Gundam Fire Still
Gundam's War Remains, Chapter 17
"And the exchange ratio of those MBTs against MS isn't encouraging," General Hartman, the base MA team's commander, made a good-natured reminder.
"If we can't fight back, let's regroup our troops first."
A set of craters was marked out on the lunar surface map, the Grimaldi Crater Belt, located roughly midway between the Union Army's Ptolemy base and the Lorenz Crater occupied by zaft. As a support point that had been selected long ago, there was already a certain number of Union Army outposts and supply points placed there based on the mines, and during this attack, it was unknown whether it was because zaft did not focus on putting troops there or the local garrison had played extraordinarily well, but most of the outposts were still safe and sound, with perfect supply and repair functions- --but only as small outposts, some surviving Union Army squads were already voluntarily converging there for repairs and supplies, and it stands to reason that they were set as regrouping points.
As it turned out in hindsight, most of the Union ground positions and units throughout the Moonface had only been thrown into disarray by the dropping of a scattered group of MS teams, which had then quickly regrouped and moved closer to the main force. On the backside of the moon, the Zaft's key offensive area, the more numerous and organized MS units, supported by ship fire, quickly destroyed the nearest Union forces to the Lorenz Crater and began building their bases. The scattered drops of MS did a good job of disrupting the Combine, and by the time the Combine's Moonface forces had largely completed their buildup at Grimaldi, a defensive ring of MS teams had been formed around the Zaft base at Lorenz Crater.
While the top brass of the Union Army was still debating whether or not to take the initiative to attack the enemy's base, the Zaft Army, which was always considered to be rich in vigorous offensive spirit, was the first to go. The forward commander of the coalition forces in Grimaldi was clearly no punk, and although the battlefield network had been fragmented by neutron jamming, his uninterrupted fleet of patrols quickly spotted the incoming MS. The four MA's of that squad fired all their air and air missiles immediately after visual contact before turning around and running away. The semi-active missiles, which hadn't been carefully aimed, flew like unguided rockets in the direction of the enemy without the MA's radar illuminating the target and their own radar being jammed, and of course couldn't hit any targets, but the four MA's had by now accelerated to a point where the MS team couldn't catch up-. --excellent acceleration is one of the few remaining strengths of the MA. So the joint line of defense was alarmingly wide open.
Karl instinctively preferred hunting missions to defensive ones, and both Mobius and MS were weapons that fed on mobility, and once the battlefield was delineated, that mobility was compromised to some degree, and if MS could still shoot off the terrain and defend in place by turning, MA couldn't even do that, and having to shoot along the axis of flight dictated that it had to move. Keep your head on the target to shoot - even though the Möbius 0 has an all-round attack line gun, this still works. Its weak armour also meant that it was better suited to pursuing and attacking the enemy rather than firing face to face with them.
But, in any case, orders are orders, and the K27 area is the defensive zone for the entire test team, and the 12 Möbius have to work with about 2 companies of marines to destroy the zaft-ins that come into the area. Or be destroyed by them. At the initial briefing, Carl had learned that the Marines could provide some Super Abrams tanks and infantry fighting vehicles for combat against MS in addition to a few 203mm mortars with warp fire support, and that each infantry squad was also equipped with anti-tank missiles, some of which were infrared guided missiles originally intended for use against tank engines, and some of which were laser shelf-beam missiles, which came with their own for lunar surface use The oxidizer's bulky weapons are already the only guided weapons the Combine has at the moment that can barely function properly with neutron jamming. Penetrating MS's armor is likewise not difficult for them - if they can get to firing position and aim. It also means that the Marines are fully capable of bringing effective kills to the MS by their own firepower alone. In theory this could be a good configuration, with tanks having armor better suited to defense, infantry covering their flanks, and MAs being able to go for maneuverable and nimble strikes, or covering the tanks' fragile roofs with the help of a data chain over ground forces-. That was probably the original Joint Force concept of operations, but everything has changed now that neutron jamming has made basic air-ground coordination difficult. While the Union Army engineers were busy laying cables or building relay base stations between small bases, outposts, and strongholds to maintain communications, the radio issue with the frontline troops was still up in the air. The result of a long discussion between Mu as squad commander and the Marine commander, and only the use of flares for emergency communications in the event of ineffective highest power radios was the result, and both pilots and tank commanders realized that it was wise for the Combined Forces to retain flares in the process of combat informality.
