Tang Jinshe nodded.

Fu Jin Yan then said, "besides, I don't like highland barley at all. I have to order it every time I eat with you because you like it."

Tang Jinshe's heart melted, and she couldn't help urging: "what else? Say it, I want to hear it. "

In fact, Fu Jin Yan didn't think it was necessary to say all of these things. To love someone is not something to talk about.

But he's been holding it for more than 20 years, and he's been suffering for more than 20 years. It's not easy for him to speak out.

"In those three years since you left, I have to sleep on sleeping pills every night, but I still wake up at night. When I feel so sad, I really want to catch you back."

"When I was sensible, I knew that boys and girls could get married. The person I wanted to marry has always been you, never changed."

"When I was ten years old, I received my first love letter. In fact, I wrote a love letter to you that year, but I didn't give it to you. I kept it all the time. Later, when you left, I tore it up."

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe finally moved to ask him later.

Did he just throw that love letter away?

But Fu Jin Yan pressed her body: "don't move."

Tang Jinshe was honest and continued to listen to Fu Jin.

"When you were 13 years old, you had a regular holiday. Once you asked me to buy you a sanitary napkin. I didn't go there for shame, so you got angry with me. Later, I bought it for you. In fact, I went to the supermarket to buy you a sanitary napkin wearing a transformer helmet."

"But since then, I have known that boys can buy sanitary napkins for their beloved girls, which is also a very happy thing. In the dead of night, I studied many brands and types of sanitary napkins, so now I know better than you what sanitary napkins you use in your menstruation."

"I'll boil brown sugar and ginger water for you, too. When I first boil it, I'll boil 32 pots. In the three years you left, although I'm not around, I still boil it on time every month. I'm afraid that when you come back, I'm strange."

"It's just that for over a thousand days, no one drinks the brown sugar water every month. When you come back later, I'm obviously happy, but when you exchange your body for my help, I really hate you."

"I hate that you never know, you just need a word, I'm willing to go through fire and water for you, even to die, I hate that you never see my heart..."

"But Jin se, I have also heard a saying that only love can make you hate."

"You tell me that you want to end the relationship with me. At that time, I was thinking that if I could be more selfish, then I could tie you to me. Every day I open my eyes and see you. Even if you hate me, I feel happy."

"But I also know that it will only push you further and further, so I promise you that I will end that relationship with you, and I will regret that night."

"Later, I thought you were with Du Hengsheng, and I came to realize that it wasn't your fault. It was me. I didn't love you. I used the wrong way to get your attention. But at that time, it was too late to regret."

"I know that after you go to the west of the city, I go downstairs to see you every night. Sometimes even if I see your shadow on the balcony, I can have a happy day."

"For more than a month, I felt worse than those three years. I couldn't eat or sleep. Later, I thought of a good way for chuyang to bring breakfast to me every morning, so I had an appetite."

Tang Jinshe: "..."

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