After the Napalm bullet was almost complete, the two of us were here to inspect me and Geo Kleinel about what was going on inside the castle wall being thrown.

The inspection itself ended fine, but naturally, the ground trembled.

A shake unlike an earthquake caused by Lance.

The cause of the vibration is immediately found.

Because a cemetery hole where the Demon King sleeps erupted like an active volcano.

A giant hand bone emerges from the hole.

Understand at a glance.

That's the great villain of the ancient, mythical, story told in this world.

He said he was the demon king who scattered death all over the continent.

"Duh, why!? I can't believe the Demon King is back! You don't have to keep the monsters inside the walls and take their magic and their lives! The seal was so weak!

A 'King Corrupt No' on his side gives a bewildered voice distorting the beautiful girl's face to unexpected events.

He loses me so much that I regain my cool.

Perhaps the myth that if there was someone more confused than me, on the contrary, I would be calm is true.

I slap him on the shoulder and give him a shout.

"Please calm down, Lord 'Corrupt King'. There's no such thing as confusion up there. We need to check the situation first and give the appropriate instructions to deal with it."

"Also, I'm sorry. Disturbed... Be a brave man. As Lord Hero said, if you get confused up there, you won't even be able to deal with it..."

"The King of Corruption" is still pale, but it holds the disturbed spirit to its surface.

I repeatedly breathe trying to regain my calm.

Knowing that we are coming to inspect the interior of the Wall, the men of King Corruption rush to visit him knowing the current situation.

"King Corrupt no" regains calm when his men rush over and begins to give instructions for emergencies.

I was instructed by a light signal not to attack the Demon King by a reciprocal plane (pseudo) holding a Napalm bullet beside it and observed the target.

It was the bones on my left hand that crawled out of the cemetery hole.

I can tell right away by the thumb position.

It is about a few km from the cemetery hole to the top of the walls.

But the bones on the left hand crawling out of the cemetery hole were so huge that they could be seen at leisure, even a few kilometers away.

The Demon King's left hand is unnaturally bland, despite crawling out of the cemetery hole. He looks like a white potato bug and doesn't feel good when he struggles to get out of the hole with his thighs.

Get over the rubble. Your left hand shows up completely out of the hole.

"Is that just the bone on your left hand?

I imagined that after my left hand came out of the cemetery hole, my left shoulder, my right arm, my head, etc. would come out next.

Yet out of the cemetery hole came the bone of the left hand - precisely the palm of the hand, the bone up to one arm.

The 'King of Corruption' side, including mine, also said, 'The Demon King is back!' I thought.

Nonetheless, only the bones on his left hand showed up, and his men, who were also listening to the directions of the 'King Corrupt No', are flabbergasted.

But I myself am convinced of what it looks like.

This is only an inquiry, but didn't the Demon King temporarily give up the full resurrection and force only part of it out of bounds?

There is still the power to produce zombies from the breakdown of the junction weakened by the Demon King himself.

But no matter how long you spit it out, you can't get out of the walls, you can't suck out the power.

Therefore, he was forced to spread some of the broken junction with the remaining magic and let only his left hand go outside.

After that, aren't you literally going outside the walls with your own hands, slaughtering creatures regardless of people or demons, trying to bring power to the body, and eventually revive it all?

Explain this prediction to the 'corrupt no kings' and they will convince and nod at each other.

"I was wondering if you were presuming to be a brave man and a hero. Otherwise, the Demon King will not be resurrected!

"It's good to have predictions...... doesn't it taste bad that the Demon King will be resurrected, albeit in part? You will be weak almost out of your power to get out of the junction, but your opponent is the Demon King. Because it should be stronger than a bad prowess or demon. If you go outside the walls and lose sight..."

It is very likely that the whole body will be revived, accumulating the power of attack on towns, villages, demonic flocks, etc.

It could be a more troublesome situation for a zombie monster to go outside the walls.

Imagine "King Corrupt No," they all look pale in unison.

When our imagination says "hit," the Demon King, who was confirming the movement of his body (but only his left hand) out of the cemetery hole, begins to act in earnest.

As we got out of the cemetery hole, large and small rocks blew up as a result of the eruption.

As a result, some of the walls are crushed and collapsed by the Great Rock.

The Demon King grabs the ground with his bone fingers and moves for a broken wall.