The first time the forward base here had welcomed so many assigned MAs, the few EMP tracks that had been placed seemed far from adequate, but fortunately most of them still had the ability to take off on their own under the moon's gravity.IFF marked the spot that appeared on the radar screen, the naval aviator's VF, or the The Marine VMF, and the Close-Use Jagged Airmen from Eurasia, flashed on the moon's horizon like a string of shooting stars with a single engine fire. The Möbius 0's line barrel gun made it impossible to lower the conventional landing sled and had to take up the base's limited number of electromagnetic catapults, and one by one the other members of the squad appeared on the screen, next, the catapult indicator on the right side of their own HUD flashed green.
"Test Squad 0342, Beta 01, Carl S. Black, Moebius Type 0, go."
--- Here's the bullshit divider -------.
Suddenly finding myself writing what is more like a biography on the subject into something more like a history of war - well, that's a problem.
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7. moonface (iii)
The electronic map spread out on the side screen corresponded to the slowly spreading lunar surface in front of them, the main engine power had been turned off to a minimum, used only to keep the MA from being pulled down by the moon's gravity.
"0342 Beta 01, airspeed 450, altitude 500, in a pre-determined warning area, over." Although he didn't know how effective the communications were, Karl still conducted a routine briefing, although it was 0342 squad, but with 12 MA test squads had far exceeded the preparation of a squad, so it was internally formed into four three-plane squads, used to increase the probability of discovery of the enemy in a wide area, informing about their position also helps to cooperate with each other, and according to the intelligence, zaft currently has no Cracking the communications code that the joint was no longer of much use.
The first few contacts were with friendly armor, first some slight heat source from tank engines on the infrared scan screen; then the target was spotted on radar, and then Carl could see the massive turrets of those Marine tanks before the enemy identifier decided it was friendly. The next time, a small dot of movement was spotted on the horizon, but it was quickly recognized from that trajectory as a colleague in the squad, and the two sides swung past the line guns. The next time again, Carl could see the moon dust rising in the direction of the horizon, advancing menacingly without knowledge of concealment, that was mostly MS right, pressed the nose and the three MAs disappeared into the shadow of the crater.
White moon dust began to explode in a cloud around the crater, and although the flash of the firing couldn't be seen from his current position, Carl could already tell that it was an opposing artillery barrage, and it seemed that zaft had realized that those Union tanks weren't just fat meat for the MS mouth. Although he was only the MA pilot of the Union Army, in the distant corner of his memory, he had flown jets flying in the atmosphere, dropped bombs on the Cyclops, and been smoked by shrapnel from an anti-aircraft gun as he was planted on the airfield. In the rainforests of Southeast Asia and the hills of East Asia, the noise of the engines and wind mixed with the sound of the MBT's engines and the MS's footsteps was accompanied by the drumbeat of the shelling and the screech of the shells falling from the sky. There was no air on the moon's surface, and he felt a slight pity that he couldn't hear the gunfire that could immediately put one on alert.
There was no doubt that Zaft had learned most of their land warfare tactics from the Combine, and in their cramped satellites, land warfare was an entirely different model, and they had to go out on the battlefield to experiment with the conventional land warfare tactics they'd learned. This time Zaft's unseemly artillery barrage didn't hit anything, the Union infantry and tanks weren't walling off the front of Zaft's attack arrow to take this wave of fire preparations; and the Union's counter-attack came quickly, and Karl could see spots of light crossing overhead, wondering if they were counter-attacking the opponent's artillery or suppressing the opposing attacking force. Karl didn't expect much success from this barrage, this kind of warped fire didn't have a strong ability to penetrate armor, though this drawback wasn't so prominent against MS, and even if they didn't hit, the impact of the close blast and shrapnel would interrupt the MS's weak piping and give them trouble; but from the air, the MS's smaller projection made it less likely that the barrage would hit its target squarely.
Although MS were a weapon capable of three-dimensional maneuvering, they still preferred to use their legs in the presence of gravity, which might be good news for the Union Marines, whose weapons and training were better suited to dealing with targets moving in the plane of the earth; but on the other hand the gravity of 1/27g on the lunar surface would allow MS to fly without consuming too much fuel, and on earth a cunning MS would be able to evade Union fire by maneuvering on a vertical axis with a jetpack, and it was easier to do so on the moon than on earth.
