Gundam Fire Still

Gundams Krieg bleibt Kapitel 1

Gundam's Warfare Still By Orbital Guided Vehicle

Different times.

Different people.

One Earth.

Likewise, War.

The poo-pooed off Captain Jegon in UC crosses over to Gundamseed's homo, leaning towards the Reasonable Party, though absolutely reasonable is impossible.

At least, don't expect no enemy sticks or anything like that.

Neutral on ACE, I'm personally neither a BB party, nor a fly or MS party, and the effectiveness of the weapon depends on the person using it, after all.

After being with some people and spouting off about SEED's plot countless times, I feel like I should probably write about it.

The World Landscape in the Age of CE (above) (repost)

This is a setting from a setting party exec who wishes to remain anonymous or ID, and I would like to express my deepest gratitude to him. To a large extent, the world I follow will be under this setting as well. Perhaps someone will be able to recognize the author from some familiar penmanship or tone, or even from memory (a possibility that undoubtedly exists), but in any case, since he himself adheres to this slightly oddly anonymous principle, I must respect that as well. ------. ------. ------. --- reproduced below ---. ------. ------. ------.

The author has always believed that - no matter how much technology advances, the basic laws governing the operation of human society will not change ... ....


At the end of the ad era, the depletion of oil resources, the new economic revolution, the advent of the space age, and even environmental degradation have dramatically changed the political ecology of the planet - the only thing that remains the same is the supreme national interest.

The once-popular (mono)nation-state movement, with its constant attempts at independence (or secession) and its attempts to get smaller and smaller, proved to be too small to give its countries a place in the New World - after all, energy change alone is not something that most countries can handle alone.

With this as the impetus, there has been a burgeoning movement to reorganize and reorganize peoples and nations - the Orientals are adept at using simple language to reveal much more complex and profound philosophies, called, in our parlance, "the long united must be divided, the long divided must be united" (seems to be a reversal of the order of these two phrases?). ........

r.c. war (restru-war, reconstructed war), though always misrepresented by later generations as World War III (the-world-war-iii). But apart from a few atomic bombs dropped on Kashmir by some two stupid countries in Central Asia to prove how unrewarding war is an option, there has been no more regional warfare on a worldwide scale than this....


The United States, the United Kingdom and Canada are the recognized troika of the "Atlantic-federation". Since, the federal system is the most appropriate of all current systems of government to deal with the relationship between state power (local self-government) and state power (central government power). That is why the other two countries would willingly give up their diplomatic and military power to join the new "empire" without fear of becoming an ordinary province of the United States.

Likewise, for reasons of reciprocity, the Atlantic confederation retains, in addition to its capital, Washington, two symbolic authorities, the "Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" and the "Government of the Governors-General of Canada", since its provinces are located in. The Federal Parliament (both Houses of Parliament) gained seats, but for historical and sentimental reasons they did not change the name to "State xx" - and actually (and this is the most important) settled the Irish (not Northern Ireland, mind you) and Quebec issues once and for all ... (note 1)

Of course, for other countries, it is already a great privilege to be a state of the Union. In order to achieve this, it doesn't matter if the whole country doesn't become the 51st state (there are now 50 states in the US) - for example, Mexico. Too large in area and too populous, it was dismembered into four "Mexican states" (distinguished from New Mexico's new-mexico). Also, under the Treaty of San Antonio (so named because the US-Mexico merger treaty was negotiated and signed in the san-antonio), Mexico had to "anglicize" and could only gradually acquire full statehood in proportion to its popularity...

The situation of the Caribbean countries is more mixed than before, and some countries that had followed the US in the AD era, such as the Bahamas and Haiti, were "graciously" incorporated into the nearest state, Florida. As for the other countries, they signed the Cuban Organic Law, the Dominican Organic Law, the Jamaican Organic Law...until the passage of the Panama Organic Law - the Commonwealth once again had this critical international waterway under its belt....

It should be noted that in this series of organic-acts, the above-mentioned regions are "unincorporated territories" of the Atlantic Confederation, whose inhabitants enjoy federal citizenship but cannot vote in presidential elections - which is why neither the former United States nor the present Confederation is a "union"! The real reason polar bear kind of fanatical land lovers: candidates don't even want to go to places like that to get votes!!!!

