about Zhenni at all. He drank the cup of water that was put with medicine. Later, he couldn't remember anything.

But he can be sure that he did not have a relationship with Su Nuan, but vaguely had the impression that the woman under him was Tang Jinshe.

It's just that after daybreak, Tang Jinse is gone. He's not sure.

Tang Jinshe heard the word "medicine", and suddenly remembered that when she went to see Su Nuan, she also said about the medicine.

She also said that it was planned by Yu Zhenni.

I see.

That is to say

"Brother Jin Yan, it was your first time that night, wasn't it?" Tang asked the question with a red face.

Fu Jin Yan's chest gave out a muffled laugh, and then nodded: "well."

Tang Jinshe only felt that her cheeks were suddenly warming up, and her heart was full of happiness.

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