There was no sound, no movement on radar, and Karl was unfamiliar with the rugged ring of mountains here-even having a well-developed electronic map didn't equal familiarity with the terrain, and they had to be calm and look around carefully, and at some point they should have picked up fire.
"Nine o'clock, visual contact." Squad 2 seemed to have spotted something "Infrared pod, confirm target."
A small dot was rising out of the canyon between the craters, the searing hot jets made it very visible on the IR screen, no doubt it was a combat MS right. Usually zaft was 3 planes to a squad, and there was only one jumping MS, so either it was a panicked newbie, or, there were two more MS in combat nearby. Carl turned the nose of the plane and put that spot of light in the center of the HUD.
Private Norman was carrying a launcher barrel, the thick moonface combat suit and some vibrating ground made it impossible to aim properly, but the target in front of him was large enough that an MS completely missed the hidden infantry and pounced on the tank that couldn't hide its massive turret. The Super Abrams fired first at this MS squad, the first magnetic rail shell hit one MS in the leg, the high velocity metal projectile tore through the leg made of metal and piping with little hindrance, so the latter activated his jetpack in place and dodged the next one; the other two MS, one started firing in their direction, but his machine gun rounds were only in the tank's There was a trail of sparks on the front armor; the other drew its long blade and rushed the MBT, and now Norman was holstering the MS that had assaulted to close range, the lack of protection on its back had a jetpack and fuel, a perfect target for a light missile with a modest charge.
Hell, it seemed to have been spotted, the sergeant on the side made a get down gesture, and the red one eye seemed to have turned in his direction?
Wait, what's that?
A shower of bullets hit the MS around it, almost affecting several approaching Union soldiers.It raised its head, and several purple and white shadows were passing over its head.The MS with its long knife in its hand stopped its charge and seemed to look up dazedly, as its long knife was useless against the flying MA, and even if it jumped, it might not be able to accurately slash the MA that flew by at high speed.The other one also The MS with the 76mm machine gun immediately turned its muzzle and fired into the air.
The situation on this small battlefield was clear from the information coming from the MA forward looking infrared sensors, one MS that had just activated its jetpack was falling slowly, one was firing at ground troops, and one had jumped into the fire blind spot of an MBT, presumably in a melee. Carl had to make a judgment call in a few seconds, because in a few seconds the squad would be passing over the battlefield.
The linear cannon was released, the rain of rounds that hit Ginn's body and feet didn't do much damage, but at least it caught the pilot's attention.76mm lines of fire were being fired by his teammates, the ammunition that clanked against the tank's armor could easily penetrate the fragile MA, but the MS that stood firing were also good targets for the MA's linear cannon, and a few seconds was enough time for fire control! The computer had pre-judged the shot at a stationary target. Not having time to identify whose shell it was that hit the target, Carl pulled the nose up before the trajectory of the machine intersected with the line of fire from Ginn's shot, and the corner of his eye could see a cloud of dust rising at the feet of the MS standing still and firing, and then a white mist of something leaving the giant's body.
Norman pulled the trigger, the MS's jetpack was the best target on its back, the residual heat from the jet port activated during the fresh charge immediately attracted the missile's infrared guidance head, the MS remained standing, seemingly pondering whether it should deal with the tanks almost as well as into melee range, the infantry, or the MA's first. its pilot was blissfully unaware of the firing body flying behind it. The semi-armor-piercing warhead of the light missile hit its target and then burst open, the less powerful explosion igniting the jet fuel, propellant and oxidizer reacting the way they were intended to in the heat of the blast, first shuddering slightly and then Ginn's massive body fell forward as if it had been pushed.
Flames and explosions spewed violently from behind the MS, flopping to the ground like it was carrying a burning torch behind it.The MBT slowly turned the turret, aiming at the burning giant that had fallen to its side, and then the turret slowly turned back to the front. Although the crackle of the explosion could not be heard, some small explosions could be seen on the underside of the fuselage, presumably the ammunition for the cannon had been detonated, and in short, the MS that could have pulled the Combine here into an inferno had become a burning inferno.