So, theoretically, others could shout "Cuba/Dominican Republic/Panama (and many more names to choose from)... not part of the Atlantic Commonwealth since time immemorial..." and then rush over and plant their flags! ...

Sadly, until now, there has been no sign of anyone daring to jump out and do so....


On the other side of the Atlantic, the "eurasiaion", the world's largest federation, solves its power-sharing problem in another way - based, as you might have guessed, on the model of the European Union (EU). ...of the Commonwealth of Independent States...

The Eurasian-parliament, composed of representatives of the member states (ate), is much smaller than the Atlantic federal parliament, but this does not mean that the former is any more efficient. According to the Constitution of Brussels (the capital of Eurasia), the official languages of Eurasia alone are German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, and, together with the languages of other small European countries, the Eurasian government uses no less than 10 languages in its own documents!

This also explains the inability and seemingly unwillingness of Eurasia to engage in cultural integration between (mono)nation-states after the political, economic and military levels. Of course, because the total amount is so large, Eurasia doesn't seem to care much about the resulting loss of national power.

But deep down inside, the Eurasian Parliament had always had a problem with not having a territory that belonged only to the "federal government" - a regret that was finally remedied when the Federation moved beyond Turkey.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, a country that had long been working on the development of nuclear bombs to illuminate the homes of millions (note 2), finally incurred the wrath of the public and was overtaken and annexed by the European coalition forces with lightning speed, and was directly characterized as the lowest constitutional "eurasian-parliameory" (parliamentary district). )" - some people just call it a "colony", which is really, really unkind to say ....

With the elimination of this sworn enemy of the Arab countries, Europe has logically gained the goodwill of the Middle East countries, and with its geographical location, the consolidation of this region is off to a good start. Although the Atlantic Commonwealth is the most influential state here, due to statehood restrictions (the Commonwealth could not agree to them becoming states, and the Middle East could not accept things like the Saudi Organic Law), Eurasia has decently withdrawn from the region after other compensations from the former United States.

But not for long, as the turbaned guys soon found out, the Eurasian Federation also had no intention of preparing an equal seat for themselves in the Eurasian Parliament, and were only willing to provide the next level of "dominion" - but the Atlantic Federation, the only counterweight to Europe, was already holding the The deal to "sell out" the Middle East is back in full force.

Until 1970, only one independent sovereign state remained in the Middle East - Kuwait (kuwait).

(It is important to note that Israel is treated as a "culturally European country" and is in complete control of Jerusalem with the backing of the Knesset.)

The same treatment was given to the countries of Central Asia, which had almost taken refuge in the country, and the various "stans" almost unhesitatingly accepted the status of dominion because of the "people under the roof".

This is why it is said that although the territory of the Union extends over Europe and Asia, the centre of her dominion will always be firmly oriented towards Europe; or, more directly, that "Europe" is "Eurasia" ... ...

This is what we know as the second of the "double-federation", which is the conspiracy and rivalry in the international political arena of the CE era.......


The humanist traditions of the three Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Finland) made them genuinely uncomfortable with the neo-imperialist approach of "two federations", which had led them to criticize strongly the human rights situation in one country, to reject proposals to join Eurasia or the Atlantic Ocean, and to create an independent state. "Scandinavian kingdoms (kingdom-of-savia)".

Even though it is a kingdom, a constitutional monarchy that retains only a symbolic head of state is far more enlightened than a certain family-based Pacific island nation in the same era, which was called a "representative of the people" but was actually a "representative of the people". ........


The creation of the "uates-of-south-america" can be seen as "two federations". "The natural continuation of trading in the Middle East...

It was only with the support of the predecessor of the Atlantic confederation (where did Uncle Sam get the energy?) that Spanish-speaking Chile and Argentina were strong enough to preside over the process, along with Brazil, which occupied nearly half of the continent, whose official language was Portuguese, and which had close ties with France, which had tried to dominate South America....

But the new United States of America was not destined to fulfill the dream of South American "unity" - although it had its own "troika" and coherent political system, which was a delicious poison given to them by the other United States.

