- Third Party Perspectives -
Count Blood Castle on the Demon Continent.
The Dan Gate Blood family and their servants lived there until a few months ago.
But they fit into the trap of the Vampire Lord, and the family is discrete. Many of the servants are away from the castle.
He was now inhabited by his eldest brother, Puruckenen Blood, the Vampire principals, and his younger brother, Rabino.
Their wives, daughters, sons and family remain living in the main house.
Puruckenen and Rabino were in the midst of researching their assets while living at Count Blood Castle. I'm looking at all the business funds, rights, household tools, and everything else that goes into the money.
For this reason, it was convenient to live in Count Blood Castle.
On the top floor of the spire of Count Blood Castle is captured the wife of Count Dan, Lady Cellas Gate Blood.
There is also the aspect of being there for that watch.
Former Count Blood servants are also vigilant in coming to take Sellas and putting the castle guard in charge of Gigi, the former chief of security. Best of all, it's because people are familiar with the geography inside and outside this castle.
As a precaution, he's got about thirty other sorcerers of the Vampire tribe, B minus or higher, on defense. Puruckenen is not foolish enough to leave it to Gigi alone, the traitor.
The two nostalgia don't hurt at all because all the wages are paid from the assets of Count Dan Gate Blood.
Knock on the room where Gigi leads to the dining room with her usual unfathomable look at what she's thinking.
"... excuse me"
Upon entering the room, the vampire princess Puruckenen Blood and his second son Rabino were making a 'screw-up' noise and devouring meat dishes. My oldest brother gained weight round, and my second son, by contrast, is thin and a little long.
Once here Count Dan, his wife Cellas, and his daughter Chris were surrounded by servants and enjoying their meals in peace.
Gigi knows when there was that calm air and fun conversation.
So you must be feeling the most gap between two people who eat dirty and like pigs in front of you right now. But he doesn't even give it a bite on his face, and serves as the chief of security.
"I have come to Mrs Sellas Gate-Blood's report for today's minute. May I?
"I don't mind, keep going"
Continue reporting with the permission of Puruckenen.
"Eat everything as usual and be in good health. I dare say I feel like I'm underexercising. They also get less violent and obey adults, but the power of their eyes isn't diminishing. I was wondering if you might be aiming for a chance to escape."
"Hmm, I'm busy with women's habits. It's hard to believe that a fool's brother really doesn't have a woman's eye."
"Absolutely, brother"
A second son tells the words of obedience.
"There was also a report from the Slavery that the transfer of Dan Gate Blood was successfully completed"
Gigi shows no reaction and continues reporting.
"Hmm, now he'll never live and tread the soil of the Demon Continent again. For once, he was a blood connected brother, even though he was a fool, so he didn't take it with him until his life. You should be thankful."
"Absolutely, brother"
In fact, the truth is that Dan, who placed it on his side, felt afraid that he might unlock the antimagic collar on his own and avenge himself, but he didn't have the courage to kill it with his own hands, and therefore sold it off as a slave.
Simply because the vampire lord, Puruckenen, and his second son, Rabino, are the trinkets.
The former butlers, Mary and the others, already know that Dan was sold as a slave.
I also failed to rescue him.
But they haven't given up yet.
If only we could save Sellas, who is incarcerated and held hostage, Dan would come back to us on his own.
Merry and the others believe it.
So they are raiding day and night unrelated but all to failure in an attempt to make a leap and reclaim it.
"We need Chris to break their hearts like that"
"Absolutely, brother"
Simply, if there are two rescue targets, the clearance conditions will be that tight.
And there is nothing more effective than a child to speak of his mother, Selas.
Plus in case Dan comes back, we'll never get our hands on ourselves as long as we keep our kids down.
"So Chris's whereabouts are off limits, did you grab them?
"... no, that's it"
"You haven't found it yet!? How can you not catch one kid, and a lot of magic!
"Probably out of the continent by some hand..."
"Then look around the world. But get him! This incompetence!
Purukenen grabs a plate of ready to eat meat and beats it to the gigigi.
His face and clothes are covered with our Lord's edible meat. But Gigi didn't move his expression at all.
Puruckenen yells and scatters.
"Look, right now, this is the only place you can be. If we throw it out, the former servants who resent you might stab you in the back. If you don't want to be, get results! Achieve results! You got it!
"... Roger that. I will bring Lady Chris before the Lord."
Gigi lowered her head slowly.
Knock sounds as we interact like that.
In the room came a man of beast race, a direct subordinate of Gigi, into the room alone.
He ears at Gigi.
"... my lord. Apparently, Mary and the others are gathering at Harbor Street for a massive rescue plan."
"Chip, those incompetents again... Gigi, bring your men to kill Mary and the others. Handle it right so the rest of the clan doesn't get their hands on you."