Norman looked away from the burning giant's body, the MS that had taken cover in the rear had also fallen to the ground, its left arm with its shoulder had left its torso, and that body was tilted, not burning or exploding. The sergeant was assembling the team to check the wreckage and the pilot.The MAs and the MS with the broken leg were out of sight, presumably running away or perhaps shot down by the pursuing MAs, in short, it had been a small victory for this mechanized infantry squad, a small, insignificant victory on the entire front.
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8. moonface (4)
FRED. Young ran through the port corridors of the base, probably due to zaft's airlift, there were far fewer pedestrians running through the corridors, and the rest were in a hurry, his companion looked to be walking at a steady pace, but he had to trot to keep up with him, and Young had no doubt that this fellow of his had been part of some dangerous department, and it would be better to work well with him. Roy. Gale was also part of the Intelligence Fusion, and the former CIA cadet had always been well aware of the importance of technicians, the latter always providing them with good technical equipment; but he didn't like the job at hand: to deal with a bunch of scientists or engineers who hadn't had any military training, or worse, to take care of them-. ---as a liaison from the Intelligence Fusion to provide the necessary help to that subject group. Hell, what can he do while they're buried in computers and data? While he knew what to do when someone pointed a gun at them, if something like that happened, the plan would have pretty much failed. For now, though, at least he was free of them for the time being; the shuttle they were on was about to leave port with a pile of scrap metal and encrypted data disks, and he'd have to travel with his fellow officer, another technician who might need to be taken care of, but at least he was an officer and had heard that he'd been on the Over the front lines, so he should be able to react correctly if he ran into any surprises, it wouldn't be too hard to head to the Grimaldi front line where the battle was being fought to find a few test squads, but anything could happen on the battlefield. He knew exactly what was going on, the MS development program was nominally part of the Combined Forces, but the substantive lead was the Atlantic Federation, and the main propeller was Halbarton of the 8th Fleet, but that didn't mean the other fleets were standing idly by, they were showing support for the program - or not going to The basis for actively tearing down the stage of Halbarton, known as the Wise General, was a very logical attempt to get in on the action, and if the plan worked, they could certainly get a piece of the pie, and it wouldn't hurt them if the plan failed; look at this itinerary and it's pretty clear, go to one of the 7th Fleet's immediate squad stations to get some combat data, then give a transfer order to a 3rd Fleet test pilot, and then go to Borrowing an armed squad of Marines from the Moonface, and so on and so forth. "So-called bureaucrats, same in-universe as on the ground, ah. But at least the old man who's used to sitting in an office is putting his influence in a more appropriate place." Roy thought to himself, pulling on his seat belt.
The lunar surface shuttle certainly wasn't dedicated to the mission of the Intelligence Convergence, essentially it was one of the transport shuttles sent from the lunar base to replenish supplies on the Grimaldi front, and the cargo bay was stacked with rolls of cable, boxed oxygen generation equipment, reinforced communications antennas, and a small amount of ammunition and fuel that made Fred feel a little hairy, but even without the cargo the shuttle wouldn't have been any better off! Security that is, and a new MS identification manual - not a manual anymore, of course, but a federated encrypted data disk, and Fred soon began to look over the updated Zaft's MS data with amusement.
The yellow in warning lights flickered on and off to the side, which was distracting, but Karl wasn't about to turn it off - that wouldn't help the situation at all, and at least the flashing lights proved that certain systems were working properly. The organism had taken a few rounds in an earlier firefight, and while he'd earned them back in terms of the exchange ratio, taking the shells wasn't something he'd expected. Anything could happen on the battlefield, and the most well thought out plans could be shattered by some random little thing that happened, and with events like this that were completely dominated by the chaos of the world, he was well aware that there was nothing he could do but watch silently as the fuel indicator slowly changed from green to yellow, and then had the tendency to approach the red danger zone.
It had been a few minutes ago when the squad had spotted two, or what was called two downed Zavut, and he hadn't been able to decide which word to use to describe the kind of MS with tracks, or a self-propelled gun that could stand up; as a mechanic rather than a designer, he could only conclude that those things looked stupid.
