Quest Level III from the Adventurer's Good Offices Association (Alliance) - The morning after I ordered a wagon escort loaded with magic tools.

He took a trip to the Adventurer's Good Offices Association (Guild) just before noon to meet other escorts and clients accompanying him.

When you enter the building and speak to the guidance lady, you are put through to the reception room.

After a while, the client and four other escorts and the usual receptionist of the demonic race turn up.

"It's my client's rubber go. I'm in the business of sorcery tools relations. Tomorrow's escort, thank you."

The client's rubber go produces two horns on his head.

Sounds like a dragon race.

He is middle-aged and has no grey hair, but has noticeable wrinkles on his face. His back length is about 170 cm and he grows a caterpillar-like mustache under his nose.

He seems like a good person.

"It's an adventurer level ii lute. It's a test to get to level iii, but I'll do my best to do my job independently of that. Thank you very much."

And after showing the adventurer tag, shake hands.

Snow, Chris and Shea also said hello after me.

So far it was a soothing greeting.

"Mr. Gomgo, it's a waste of money to ask these kids for escort work because of how much we're understaffed."

Three of the first guards in office - all with horns growing on their heads, so it would be a dragon race. A giant man with a hole in his helmet and horns stretched from there. A man who's taller than me. A leader-like figure next door comes in to lay down.

The leader man is also 180 cm tall and can tell from the top of his personal clothes that his forged muscles are free of wasting fat. Your face looks better compared to the other two.

He ties his hair behind him with only a little stretch, lowering from his hips a seemingly tall sword that doesn't match the roughness of his personal clothes.

Everybody, from the looks of it, it's the style I said veteran adventurer.

"Mr. Simil, disrespect whatever you want..."

"I'm just telling the truth. Adventurer family business is not a children's playground. It's not what I found out about these guys, but if they do badly, it could put them in danger, not just us, but even Mr. Rumgo. So let's get this straight."

A man of leadership - I can also understand Simil's statement.

Level iii hauling guard is a collective job, not an individual.

Sometimes one mistake puts everyone in crisis.

It is also impossible to assume that we are a child who is trying to push them into a troublesome job and pull out their wages.

In fact, because other than Shea, she's only a 14- or 13-year-old.

The receptionist of the demonic race opens her mouth.

"Dear Simil, they are adventurers recognized as having no problem with the Adventurer's Good Offices Association (Alliance) receiving Level III. Now Master Shea is a B-plus sorcerer. To Master Snow, I'm an A-minus magician. How about judging by the way you look?

"B-plus! A minus class!?

Two men who refrain behind Simil also make a startling look.

The client's rubber go gave him a blurry smile off the shelf.

"That's comforting. I can't believe I can get an A-minus mage to put me on guard. This time, safety is guaranteed."


Rubbergo, who has the right to hire, is totally willing to hire him.

No matter how much noise the Shimils, the hired side, make when this happens, the judgment will not be overridden.

If it seems rather noisy, it's not stranger for them to be cut off from the contract.

If I tried from them, I would be in a completely crushed form as an adventurer.

The receptionist oil the fire even more.

"Besides, Master Snow and Mr. Chris are also Mrs. Lute's wives. I really envy Master Lute for being able to marry such a beautiful girl. Really... annoyingly... jealous"

Scary. Scary.

It radiates dark resentment like a monster in a japanese horror movie.

I think I'm starting to understand why she can't get married.

"And besides, he says he's bigamous with two beautiful girls like this...!

Furthermore, Simil and the others trembled in amazement.

"Eh heh, Lute, even a pretty girl. We're beautiful girls."

"It's lit up."

Snow and Chris delightfully delude from both sides.

I have been smelling snow and other subtleties.

Stop the fuzz in public.

"Yikes, you snuggle..."

Simil and the others look so bitter that they are likely to hear a toothpick.

We literally worked hard for our lives and finally reached level III.

Yet a man younger than ourselves from below is about to take an overwhelming beautiful girl to level III - and one with him is an A-minus, a magician who can finally reach a handful of geniuses.

If I were in that position, I would have been just as... no, more jealous than that, jealous and hateful.

"... okay, let's acknowledge their strength. But, but! You can't just admit this boy! Compete with me now and show your strength!

So I kind of expected this to happen.

I take a sigh of relief and offer conditions from here.

"Okay. Let's have a fight. But there is no grudge in winning or losing. Thereafter, words and deeds that provoke each other do not. Only do this quest as a job - that's the condition."

"Okay. Let's swear by the name of the adventurer. But if you lose, you'll have to follow all our instructions during this job."

"Okay, unless you give me an unreasonable order, I'll follow your instructions during the quest if I lose. Of course, if we win."

"Nice work. I'm looking forward to seeing you regret it."

Thus, a duel between me and Simil was decided.

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The duel is a practice area behind the Adventurer's Good Offices Union (Guild).

It is usually a place where retired former adventurers train new adventurers and teach escorts to Adventurers' Good Offices (Guild) staff.

The size is about as large as the gym.

At the end of the wall are placed materials, wood, swords with crushed blades for practice, spears, great swords, etc.

Me and Simil were about five meters apart and confronted each other.

It is the receptionist of the demonic race who serves as the witness.

"We mean to use the weapons we normally use with each other, the magic tools, but we mean to use healing magic with the generosity of Master Snow and Master Shea. Most injuries will heal, but be careful not to kill them."

We snort at her words.

I use a 'S&WM 104 "revolver that is lowered from the gun belt, and Simil uses a sword that is lowered to the waist.

He speaks as he slowly pulls out his sword.

"I'll tell you before it starts, my name is Simil." Simil of Disease "means me."

No, I don't.

"This demon sword with the magic of the wind is chopped into a" disease sword "!

I mean, that sword incorporates a demonic stone with wind magic, and from the name it seems to have the power to fly a sickle or something like a wind blade.

I wonder why I bother to say it in my hand.

Besides, it's just too dazzling to call a sword just wearing a demon stone a disease sword or something...... Did you name it yourself, don't be doubtful about your taste.

You saw my shame as frightening, Simil grins sparingly.

The receptionist raised her right hand high.

"So here we go!

"Whoa, whoa! Chop it up!

I only assist my entire body with physical enhancement for five seconds just in case.

With less than a second of early shooting, he shoots through Simil's shoulder.

He marvels at the sudden pain and firing noise, letting go of the sword he shook up and holding down his shoulder.

"Ki, you...... ugh"

There are only active adventurers, and apparently pain-resistant Simil tries to pick up the fallen sword with the opposite arm to the immobile shoulder.



Between his outstretched arm and sword, he again shot in 38 special (9 mm).

"... Do you still want to go on?

Point the gun out for threats and whine in a low voice.

"Oh, my God!

He realizes he can't win immediately and declares a loss.

In this way, we were able to successfully accept the quest and we were able to order it.

Introduce yourself again to Simil with a flashing look and check out their adventurer tags.

Simil and the others were at Adventurer Level III.

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