"My lord, this has the potential to be positive. Although there have been raids so far, this is the first time it has been so blatantly easy to understand. I thought it was a trap that a separate unit would attack where security got weaker."
"Don't make me say it again and again! Our castle is staffed with vampire sorcerers! You bring your men and kill them! Or do you want to be knocked out of this castle right now!
"... excuse me. I'll get my men on their way as soon as possible."
Gigi carefully bowed his head and took his men to the dining room behind him.
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- Lute point of view -
Grass trees can also quiet at 1: 00 p.m.
Security is laid around outside the castle.
The enemy is like advertising 'I'm alert to raids from the outside'.
Up to this point, it's exactly what you're after.
What Mary and the others are gathering in Harbor Street is a positive move that defies the eyes of the enemy.
And as planned, they're turning their guard outside.
Me and Snow used a way through the inside of the castle to break in and rescue your wife.
I asked one of the lady's best friends - the Lamia, Muir Head - to contact the maries who were on alert.
Karen said, apparently she's good at stealing and acting on people.
Because it's a snake, after all?
Thanks to this, we were able to communicate the details of the operation to Mary and the others safely.
"But I thought I'd crack some more personnel on Mr. Mary's side. Well, I guess that's about it."
The people of the beast race rode the horn horse outside the castle.
We proceeded towards Harbor Street.
The only ones left in the castle were probably the Vampires - the sorcerers and the men I remember in my arms.
At present, the place where we are is in the woods behind the castle.
I approached the castle until I was critical and was in the process of watching. The errand is over, so turn back to the Marutai cabin in the woods.
Take about an hour to get back to where the cabin is.
Snow and Maya were already waiting inside the Marutai cabin.
The air is subtly bad because it was just the two people I'm not close to (I just hate Snow...).
We both brighten our faces in many ways when I show up.
"Welcome home! Dear Lute!"
"Welcome home, Lute. How'd it go at the castle?
"I'm home. As planned, they ate the bait. Are you ready?
"I'm done trapping the woods. Chris said you were ready."
"My preparation is perfect, too. You can always go."
"Roger that, Snow. Shall we get ready?"
"Yeah, I got it."
Me and Snow get handy with the gear that was placed on the crude desk.
We had already put our sleeves through black monochrome clothes.
I put two AK47 banana magazines two at a time in a magazine pouch lowered to both waist belts.
Also keep one at a time in a magazine pouch attached to the chest vest.
Load the AK47 with magazine. Pull the cocking handle and first move one bullet into the medicine room (chamber).
I equipped my hips with a knife.
In the past life, the number of soldiers in the military taking a reserve magazine for assault guns (assault rifles) seems to be about "one magazine on a gun" + "six spares".
I have a magazine on my gun, one in reserve six, seven in total.
It's about average.
Snow pushes the "S&WM 104" & "S&WM 102" revolvers into the lower back and chest holster.
Of course the cylinder is packed with all the ammo.
I handed over my revolver because I was clear about making sniper rifles and didn't have time to make her own AK47.
Now Snow has two pistols.
Snow has two speed loaders in both pockets (six shots x two. By the way, a speed loader is a refill bullet + pedestal with a circularly placed bullet that allows you to reload the revolver in a short amount of time).
The chest of the vest, worn just like mine, is pressed into a loader called the 'Speed Strip'.
Whereas the speed loader holds the ammunition (cartridge) round like a cylinder, the 'speed strip' is lined up in six shots below the thunder tube (primer).
Speed strips are products that overshadow the concept of tongue. Thanks to this, it thins to the magazine level of the automatic pistol and is also suitable for your phone. The downside is that the loading time is slower, but you can make up for it there with a speed loader.
Snow also equips his hips with a knife.
She carried other small Zacks.
Except for some of our bullets, we have thin silver attached to the warhead.
Silver is ferocious for vampires.
If you gear up the two of you, it's a simple calculation of the number of bullets that can kill all the castle guards.
But it's only our purpose to recapture your wife. I have no intention of killing any of the castle guards.
The sky is cloudy and there is no starlight.
There is no sign of rain.
It's a perfect surprise day.
I reach for the fireplace at Marutai Cabin.
As soon as we arrive at the cabin, we've investigated the gimmicks to open the hidden passage.
I push hard on some of the walls inside the fireplace.
One of the bricks laid on the floor lifts like a mansion fireplace. Taking that up politely, the iron handle showed up.
I grab the handle and force myself to open the lid of the concealed passage.
Just put your face in first to see what's going on inside.
"............... Okay, looks like there's no problem"
The only dust I have is my footprints walking in from the castle. It shows that there is no one else using this hidden passage but me.
The vampire principals are unaware of this hidden passage.
First I descend, then Snow continues.
When Maya gets down, she'll have to close the lid of the hidden passage again and head to her place.