To technical officer Fred. Young thought it was equally stupid, 'this is zaft providing support fire for MS teams' was the judgement made in the Combined Forces identification manual, and Fred thought he could imagine what those Plant designers were thinking: the Combined Forces had equipped their ground forces with artillery and self-propelled artillery, so the adjusters were giving the Their MS team designing land warfare tactics felt they should be paired with something similar, so they did just that.Plant's adjusters had great designers, but genetic adjustments only seemed to enhance speed of thought rather than flexibility, obsessed with MS they tried to design fire support weapons based on humanoid MS and succeeded in a daunting task that was nothing short of miraculous. Of course, they paid the price: four large-caliber guns mounted on one MS, an unstable firing platform, and positioned at the shoulder, a key position that affects the mobility of the MS's entire arm, the MS's movable joints meant that its shoulder couldn't withstand excessive recoil - the The shoulder-mounted guns would have dislocated the steel shoulders in the first salvo if conventional guns had been used, so its designers "creatively" used low-pressure smoothbore guns, a technology that protected the MS shoulder joint from failure after firing; although the gun's design did not work, the gun's design was based on the idea that the steel shoulders would be dislocated in the first salvo. At the cost of heavily discounted range and armor-piercing capabilities, the problems with this artillery platform haven't been fully solved - the ammunition, being an MS, has arms and legs, internal plumbing and joints as an MS should, and tracks to adapt to the terrain and to improve stability of fire when necessary - but it's also an MS. --which is also a successful design, allowing it to fire more consistently with lower ground like the Union's self-propelled guns, but the track drive mechanism also requires airframe space, plus a morphing mechanism for switching MS form and track mode, not counting the four on the shoulder load. With the low-pressure smoothbore cannon, the entire airframe was packed to the brim. When standing up, it was difficult to maneuver with any agility, though not difficult to lift because of the weight on your back, but where were the shells? the amount of ammunition to be expended by four guns firing in unison was not a small amount, and it got worse if you added the small caliber anti-aircraft guns on hand, and zaft had no supply vehicles to follow them to replenish ammunition. It was an excellent, but at the same time stupid, design, and Fred reluctantly came to the paradoxical conclusion.
The mating of this Zaft squad that had appeared on the Grimaldi front line was no longer available, there had been numerous squads like it on the battlefield and a large portion of them had been lost to friendly forces due to neutron interference, all the joint side knew was that this squad, in the usual exuberant offensive spirit of zaft, had started to move forward after it had fired off all its shells --- have absolutely no idea what they're going to do. So they were quickly spotted by the MA, and then became wreckage to be sifted through by linear guns, but as the legend often goes on the battlefield, those who are pushed to their death always perform extraordinarily well; their only remaining weapon, the hand-held anti-aircraft rapid-fire gun, caused the MA team more trouble than they had anticipated. The weapons, of a slightly smaller caliber than Ginn's rapid-fire rifles, had a decent rate of fire, and while ammunition preparation had always been a problem, it was clear that the two had never had a chance to use them, and the magazines were still full until three MAs appeared over them. One of the problems with the Möbius Zero came to a head at this point, it had eliminated all missile mounts in order to mount a linear cannon, meaning that its only means of attack to the ground was direct fire from the linear cannon, the former with limited armor-piercing capability and affecting the pilot's concentration and reactions, the latter powerful enough but only towards the front. The latter was powerful enough but could only fire straight ahead. So when Karl and his squad aimed a volley at the two Zauts, the latter pulled out of the net without sparing ammunition.
The effect of this shot was outstanding.
Carl's fuselage had a couple of holes in its fuel tanks, leaking liquid fuel trailing behind the fuselage and looking like a fighter jet in the atmosphere was smoking, No. 2 had a broken navigation system and a couple of broken jets that had him flying sideways, and No. 3 had lost the two wire cannons that were still on the mounts, which had actually saved his life, and if he hadn't had the wire cannons, the rounds could have been Direct hit on the engine. Losing fuel didn't mean the MA couldn't continue to fly, it didn't take much fuel to maintain flight in the gravity of the moon's surface, but if there wasn't enough fuel to slow down when it landed, the MA would just plant itself hard on the ground-Carl remembered the miserable condition of the one MA in the frog jump team. He let the two wingmen head home first-he didn't want his unlucky teammate to get lost due to a navigational malfunction, and his No. 1 had to make a slow, leisurely return flight, hoping that there would still be enough fuel to slow down when he reached base.
There was a sudden fuzzy sound in his headset, and Carl switched off the cockpit alarms to carefully distinguish the
Carl cursed, he could hear it, it was a friendly calling for support, and a typical, panicked newbie, and it was already in radio range, which meant it was close.
