Gun-ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem o Tsukucchaimashita!?
Episode 8: Battle Opening
Lute, seven years old.
At the age of seven, the early child begins to leave the orphanage to apprentice to merchants' naivety and craftsmen, and to serve as a maid apprentice.
Kids who don't leave orphanages earn money by doing easy work in town.
It's a rule to put some of the money you earn into an orphanage and save otherwise.
The money saved will be funds when you nest an orphanage at the age of ten.
Savings management is supposed to encourage growth such as self-reliance and self-management.
I was also seven years old and tried to work in town for future preparation & orphanage but Dr. Elle stopped me.
I have already earned a lot of money and donated with reversi and other toys.
If I make any more money, the other kids could lose their motivation the other way around, and I don't have to work and put more money in it - I guess.
In the future, with regard to my funds to nest the orphanage, Dr. Elle kept putting some of them in the orphanage as per the rules from the cost of transferring rights such as reversi and other toys to be transferred and saving the rest.
Apparently Dr. El kept it as an exception because I was only five years old and the amount was too large.
She turns seven and is given to manage it herself.
At first I was embarrassed and solidified, such as asking him to give me back what I gave him, but the teacher said, 'Because it's the rule,' and now I'm pushed off.
Truth be told, it's a boat across the street.
I recently wanted a crate or gun belt to manage ammunition (cartridges).
I bowed my head and thanked him and received it thankfully.
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A year in this world of reincarnation is about 360 days, 30 days for a month.
It will be a year in twelve months. positive or negative depending on the year, but this is more or less fundamental.
Spring, summer, autumn, and winter reign in all seasons in the demonic continent where I live.
There are some differences, but I don't like the heat, so I'm glad this isn't a tropical climate or something.
Hot summer passes, autumn mouth.
Recent schedules include morning, unchanged teacher El's class assistant, and afternoon revolver practice and ammunition production.
Snow started attending part-time in the morning and basic magician classes in the afternoon because of his magician talent.
He smiles and waves at me on his way through the backyard to the test range.
The most delightful thing about being reborn is that we have a cute childhood friend like Snow.
I stare at the revolver Snow is putting on his waist-wrapped gun belt with disgusting eyes.
"Are you still going to experiment with magic tools today?
"The experiment was almost over around the summer. I guess practice is the focus now."
After the outbreak, she began to tell me to stop developing magic tools.
They want me to stop doing dangerous things.
But since that outbreak, I haven't had a single problem because I have perfect safety precautions.
Snow, however, unconvinced and cutely pointy his lips.
I properly recieve the word.
"Next time if you like, I'll let Snow touch you, too. If you actually shoot me, you'll understand how amazing this magic tool is."
"Fine. Such a dangerous toy, I don't want to touch it. Lute, stop making weird magic tools."
"It's okay, 'cause I said I wouldn't have another outburst. Because it's made with proper safety design."
Snow rests a long sigh with his hands on his hips.
"Be careful anyway, right? I (...) have a teacher on my side, but Lute is different. Don't be too unscrupulous."
"Yes, yes, I know. Good luck with your class, Snow."
Snow turned seven, and where everyone was, he started calling himself 'me'.
When you're alone with me, you can be alarmed and go back to naming....... let's be good because that's cute.
That's where Dr. Elle shows up. Apparently, it's time.
"So, gentlemen, I'm going to start my magician's basic class."
"I'll see you later, Lute. Go ahead."
I'll see you later.
Lovely childhood friend drops me off.
I stretched under my nose and headed to the test field for one person.
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Walk through the back yard of the orphanage for about ten minutes to reach Kawahara.
On the other side across the river is the forest entrance.
You basically shouldn't just go into the woods with the kids.
Because there will be demons.
Demons prefer children's soft meat, guts.
But I rarely come out of the woods.
Because this demon has left the woods and no one is more violent than to attack people.
I don't cross the river, I walk down the river.
A place that went about 100 m becomes a test field.
Opposite across the river.