"Let's go, Snow. If you notice anything strange, let me know."
"Yeah, I got it, Lute."
We hang up and walk out of the hidden passage towards the castle.
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Last time I held a lady, it took about an hour each way on foot.
About fifty minutes on me and Snow's feet.
No physical enhancement technique has been used because it was possible for the ground guards to notice it.
Mages react to magic.
For this reason, it is difficult to assault or ambush a sorcerer with magic and kill him.
Because before you attack, the magic currents will notice you.
Use it here. In case the guards on the ground notice, the ambush will fail.
Physical enhancement was not available, but there is little fatigue because it is a normal walking trip.
When you reach the end point, ask Snow to go up the stairs and see what's going on outside the door.
She has a nose and ears better than race because of the White Wolves.
Through the door, they're checking to see if it's popular.
Snow thumbs his index finger and spreads his other fingers.
It's an "OK" hand sign.
I did not speak from here, but decided in advance that I would communicate my intentions with a hand sign.
To that end, Snow was given a hand sign.
This is one of them.
I switch and push up the door in the hidden passage.
AK47 temporarily hands Snow over.
I'm the right person to open it with simple arm strength without physical enhancement.
Gotri, I felt a loud noise somewhat.
I will be the first to show my face and visually check how things are going.
... no shadows as far as I can see.
The dining room, which I was used to seeing until a few months ago, was stretching out in front of me.
Lift the lid to avoid making as much noise as possible and enter the inner castle.
Put down the lid and invite Snow by hand.
When she enters the dining room, she receives AK47.
Now Snow's ahead of me, peeking through the door at people's signs, sounds.
Get Snow ahead of the journey in the castle. Because she is better at night and can detect signs with her nose and ears as soon as possible.
Me and the lady wrote the castle blueprints in detail, and Snow remembered me.
In some cases, I will take the lead and arrange for the route to be adjusted.
I closed the fireplace lid again just in case.
Snow holds his accustomed 'S&WM 102 "revolver, opens the door leading into the hallway and checks left and right. Invite.
The two of us walk carefully down the hall, but with little footsteps.
These are custom made boots for this day.
Soft demonic material is applied to the sole of the shoe to minimize shoe noise. The nail tip contained an iron plate made of magical liquid metal, which was also in a safety shoe condition.
Running sounds just like footsteps, but it's quiet for walking. If you stay away, you won't be noticed first.
We go for the spire as we care about our surroundings.
The entrance to the spire where your wife is captured is almost opposite the dining room.
The entrance to the spire is underground.
Once you descend into the basement on the staircase in the castle, open the door and proceed, there is another door in the back, and if you open it and climb the spiral staircase of the tower to open the top floor door, it becomes the VIP room where your wife is being captured.
Originally, they were rooms for capturing the captives of royalty, upper class, and nobility.
The bricks used in the spires are specially made, anti-magic bricks manufactured by the Sorcery Society.
It seems to be a brick that plays more than a certain amount of magic.
It is several times more expensive than normal bricks due to the exclusive technology of the Magic Society.
That's why it's almost impossible to demolish the tower from the outside by magic to help the hostages inside.
If we were to destroy it, we would have to use a magnificent amount of witchcraft that exceeded the anti-witchcraft brick.
We need the power to wipe out every hostage inside.
If you're going to assassinate him with a mouth seal, there's no problem, but if it's going to be a rescue, it's not a story.
Moving forward, Snow stretches his left arm one cup and widens his palm.
It's a stop signal.
Snow then grabs his right wrist with a revolver and his other fingers with his left index finger, his thumb, with a wide spread. It's an enemy signal.
Release your left hand from your wrist and stand two fingers.
I mean, they've got two police-like figures coming this way.
She asks in a signal indicating engagement.
I shook my head.
We make choices that lurk our breath in the shadows in order to survive the alarm.
I'm under a desk with a vase.
Snow hides in the shadow of metal full-body armor, respectively.
"... I don't want you to do it. I can't believe I'm so late."
"Well don't be silly. Isn't this part of the job? I don't mind paying for it."
"You might want to pay for it. You're too rough."
A pair of people show up bending corners and spilling stupidity.
When I got here, I could even hear their conversation in my ear.
"Well, well. Next time, when the money comes in, let's go get a drink. I found a good store."
"Nice shop. I wonder if Omae's good stores can gamble most of the time."
"Don't say that. It's hard to go alone. I'll buy you a drink."
"Is Omae a child when it's hard to go alone?"
The men pass by laughing and turn the next corner.
After a while, the silence hurts my ears again, and then we crawl out of the shadows.
When the snow comes out, it hits the metal armor gently on the arm.
With that clap, the great battle axe that the armor had leaned about and fell towards the floor.
I'm turning AK47 on my back, diving!