Surprisingly fast moving regardless of its giant!

It's like being on a summer shoreline or something.

Honestly, the movement is disgusting!

But not if you're disgusted!

If we stay like this, we'll get out of the walls!

"Automatic Grenade Launcher! Permission to fire! I need that bone stopper!

First day of arrival in the sealed city of Madness.

An automatic grenade launcher with a "40mm burst flamethrower grenade" was installed at the top of the castle wall.

Prior to the completion of the Napalm bullet, test shots were also fired to see if it was effective on zombie-based monsters overflowing inside the walls.

As expected, the fire attribute was valid for zombie monsters, and the effects of scattered fragments & blasts were added to efficiently defeat enemies.

However, because I use Demon Stone, I also use about 3 pieces (about 300,000) of gold per shot.

Therefore, in the event of an emergency, it was only installed in the insurance sense used and has not been used at all since then.

Now is the emergency.

I give instructions to the team members who are in charge under the authority of the team leader.

Are you lucky or not...... an automatic grenade launcher was installed at a distance not so far from the collapsed walls.

If you set a target on the left bone of the demon king coming from you and press the trigger, it's not that hard to hit him.

Of course I don't think I can defeat it with about a '40mm burst flamethrower pomegranate'.

Even though he is weak, his opponent is the Demon King (left hand bone), who wielded fierceness in Tai Ancient times.

While holding back with this attack, it is a calculator that fills the holes in the walls with the magic of earthlineage.

Naturally, the 'corrupt no king' and the others had already understood my aim and rushed out.

Grenades are fired from the automatic grenade launcher.

As trained members aim, the grenade explodes in front of the demon king's left hand in the direction of travel - I hope it exploded, but the flames & fragments, etc. turn into a golden splash.

Everyone on the spot stopped thinking because they didn't know what it meant.

The only thing was that only the Demon King kept moving without slowing down.

The team responsible for the automatic grenade launcher regains consciousness and rushes to fire.

All of which became golden or silver, earthy, rusty iron, and corrupt alien organisms.

I recall words previously explained to me by The King of Corruption No.

The demon king sealed in this land is "a demon king specializing in training gold, degeneration, and one of the five great demon kings is immortal. The presence of a wide variety of demonic races on his continent is also due to the power of this demon king '?

Perhaps the grenade attack is also degenerating into another 'nanica' from the moment it touches the demon king.

You're not on a level called cheat!

Don't slow down even while you're stunned by the Demon King's abilities, and go for a crumbling castle wall.

The automatic grenade launcher is fired indiscriminately, but it appears to be unrecognized rather than stopped.

(What to do!? Leave the walls and the city will be damaged!

I think about how to fill holes at high speeds, but there's a distance, and I'm not a magician myself, so I can't do anything.

I gave up and the Demon King went outside the walls, ready for the damage to be done to the city.

- In a moment, he shows up to fill a spot where a bright white iceberg collapsed higher than the original walls.

The demon king's left hand himself, this seems unexpected, can't kill momentum and bumps from the front.

Where it hits, it changes from ice to mud, white nanica powder, and plants, and it shreds heavily.

But the sharpened spot was soon filled with new ice.

It shouldn't be easy to get out of the walls quickly, no matter how much ice you degenerate.

"Lute, you were here! I'm looking for you!

I don't know the situation, but I didn't have to let the demon king out for now. Me and the "corrupt no king" leak a sigh of relief.

My husband spoke up to us over the walls.

"Earlier, the ground rocked and some of the walls collapsed. At my discretion, I asked Lord White to make it as a first aid! I moved on my own as a crime scene judgment... apparently the timing was good"

The husband glances inside the walls, at the left hand bone of the demon king as he shreds the iceberg, adding the last dialogue.

That iceberg seems to be something created by Sorcerer S "Ice Witch" White Glassbell.

"Yes! That's my husband! It's really nice timing!

I let go and praise him.

"King Corruption" and the others also praised him at the mercy of one another.

In the meantime, Snow & White will be instructed to fill holes with ice as the Demon King continues to pervert them in an attempt to overcome icebergs and walls.

In the meantime, 'King Corrupt No' was explaining the situation to his husband in captivity.

"Hmm, I didn't know you'd be resurrected, albeit in part... That's what you just said demon king! But, but! Only part of it, even though it's back! Is it depleting magic, etc. to cross the line? Then all you have to do is defeat it on this occasion and seal it again! You don't have to think hard about anything! Ha ha ha ha ha!

