Gun Hero(The Rising Of The Shield Hero)

Chapter 17 - 2 I have to become stronger

Hikari was in a dark room

he woke up and looks around and stands up

"Where am I?"

Hikari asked himself

He looked around and saw a High school hallway

"This was the High School I went too"

He sees himself getting beaten by Bullies

"I was so weak back then, If I remember this was when I decided I want to go in the Army to fight as I was too weak, But what has changed, I only became a little stronger, I was not able to protect Leo, I Barely saved the Queen and Now I am about to die, aaaaaaaaah, Ho weak can I actually be How could I say I would protect this world if I am that weak, After I did my strongest move, I am so weak that I fainted after that, How could I, is my body not made for Battles like this, If not I should actually die and get another body after Rebirth that is much stronger then this"

Hikari looked down on himself

Another voice came from behind him

"Do you think your dying could save anything, Think about Anna who is working hard to save Leo who is still alive, don't you think it will be better if you got stronger, That would Help"

Hikari turns around and sees his High school self talking to him

"You may be right but how could I get stronger with this weak body"

Hikari says to his High school self

A person shoots Hikari on his leg from behind

Hikari comes down on one of his knees

"if you think you should die then you should actually die"

"Yeah You are right, I should die"

Hikari says to his war self

The War Hikari puts a Gun on his head

and was about to pull the trigger but didn't

"See you are not afraid of death that makes you strong"

The War Hikari says that to Hikari

Hikari looks at himself and closes his fist

"Yeah you are right, I am not weak, I am just not too strong"

Hikari says to both of them

"Isn't that what weak mea-"

The war Hikari was Inturputed by Hikari

"I have to train more and my Body stronger, I can't give up now, You know why?"

Hikari asked Both of his self

"No, why?"

They both replied to each other

"It's because I am Takahashi Hikari A.K.A The Gun Hero!"

Hikari then woke up and he was back into that World

Hikari wakes up slowly

"You are awake Hikari, Thank you for protecting me"

Hikari stands up

"It was my pŀėȧsurė, Your majesty but now I may take my leave to save Leo"

The Queen was surprised to see Hikari that serious

Hikari walks past the Queen and he said to himself in his mind

"I have to become stronger and save this world, Leo and the others, even it means my death"

Hikari loads up his guns and Leaves Castle town

A Monster attacks him suddenly

Hikari shoots it without thinking once

"And I will not let anyone to come in my way"

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