At the critical place, I could grab it before the battle axe fell to the floor and sounded a fierce metal noise.
We breathe a sigh of relief.
Returning the axe to its original position, I gently pulled Snow's beast ear.
She puts her hands together looking sorry.
Refresh your mind and go further.
Snow's stop order.
There's no such thing as a main road passage.
Go straight ahead and turn right, go further and turn left, and there is an underground entrance into the tower.
Snow invited me to lend him an ear, not a hand sign.
(Lute, there's a line in this aisle)
(When camping on a journey, I have magic tools that surround my bunk. It's a magic tool that makes loud noises or informs users only when an outside organism crosses a junction tied with a magic tool)
Certainly about three years ago, those fake adventurers also stood on the ground with pile-like magic tools when camping.
Reminds me of unpleasant trauma.
But just in case, I'm glad I got Snow ahead of me.
If a magic trap had been set up, I would never have noticed it.
(Is it possible to disarm it?
(I'm fine. But it's gonna take a little while, but are you okay?
(How long is it?)
(Probably about five minutes)
(Well, about that... don't use magic. Because they will notice)
Of course I do.
When Snow returns the revolver's shooting iron, he turns his love gun into a chest holster.
I crawled to the corner of the floor to unstrap it.
A pile-like object is placed on the left and right walls.
Apparently that's what Snow calls a junction device.
... Snow wakes up suddenly when it's about three minutes after the first untrap.
Grab your right wrist with your left hand and put up two fingers - the policing around the castle is heading this way!
It's a straight hallway around here, with no hidden rooms.
The only thing I have is a big pot I can put in if it's about two kids.
We had no choice, and we hurried to lurk ourselves in the pot.
Even if two kids say they can hide themselves, they're in a canteen.
There is no breadth, it takes the form of a hug from the front with Snow.
Her growing soft chest feel is felt over the vest & ammo (cartridge).
I don't have time to fully indulge in the senses, and I can hear footsteps and conversations in the pot.
"Did you really see a shadow?
"Oh, I have confidence in my eyes. But I did see something moving."
"But outside, magicians and fellow magicians should be able to harden up and come in one rat. How did you get in here?"
"I'll find out."
The pair continue their conversation.
Looks like he's on alert for an ambush from the signs.
But there's no one anywhere.
"... apparently you were mistaken for Omae"
"I did see it like a moving shadow."
Apparently, we're safe, we're gonna get through this.
I take an unexpected sigh of relief.
Huh - I got eyes to eyes with Snow in the shape of a hug. Her cherry blossom lips are right in front of her. Smell of sweet exhalation, pearl-colored bright white teeth. He shouted his chest too attractively and accidentally lowered his neck back and took a distance.
You missed the sight, and the back of your head hits the kettle, making a slight noise!
Exactly two of the policemen also notice and raise their voices.
Snow's critical gaze hurts.
They speak in the direction of the sound - towards the kettle.
"Hey, is anyone in there?
Footsteps approaching.
Snow asks with his gaze.
"Do you want to do it here? 'I thought so.
But just as far as the spire entrance is still. But I'm sure I'll find it as it is. Do we have to do one or eight...?
Footsteps are getting closer.
"Ooh! What... is that a comrade?
Apparently, the comet showed up from the back of the pot and ran away.
The tension that was drifting between the men relaxed.
"Apparently, what Omae saw was a mouse shadow. You're thinking too good an eye."
"Ha, sure. But don't let one rat through. That's instructions from the top. You mean we're serious about our work, right?
The men laugh and return to alarm again.
Me and Snow leak a sigh of relief at the same time.
I didn't think you could really repay a comrade. Thanks to this, it was connected by a piece of neck skin.
Make sure the distance is wide enough and send a signal that Snow can come out.
We make careful noise and get out of the pot.
Snow now pulls my ears all in return.
I put my hands together and apologized like my girlfriend earlier.
And Snow moves out again to de-link.
She got back to work and took about three minutes to nullify the junction.
The structure itself was simple because it was a cheap item used for camping, and it didn't seem that difficult to deactivate.
Fortunately, it wasn't security for high-value indoors.
We're going back to the spire entrance.
Turn right, go straight to the left gate.
Snow stops.
She tells me by hand sign.
Smells like two people. Man. He probably has a wand that amplifies (boosts) the magician's powers. Looks like I judged it by the smell of a special tree.
I'll hand sign her out of here at once.
The man on watch is snow on the left, and I'm in charge on the right.
As I had decided beforehand, from here on out, I run up to full magic, once and for all.
It's a battle against time.
Snow squeezes his love gun.
I also confirm the grip on AK47's stock and start counting down with my left hand.
Five, four, three, two, one...
We're helping you with physical enhancement right now!
He jumped out of the shadow in the hallway and pointed the gunpoint of AK47 and S&W Revolver at the men, respectively.
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