The expression of the "corrupt no king" and others, who were explaining it with a dark face, becomes slightly brighter in her husband's dialogue.

Sure, the situation is bad, but it's simple to do.

All you have to do is defeat the Demon King and seal it again.

At a time like this, I really appreciate your husband's positivity.

Because dark thoughts, low morale doesn't make it a battle.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to say.

Even though he's weak, how do we defeat that demon king who even deactivates modern weapons?

There are reciprocal planes (simulated) in possession of Napalm ammunition waiting over the sky, but it won't do much good.

If you were to take damage from Napalm ammunition, you could have stopped it with the automatic grenade launcher.

Napalm ammunition, "40mm explosive flamethrower grenade" includes a 120mm sliding cannon (cooler) that stabbed a stop at the Black Poison Demon King, and a bunker buster that is said to be second only to nuclear weapons. He is punished by a temporary warehouse laboratory that researched and manufactured Napalm ammunition.

For example, for 120 mm, we will now go back to the warehouse laboratory and carry the entire body that is remodeling the 8.8 cm anti-aircraft gun (8.8 Flak) inside the walls, striking an anchor that supports the giant on the ground, loading the shell - the Winged Stable Armored Bullet with a Bullet Bottle (APFSDS-T)... what time are we doing it?

Is it more likely that Snow & White's magic will run out while you're getting ready?

At a time like this, if Reese were here, I could be ready right away with "Infinite Storage"!

Even now, we really depended on her...

It is also unclear if it really works for that oldest demon king because the first, 120mm sliding cannon (this way) or bunker buster is ready.

Honestly, no matter how destructive a weapon you knock in, I feel like it's going to be perverted by another substance...

'King Corruption' answers this concern.

"It's okay."

He pulls out the synonym 'corrupt no king', which he was carrying on his back.

"Buying time for icebergs and wall protection is fine if you target other magicians. Leave it to me to seal the power of the Demon King. This' King Corrupt No 'is a demon sword created from the bones of the Demon King. Temporarily seal the Demon King's ability to train gold with the power of The Corrupt King. Strike that gap with maximum attack."

"I know it can be temporarily sealed... but how much time is that? King Corrupt himself, when attacking, you can take a distance, right?


"The King of Corruption" leans down on this question.


The 'King Corrupt No' in his hands is a sword.

How can you do this from a distance to seal the power of the Demon King, albeit temporarily?

"King Corruption" seems to care about the left hand of the Demon King.

He makes a smile with a beautiful girl's face.

"Never mind, be a brave man, Lord Hero. I was the head of the clan this time. [M] If it is necessary to re-seal the Demon King, I will gladly give this life."

As the head of the clan who has been the grave guardian of the Demon King for many years, he is shown his readiness as a man.


Me and my husband can't say anything more and shut up.

A man made up his mind.

Half-way through words can only be an act of defiling his readiness.

I couldn't be such a innocent mane as the same man.

"'If you need me to re-seal the Demon King, I will gladly give this life' or something stupid. That's bad for Lute Gunsmith's education. If he manages, he'll lose his wife and Dr. Elle."

Tiga, wearing a travel cape and hood, shows up at the top of the walls on a gas mask that covers the entire face.

He seems to have rushed to hear the noise around the walls.

... and I feel that her earlier dialogue resembles something I used to hear somewhere... when was it?

Tyga's point that he's twisting his neck in doubt is that 'The Rotten King' openly puts his face on.

Probably because I was watered down by my own readiness.

"Isn't there more to it than there's no other way? Rather, it's a cheap thing if it's just a sacrifice for me. I don't care how many magicians S-level you have, don't do bad cross spears."

"Instead, I have the power to do something about it, so you've come this far, haven't you?

Tyga flushes the 'King Corruption' dialogue lightly, shrugging her shoulders.

She turns her gaze to me and feels signs of grinning under the anti-poison mask (gas mask).

I almost leaned my neck in Tiga's attitude for a moment, but I noticed her aim and opened my eyes wide.

Yes! With the power of Tiga, you can defeat the Demon King without sacrificing the King of Corruption!

"This is my idea of an operation."

Tyga talks about the explanation when she realizes I'm after her.

What was the operation she built?

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