The day after I guided "King Corruption" to the Warehouse Institute.

In the upper part of the walls, there was a flock of people wearing gas masks (gas masks) that covered their faces.

Most of these groups are race-like beasts with a wide variety of beast ears & tails peering under anti-virus masks (gas masks) and clothes.

It was an unusual sight.

It's not because there's a line of people with gas masks covering their faces.

Inside the current sealed city of Madness Castle walls were overflowing with massive zombie monsters due to the weakened seal of the ancient Demon King.

The whole city was overflowing with rotten and dead odors because of it.

The beast race with a good nose was too stinky to even get close to the walls.

Even the racial ones even went down to odor cruelty by people. That's how bad rot and death stink are.

Yet there is now a flat line of beast races at the top of the walls.

What can I call this without calling it unusual?

It is also because of the anti-virus mask (gas mask) and the "odor-blowing device" that beast races and odor-down races can stand in this way.

Because of these two, you can unleash attack magic by standing at the top of the walls and pointing inside.

Until now, the sorcerer, unable even to approach the walls, had put him on a material transport escort mission between the sealed city of Madness and the other cities.

That's all I could do.

However, the combination of these two makes it possible to combat the odor and put the magician who was traveling back and forth between the city and the city into action.

Not enough to wipe out the zombie monsters that are likely to overflow inside the walls, but the increased number of people creates a human margin and is unlikely to break through in the short term.

It was possible to secure a sufficient period of time until the development, research, and operational launch of the Napalm Ammo.

So anyway, what the hell is the "odor-breathing device" that I developed and put into this sudden development?

Actually, it's not that big of a deal.

Previous life Earth, during World War II.

Allied forces and Nazi Germany were at war on the desert stage in North Africa.

Commander on the Nazi German side in this battle - a prominent figure known as "The Fox of the Desert," Elvin Rommeln completes the smoke generator and puts it into action.

The manufacture of this smoke generator is not difficult to say clearly.

I just removed the engine from the reciprocal plane and put it on the carrier of the truck.

By moving the engine and turning the propeller, it generated wind, winding the desert sand up over it.

Yesterday, I remembered this episode from Tyga's "punch the smell directly," and flashed to use it for this one.

Remove the engine and install it at the top of the wall from the existing reciprocating machine (simulated).

Force the propeller to turn to blow away the rot & rot odor that is the source of the odor. Additionally, wearing a gas mask managed to reduce the odor to a level that even beasts with a good nose could withstand.

Rayala Lalaira, the head of the new and pure Maiden Knights, was also in charge of replenishing the magic that fuels the demonic stone engine that turns the propeller.

She can't use attack magic for physical (although it's actually a level that can be illusory when she's cursed), but she possesses a lot of magic.

So it was appropriate for me to be in charge of the magic supply.

Thanks to this, I succeed in gaining more manpower and buying time to complete Napalm ammunition.

For the record, by the way, why did Elvin Rommeln bother to create a smoke generator that winds up desert sand?

There's a good reason for this. At that time, the Nazi German side had less fighting power than the coalition forces.

So by dancing up sand and dust from afar, he said to the enemy, 'The great army has attacked me!' I tried to illuminate him.

Because of the small number of allied factions in comic books and animated military artifacts, it is the same way to illuminate 'large numbers' by raising multiple flags or increasing incineration.

Return to the story.

Anti-virus mask (gas mask) + "odor blowing device", about 8 days later.

Thanks to the ability to put in a large number of magicians, Napalm ammunition (prototype) is successfully completed.

I didn't mass produce it immediately and actually needed to use it to see if there were any problems.

So quickly, get ready to drop a Napalm bullet (prototype) from the airship Noah.

"I really wish I could have thrown it from the reciprocal machine (pseudo), but it would be troublesome to put the removed engine back again..."

Also, if there are no problems with this drop test, the airship Noah, who was travelling back and forth between Kokoli Street, the beast continent, and the sealed city of Madness in the transportation of supplies, needs to get his hands on it in order to drop Napalm ammunition.

If I had a lease, I'd be in 'Infinite Storage' and I just need you to reach out and throw it down...

You didn't expect it to be so painful just because she wasn't here.

I am the departure site of the blurring and sealed city of Madness, looking at the Napalm ammunition (prototype) that is carried into the airship Noah.

This time it's just for the test. Just fix a few prototypes to the deck so they don't move.

When dropping, the magician plans to drop it by hand while aiding the body with physical enhancement.

I have five of these to throw down this time.

