Fu Jinyan: [Chen Dong, you have done a good job recently. I seem to forget to praise you. ]

Chen Dong immediately sent out an expression with his eyes full of bravery.

Fu Jinyan replied in a businesslike voice: "good performance, keep working hard, and go to the finance department to talk about the salary increase. ]

Chen Dong jumped up at the mobile phone happily.


It seems that the president and his wife have not only opened their hearts, but also opened their two channels of re-election. This EQ has increased by more than one level!

Chen Dong was extremely excited, excited, trembling hands, organized for a long time, and felt that the language was not good. At last, he simply showed his loyalty.

Thank you President, I will continue to work hard! ]

Gu chuyang: [digression, @ Lu Sheng, the great doctor Lu, you are talking, someone is waiting for you to open a prescription, and the chance to make money is gone? ][don't call it a miracle doctor. I really don't have a recipe. I'm not an expert in this field. ]Fu Jinyan's face sank, not because he was angry, but because he was upset.

They can't help it, so what?

Gu chuyang: let me just say, how can we have the experience of solo? You have the wrong person. ]Chen Dong: who should I look for? I don't seem to have any experience around me. I'm not married. Nowadays, young people rarely want to get married. ]Gu chuyang: [Chen te helps you get off the subject again, but when it comes to experience, I think of a person. ]

Fu Jin Yan immediately asked, "who? ]Gu chuyang: [Du Hengsheng is a kid who has been through a hundred battles. Even though he has no plans to get married, he knows how to make women laugh. ]

Fu Jin Yan didn't speak, so he immediately went to pull people.

Soon, a small word appeared in the wechat group.

[Fu Jinyan has invited Du Hengsheng to join the group chat].

After Du Hengsheng came in, he first turned up the chat record to know what the group was doing.


Du Hengsheng: [everyone here, I want to make a point that I am not experienced in all kinds of battles, I just have been through flowers and leaves without touching my body. ]Fu Jinyan: do you have any suggestions? Du Hengsheng is romantic and sincere. ]Du Hengsheng: in fact, women are very emotional creatures. They are easily moved. You just need to put the moving or warm fragments between you in front of her. Then your proposal ceremony will be successful. ]As soon as Du Hengsheng's words came out, Gu chuyang, Lu Sheng and Chen Dong all gave out their thumbs.

Worthy of great love!

Du Hengsheng regretted it. It seems that everyone's impression on him is only about reading countless women. Now, he doesn't need to think at all to say this directly. Isn't it a real image of his playfulness?

But he really likes Tang Jinshe. Even though she is about to be married now, his deep love still hasn't been eliminated.

Fu Jinyan thinks what Du Hengsheng said is very reasonable. A few words give him a sense of enlightenment and direction.

Fu Jinyan: [@ Du Hengsheng, thank you. ]Du Hengsheng was surprised. But Fu Jinyan would say thank you to him. It seems that love can really change a person.

Du Hengsheng: [you are welcome, Mr. Fu. ]Fu Jinyan: do you have time tonight? I'll make a reservation in ultraviolet later. ]

specific details need to be discussed together.

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