I'm practicing shooting for a chopped cliff about 30 meters away.
Cliffs are soft enough for thirsty soil to fall apart when you step on them with your feet, and you don't have to worry about jumping bullets.
Target depicts a human form directly on the cliff with a wooden stick picked up.
You can redraw it again even if it collapses due to rain, wind, etc.
The river isn't that deep unless it's getting more water, so if you can strengthen your muscles and choose a shallow spot with physical strengthening, you can come right back across the shore.
This cliff saved me time without having to pile up earthbags or anything.
Place the luggage you brought in in the corner.
Remove the 'S&WM10' revolver from the gun belt wrapped around the waist made to order.
There is not even one round of ammunition (cartridge) in the cylinder for safety purposes.
Reach for the metal case placed in the corner.
This case was also made of magical liquid metal.
Inside is a Guisserie wooden box.
When the lid is opened, there are 38 special (9 mm) inside, fitting 36 rounds of 6 x 6 rows of detonators (primers) on top.
Remove six shots from the box and put them in the cylinder quickly.
Twelve more shots. Take them out. Keep them in your left pocket.
Put the revolver in your hand and point the gun at the mannequin about 30 meters away.
Raise the iron shot (hammer), aim at the head in the standing position and fire only one shot.
The bouncing recoil of smokeless gunpowder reproduced by magic is still suitable for the seven-year-old's flesh.
Pull out the magic and get the parts you need to fire thinly - your feet, arms, shoulders, and back, aided by physical enhancement.
Tan! Tan! Tan! Tan! Tan!
Raise the iron (hammer) and repeat each shot.
Shot all the bullets left in the cylinder to the head.
Few shocks compared to earlier.
The recoil is also held down thanks to physical strengthening, and the precision is increased.
Extrude the empty cartridge with an ejector rod from the cylinder and load the next bullet quickly.
The aim is the head of the target again.
Next, squeeze the trigger without raising the hammer.
Shooting sounded continuously.
Compared to the first time, bullets still bulge.
Again, load the next bullet quickly.
Thanks to physical enhancement and repeated practice, the next bullet can be loaded quickly.
Solve the physical strengthening technique once.
Next practice is early shooting.
Put a revolver in the gun belt to remove power from your body and become a natural.
"- - - Huh!"
Aided with instant physical enhancement with exhalation! Now let magic flow through your eyes as well.
Vision, reflectance velocity, and moving vision are enhanced.
Shots fired at the head of the mannequin depicted on the cliff.
Don't aim wrong, the bullet pierces you so you can get sucked in.
Unlock physical enhancement.
Return the revolver to the gun belt.
Again, he continued his practice of early shooting until he ran out of bullets from the cylinder.
Shooting up the ammo I brought, now I make ammo.
Collect the fallen empty pods.
Grab an empty pod and soak it in the magic liquid metal you brought.
Components that make up the ammunition (cartridge) - size 38 special (9 mm). Magic can be applied inside the pod (case).
The magic power of the powder emits, further compresses, and stationarily rests the powder in the image of an explosion, combustion, bursting, or smokeless powder.
Lid further with a bullet core (Bretcore) from the top.
The material imagines lead.
Wear a thin coat of armor (jacket) over pseudo lead.
The thunder tube (primer) in the buttocks also has the magic to cause a small explosion, and at the end of the day you cover it all with a bullet (bret) and it's done.
If the magic liquid metal we have now is gone, we still have the residual cost of the rights to reversing and other toys, so if you ask Marton, the merchant, they send it again.
But it's valuable, so I need to save something.
That's why we're reusing (reloading) the medicine pods.
This ammo making is surprisingly laborious and uses nerves.
It doesn't make proper ammunition (cartridges) without clarifying the image.
The amount of magic you can get in is not a big deal, but you can't have too much or too little.
It doesn't show satisfactory power unless you paint a decent burning image.
If I don't make it here even if it's a hassle, I'll only be able to make it later, at night, in the orphanage.