Napalm ammunition for dropping (prototype) takes less than half an hour to finish loading thanks to my husband helping me load it.

When you're ready, the airship Noah takes off.

Officials viewing the exam immediately moved to the top of the walls.

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At the top of the castle walls will gather me, Chris, Maya, Luna, my husband, "King Corrupt No" and several other sealed cities, Madness upper management.

Inside the walls, White, who had left the monster exorcisms to us until we were ready, was taking the crew down.

Over the sky, the airship Noah falls more altitude than usual and is in stagnation.

Send a signal to the whites inside the walls and instruct them to exit the walls once.

There won't be any magician S-grade whites on it, but we're going to drop napalm bullets.

I want to keep it as safe as possible.

After confirming that they have left the walls, we will send a signal to Noah, an airship waiting over the sky.

Napalm bullets (prototypes), fixed by equipment on deck, are thrown over the edge fence at the hands of the magician.

The napalm bullet looks like an aluminum cap that protects the pencil tip.

The outer shell is made of witchcraft liquid metal, and the contents are packed with jelly grease fuel (made of witchcraft) that confers witchcraft and refines demonic stones.

The silver outer shell falls according to gravity.

The aim is almost central inside the fortress.

This is the result of dropping poorly near the walls and eliminating as much as possible the possibility of causing them to be damaged.

They also drop zombie monsters just because they were overflowing like tsunamis.

Trust tubes detonate as planned.

Jelly grease fuel (made of magic) clogged inside diffuses and ignites.

Jelly grease fuel (made of magic) attached to a zombie-based monster burns hard and spits black smoke towards heaven.

Due to the slightly lower altitude of the airship Noah, the black smoke nearly blocked his vision, so he hurriedly moves and throws down the remaining four pieces one after the other.

The remaining four detonated safely, burning zombie-based monsters.

And I'm not just burning monsters.

One monster after another is thrown out of the cemetery hole, but they have no intention of destroying the walls and just trying to get out.

So he storms among his burning companions without thought, and burns at will.

This is the scary thing about incendiary shells.

Unlike normal bombs, damage spreads on its own as long as there is combustible material.

We only have five this time, but if we have a number with Luna's full memory ability, we can defeat more enemies than the sorcerer attacks.

However, as in the case of Napalm ammunition, it cannot be made without materials, and there is no problem that it cannot be used nearby because it can damage the walls.

But even with that in mind, it's very effective against zombie monsters.

Napalm ammunition (prototype) has also detonated, diffused and ignited me without any problems than I expected. After fine-tuning, it is a good level of mass production.

A flame that flashes campfire a hundred times more flashy inside the walls stretches out to lick heaven.

The humanoid zombies burn more and more in that flame. At first I was dancing to resist, but I couldn't stand the purification of the flames anymore or it collapses.

But the flames are not yet extinguished, and the zombies continue to dance and go mad in them.

A flaming hell was born in front of me.

"Ha, ha, ha! As always, the magic tools Lute develops are flashy!

My husband exuberantly divulges his laughing thoughts watching a zombie monster burn unquestioned and breathe out black smoke.

In my husband's case, he seems to be using the Bunker Buster thing as an example to say, but that one doesn't perform enough to crush the mountain by nature. I guess it exploded flashly in a strange reaction to your husband's magic.

So I have a problem when they give me an example of that...

On the other hand, this time my client, the 'King Corrupt No' side, said,

"I can't believe you have such a magic tool... If you think about the cost of materials, it's a breaking power."

She stunned the beautiful girl full of faces and was trembling at the power and low cost of Napalm ammunition (prototype).

The top groups in Madness, the other sealed city, had similar reactions.

As I explained earlier, unlike normal bombs, Napalm ammunition spreads the damage as inexhaustibly as there was combustible material. That's why it was forbidden to throw them in dense areas of the city, even in the original world.

Because if you drop it there, more people, more things, more damage than just a normal bomb, will spread indefinitely.

The damage is only spreading because of the density of combustible materials (monsters) ahead of this throw and the gushing out of the cemetery hole as well.

In terms of destructive power, there are more than one PEACEMAKER (piece manufacturer), such as a weapon that crosses a napalm bullet.

I don't need to bother teaching, so I listen.

In the meantime, I could confirm that King Corruption's side (client) was satisfied and that Napalm ammunition was very effective against this enemy, as expected.

Thanks to this, I managed to see the light in the resolution of this one case, and when I realized it, nature and my mouth were creating a laugh.

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