It is important to note that, similar to Europe, no South American country has the grace and ability to integrate the cultures of its peoples. But unlike Europe, the leaders of South America have always had passion over reason, and in their view, a "united South America", if it cannot become a world power, is not qualified to represent the many people living in such a rich land!!!!

And all of this is inseparable from the efficient and powerful federal government to rationally dispatch resources throughout South America - they are not as rich as Europe, which is so willing to sacrifice valuable national resources. So South America followed the example of the United States and created provinces, regions and a central government (just a name change) and elected two chambers and a president respectively...

But the South Americans were, after all, naive, and did not (including the politicians themselves) have the sophistication and maturity that had taken centuries to develop in Europe and the U.S. - conflicted populations (in part because the governments were largely dominated by Brazilians and Argentines, who were also at odds), ineffective congresses, a **civil service, all the problems that existed in all countries. The United States of America...

Had South America adopted the "European system", the "dividends" of the merger might have been much smaller, but the risks would have been manageable - unfortunately, the European Parliament did not respond to the request for political guidance for South America. Because it was busy "Raiding the Middle East", and under a secret agreement with the United States, the soon-to-be-formed "Eurasia" could not reach into the "backyard" of the Atlantic Union. ........


After the annexation of the peninsula and the islands, the Republic of East Asia (republic-of-east-asia) finally appeared to live up to its name.

And before that, she had retrieved Taiwan and Mongolia.

Although, through two or three wars with minimal losses, East Asia has inherited almost intact the wealth, industry, and technology that the two regions have accumulated over the last hundred years, the long-term effects of this approach do not appear to be promising....

In fact, without having to wait as long as 20 or 30 years, East Asia's actions almost immediately destroyed the "Shanghai-cooperation-organization (SCO)" and the "Association-of-southeast-asian-nations (ASEAN) 10+3 system" that it had worked so hard to establish and maintain, and pushed Central and Southeast Asia to the side of its own imaginary enemies....


The rise of East Asia - they probably don't need to use the word "peace" anymore - has not only terrified the nations of Southeast Asia, but has also made even the two nations on the other side of the Atlantic and the other side of the Himalayas suddenly very uneasy.

However, at this time, the East Asian Republic, while digesting its own results, but also to quell the resulting international hostility and blockade, had to lower its stance, forced to promise not to interfere with the "integration" of neighboring countries - although only temporarily, but this is indeed a deadly compromise.

Take advantage of this opportunity, in a hurry and after a rowdy deal and quarrel, India became the Southeast Asian countries of the "protectorate"; soon afterwards and waved troops westward, wiped out their old enemy Pakistan - soon, the famous "Indian Ocean is India's Indian Ocean" became "Indian Ocean is the equatorial-union (equatorial-union) of the Indian Ocean" ....

However, the Atlantic Commonwealth, which helped India accomplish this feat, also preserved the proud tradition of the United States of America of "stabbing the enemy a thousand times and stabbing the ally at least once".

First of all, from its inception, the Equatorial Union has had the East Asian Republic as an imaginary enemy. India, already a loose confederation, and the former ASEAN, which needed only security guarantees, formed an equally loose union of states (with no small amount of federal interference), which greatly limited their overall power. Finally, Pakistan has undoubtedly developed into an ulcer in the South Asian subcontinent, with frequent terrorist attacks and restoration movements significantly curtailing India's energies and energies.

Taken together, the problems make the Equatorial Union a troublesome neighbour in East Asia, but it has no spare capacity to expand its influence worldwide. Plus a few other reasons, by the time the ce 60's rolled around, she was reduced to being better than the "African Community"....


Africa, once a colony of Europe, would have seemed the easiest region to join in the Eurasian Federation in the world's "divide and conquer"? But for this reason, the "independent African countries" were wary of joining a political system made up of a powerful group of former suzerain states and were resistant to doing so - not without the instigation of the Atlantic Confederation.

With the acquiescence of North America and Europe (ostensibly the former suppressing the latter's urge to "return to Africa"), the African Community (afri-semunity) has become - whatever you think of it, it sounds like a British joke....

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