"Go to it's base", the nose turned at an angle, the fuel dropped another fraction, and the leaking MA turned around and flew to the nearest combat heat source shown by the infrared pod.
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9. the moon's surface - the other side of the battlefield (above)
War is never without a variety of coincidences and legends, and the fire and time have made most of them hard to tell if they're true or not, and they're often irrelevant to the future of the whole war, but for those who lived through it, that might be life-changing.Zaft's green-suited pilot, Walter, was no different than any Adjuster soldier on a one-sided battlefield, and he didn't know if that was luck or Unfortunately, or at least he had never before imagined that something that rarely happened on the battlefield would befall him.
Walter wasn't a veteran of Zaft who had heard the footsteps of war join the Zaft before the start of a full-scale war, the nuke from the Unus 7 explosion, plus the first few batches of Zaft MS pilots - these foresighted adjusters and groundbreaking secret weapons brought a series of What could be called a glorious victory in both positive and negative ways gave Zaft's young army an immediate supply of soldiers. Born in April City, Walter was one of them; he trained as an MS pilot at Zaft during the Battle of the World Tree, and shortly thereafter, a wealth of combat data and information fleshed out Zaft's training syllabus; he and his classmates were about to graduate when the Combined Forces attacked Jakindovy, and with their brand new certificates as soldiers, they looked at the training class only a year or two older than themselves. The older generation fought and won on the front lines, intercepting the shells from Earth and the naturals away from the satellite. It's easy to imagine these young men's desire to fight, even the Adjusters are human and can be easily swayed by hormones and emotions: the outcome of the war seems predetermined, and they need to go and reap victory and glory as best they can; soon, their chance comes.
Things started off well, the big airdrop to the lunar surface was like all the cosmic battles before it, considered by Zaft's upper echelons to be a battle to overwhelm an enemy that didn't have numerical superiority by superior technical weaponry, as the combined forces squads on the lunar surface were scattered and lacked combat power. A single MS squad dropped out of the Loraxia-class hangar and then watched the white lunar surface grow closer and closer beneath their feet, and though Walter's squad leader seemed serious, the noisy communication channels between the few squads in the ship's hangar before the drop made the operation seem more like a relaxed military walk. The three MS dropped out by squad quickly formed into a standard formation and headed in the intended direction in a standard position, "it was like a drill". Zaft units airdropped on the periphery of the intended base building site were given the same orders to search forward in a certain direction and engage any enemy they encountered, then rendezvous in a certain direction some time later; not to regroup directly, but to engage in scattered guerrilla activity first, with the aim of disrupting the joint and confusing their opponents' judgement while cutting down on the number of scattered coalition forces on the lunar surface.
For Zaft, the Combined Forces that don't aggregate into numerical superiority don't pose a threat to MS, but for dispersed Zaft squads there's a subtle difference between little and no threat. The neutron jamming that started at the same time as the airdrops, while acting as a suppression of coalition communications, also essentially severed the links between the various Zaft squads, and using MSs that were designed to be suitable for individual/squad operations against coalition marines that had lost their battlefield data links and were half as blind was obviously a breeze, at least according to the Zaft battalion and most of the MS pilots. But an easily overlooked fact is that, despite the absence of the data chain, every combined squad, whether tank, or individual anti-tank weapon, can effectively penetrate Ginn's frontal armor.
Walter's squad seemed to be lucky, they didn't encounter any enemies at all at the predetermined time, the only things that appeared all the way to the middle of the targeting frame were monotonous craters, or endless white plains that were somewhat bizarrely empty, and there were always only three dots from the squad's lone 3 MS on the thermal sensors. Having seen what appeared to be tank track marks halfway through, his captain remained somber and didn't mean to search along the tracks, but led the squad in the direction of the rendezvous point.
The supply point was backed up against a crater, and a few craters behind it was the base under construction. An improvised camp consisting of a few defense turrets, a few movable containment pods, and a few crates housed two Zaunts unfit for solo combat, presumably on guard duty, and as soon as the squad approached, contact came through on the public comm channel.
"Welcome to Supply Point 037, no enemy encounters?"
"Good luck, the body is still as good as new."
"What's so good about a bullet that hasn't even been fired yet?"
"Don't say that, look at that."
On the other side of the supply crate stood a couple of Ginn from other squads, and Walter noticed several figures in space suits circling one of them, which had a noticeably large hole in its skirt armor.
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