I don't want to make ammunition (cartridges) or anything like that where my little one is on my side.
Because it's too late, just in case.
Finish making the last one and finish cleaning up.
Soak the towel in the river, squeeze and then soak the sweat.
When I finished sweating all the way through, I took a sunset and pressed my diminished stomach back on my way home.
"It's time to use it in action, not just for purpose. I want to see how powerful and effective it is."
To do this, we need to ask Dr. Elle to go into the woods.
Because there are demons in the woods.
Ideal for the experimenter.
But I had a headache about how to get permission from my teacher.
Dr. Elle doesn't feel very comfortable developing magic tools about the outburst.
But the opportunity to fight in action came in an unexpected way.
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A few days later - in the afternoon, near evening.
Finish making ammunition (cartridges) after practicing revolvers in Kawahara as usual.
I make sure that there is no ammunition (cartridge) in the cylinder for safety measures, and then it goes into the gun belt.
Put the finished crate in the metal ammunition case without gaps and put your hands on the lid.
Speaking and looking back, Snow smiles and waves his hand from the river.
I guess you came to let me know dinner was ready.
Behind Snow, the kids in town were playing in the river plains at what time they were coming.
I wave back, too.
Let's finish cleaning up before she gets there.
Multiple screams stop cleaning up hands.
Looking back in haste, the children, who were playing on the river a hundred meters away, were screaming and running out their backs to the woods.
Goblins overflow like avalanches from the forest entrance.
The number is fifteen.
It feels like I lost my hair from chimpanzees, got my head big, wore it down and made my face ten times evil.
He has bows and arrows, swords, axes, spears, knives, swords, and so on in his hands.
My legs are surprisingly fast on the body of three heads.
About three of them have already stepped into the river.
The devil's favorite is the child's soft meat. Are you excited, Goblin's speed is faster than I thought.
At this rate, some of the children will be caught and fed by them before they reach the orphanage.
"... ugh!
I'm a physical enhancement aid!
Throw out the lid of the crate and I can put six shots in the cylinder.
The rest was put upside down in my pocket and poured in.
Finish prepping, strengthen your legs and run out.
A three- or four-year-old girl falls on her way out and hits her in the head.
I can see all the power of that child's body falling out in an instant.
I guess I passed out.
Snow ran over to the kid and hid it behind his back.
It would be possible for Snow to escape holding a fainting girl with physical enhancement.
But then the goblins catch up with the kids who ran out first.
She spread her hands and showed with attitude that she would not pull a step back on her arriving goblin opponent.
"Dance with my hand, Ice Sword! Ice Sword!"
One m x two ice swords are born in both hands along with her spell chant and released.
Not aiming wrong, the sword pierces the two goblins that came towards him. But on the verge of piercing, one of the goblins releases a bow and arrow like an ice sword (Ice Sword).
Slight gap after the spell chant.
The arrow flies straight to her chest.
If it does, it will hit the child behind it.
There is not yet enough skill to put up a resistance reflexively.
Snow's desperate face widens all over my enhanced vision.
For a moment, it overlapped with the look on the face of a friend I had abandoned in my previous life.
I scream as if to shake off such black emotions.
"Snow, whoa, whoa!
Eight or one, set up a revolver.
Standing position.
15 m at a distance.
The aim is a flying arrow.
Enhanced mobile vision, the practice I've been doing, a shorter distance than usual - I tell myself I can do it.
Predict the future position where the arrows will go and stop sighing to hold the blink.
Raised the iron shot (hammer), fingered the trigger and squeezed quietly.
I'm not used to hearing firing noises in this other world.
Bullets don't aim wrong, they shoot through arrows and smash them.
I succeed in cursive shooting that I never want to do again, and I accidentally scream.
Needless to say, I was lucky.
Goblins' feet stop alarmed by the firing noise they first heard and my appearance.
Meanwhile, he further strengthened his legs to catch up with Snow and the others, hiding behind his own back.
"Riu, Lute, oh, yes -"
"Be thankful, Snow never moves out of this place with that child in his arms!
"Wow, okay!
Wild animals instinctively chase their prey away from turning their backs.
I want to avoid being badly stimulated and stormed again by the goblins.
Cut the conversation and point the gun in a standing position at the goblins whose legs are stopped.
Shots fired at the head of the goblin in close order.
Demons are human creatures - but they squeeze the trigger without any hesitation to protect the snows.
The bullet shot through the head of the goblin to be sucked in.
I don't give up flashy bloodshed like in movies and dramas.
I just break my knee and fall like a doll with a broken thread.
With the power of revolvers today, you can't defeat Goblins with one shot without shooting them accurately in the head.
He slaughtered four goblins with four bullets remaining.
Eight left.
For the Goblins, as many as five of their people would have been defeated in an instant.
But still numerically, the goblins are more overwhelming.
They are murderous, blistering and storming again.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"
The roar and killing intent of slapping the skin.
I desperately scold my body for about to tremble and move my hands with selflessness.
Extrude the empty cartridge with an ejector rod from the cylinder and load the next bullet quickly.
The priority to be targeted is the guy with close range and the guy with the possibility of ranged attacks such as bows and arrows.
Firstly, shots were fired at the goblins with the most approaching worn swords and wooden claws.
Goblins hide themselves in the inner part of the cage, but in vain.
In front of the power of being able to penetrate automotive doors, it is also not an obstacle such as a wooden jar.
The bullet penetrates easily and shoots through the head of the goblin.
Goblins who are defeated and stop moving for a moment. Point the gun at the next target as you capture it in sight.
"... ugh."
Breathe in small.
Goblins will be targeted with bows and arrows here next.
Thanks to enhanced motor vision, the goblins moved as slowly as they were slowly regenerating.
Yet my own heart sounds like a May fly ringing in my ear, fast.
Fire as practiced while calming your feelings in the face of wanting to exhale.
Goblin was shot through the brow before shooting an arrow and dipped in his face in the river.
I'm going to hit all the bullets in the head of the goblin like a precision machine.
Shoot all six shots.
There are two goblins left.
When they understand their disadvantages, they turn their backs and flee back to the woods.
Just in case, fill the cylinder with ammunition (cartridge) again.
There are two bullets in the left pocket.
(If you push over with more than eight...)
We'll see how it goes for a while, but there's no sign of bringing back reinforcements.
I relieve physical fortification and breathe heavily.
It shouldn't have been three minutes since the battle began, but the ball of sweat floats on my forehead.
Fatigue is not only intense because I used more than half my magic.
I'm mentally polished in my first real fight.
Returning the iron shots (hammers), he looked back to see how Snow and the others were hiding behind him.
"Snow, are you hurt? Something that hurts!
"Lute, I was scared! Lute kun...... ugh!
Snow hugs me as I call my name.
Her face is buried in her neck muscles and tickles because her back length barely changes.
Warm body temperatures stain your body against Snow's name.
Her safety, I was more relieved than I imagined myself.
I gently stroke Snow's head over and over again like I love him.
"Snow is great. Stay until the end, even if you're scared... it's really great."
She did what I couldn't do in her previous life in a situation where her life was at stake, and she was seven years old.
Sincerely, respect and praise Snow.
But she made it clear in her voice that she could easily shake her head and cry out in her chest.
"Thank you, Lute, for protecting the snows. Thanks........."
Snow's words of thanks.
No matter how much you save them, it doesn't mean nothing in the past life, and sin doesn't disappear.
But when I heard the words... I felt like the weight that I had grabbed and blocked on the bottom of my chest was only a little lighter.
"I'm the one... Thanks, Snow"
I hug Snow tightly.
I realise that, and I feel strength in my fingers. Her tears fall on my cheek.
Then the kids who ran away first asked Dr. Elle for help, until she ran off.
We kept hugging each other to make sure they were warm.
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