Gundam Fire Still
The Battle of Gundam Remains Chapter 19
"Cut" Walter grunted lowly, he wasn't going to do that, MS was designed from the ground up to have an overwhelming advantage against MA's, especially if the other was a single unit, even if it was a new model that had never been seen before. As for the other Ginn, which had lost its weapons, it had begun to move away from being a threat for a short time. He was well aware that the 76mm machine gun attached to his own fuselage was still intact and loaded to the waist.
The disadvantage of the MA was that it had to fly over the target and turn back after firing, during which time the MS could easily hit the MA with its tail towards him, as he remembered from the training syllabus, and apparently the madman didn't have a wingman that could shoot from cover. Thinking didn't take too long for the adjuster, he could immediately think of what he should do.
The silhouette of the MA flying overhead had appeared in the distance, and Walter could clearly see the fire from the spray of propellant from its tail nozzle, clearly it was planning to turn around. ginn's hand began to move to the rifle at his waist, it would take him less than a second to draw this primary weapon and begin firing in the air. He was well aware that the MA would have a hard time dodging the barrage that a 76mm heavy assault rifle could produce at top speed, and the MA's armor wouldn't save it.
But the next second, the violent vibrating sound that came into the cockpit through the side of the fuselage skeleton and meant he was being hit told it as if his plan had gone awry, and a damage marker was added to the right arm in the on-screen profile. No one had told him yet that if he saw a madman on the battlefield, it was either a decoy or a real pain in the ass, and the odds of it being a real, death-delivering madman were low - because guys like that tended to turn into someone else's hit count in the first place.
"Please leave immediately, you have 20 seconds to get your oxygen tank, don't do anything fancy, and the next shot will be sniping the cockpit."
Carl hoped the other man would hear the threatening tone he'd brought with him this time, rather than the unadulterated emotional turmoil he'd used before to prevent interference with brainwave manipulation, with neutron interference it was hard to keep the quality of sound even in line-of-sight communications. Concentrating on maneuvering a wire cannon to snipe a target is no easy task, the immature brainwave manipulation system has the basic functions of intercepting and amplifying, but the fact that it's still using wires is enough in itself to show that it's still really an experiment, hovering a wire cannon precisely right in front of the MS and keeping it aimed at the cockpit isn't too difficult in itself, but keeping it in two minds while negotiating with the opponent is. Making sure the operation of the line cannon is undisturbed is a task that takes a toll on the brain. Luckily the one in this MS seemed to be a novice, a stationary target was a good target no matter where it was, and from the point of view of operating the line cannon, once its spatial position was fixed, all that was left was to adjust the propellant spray of the line cannon to overcome gravity.
Walter opened the cockpit and he saw the object that had destroyed the head monitor floating in front of him, he immediately identified two barrels that weren't too thick, it didn't look like the guy was booing intimidation. This wasn't a scenario that had been part of any contingency plan, he tried to recall, confirming that he had never learned how to deal with a situation like this in Zaft's officer school, but it was obvious to the adjuster's cool and quick thinking that a pilot's life was worth more than one airframe, and he didn't want to test the Ginn's frontal armor defenses with his own life.Zaft didn't not Allow the body to fall into the discipline of the enemy, then the answer is obvious.
"Cut, are you being played?"
A few minutes later, behind the crater, Walter saw the MA force its way down to the ground, pulling out long plumes of white smoke and the hovering barrels hitting the ground, he bit down hard before activating the thrusters behind him. He forced himself to calm down and slow his breathing, knowing full well that he had no room for anger, and his Adjuster's reasoning told him he had to get back to his own zone of control before the limited oxygen and propellant ran out, before he could either rage or fight back.
Yoko Narita had made her way back further away, she could see the Ginn's cockpit slowly open and a figure in a green standard suit carrying an oxygen tank and small propellant jumped out of it, in the other direction the MA that had circled around and flown back again was slowly approaching the surface of the moon, she could already see the bullet marks on it, what kind of madman was this unknown friendly?
She didn't initially have any real sense of 'friendly support', and even when she heard the command to get out of the way on the Combine's comm channel, she made the jump backwards more by instinct than logic. And it was only after a little distance away from the battlefield that she began to realize what was happening.
Regardless, she was saved, and it was only after realizing this that her hands began to tremble and she realized that her helmet was beaded with sweat.
The man in the JSA standard uniform numbly climbed out of the MA's cockpit and ran over to the MS that had the cockpit open.
"Hey, hey, comms test, can you hear me?" The same male voice from before came out again from the helmet's built-in headphones
"Overheard, this is Atlantic Federation Test Squad 0369, Ensign Yoko Narita, thank you very much for your support."
"Very well, communications are good, this is Atlantic Federation Test Squad 0342, Carl S. Black, Captain. I'd also appreciate it if you could take me to your base, this unfortunate Zaft has no lock on its maneuvers but the navigation system is broken."
------separation-----well, this chapter wasn't very personally satisfying, not last week, and it still is, and I'll consider making changes when I have time, though I can't guarantee the saving grace.
FRED. Young felt his seat shake and rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up, the shuttle seemed to be turning, presumably aligning itself with the base airlock and receiving landing guidance. The hours of flight were obviously drowsy. But he wasn't surprised to see that his fellow officer didn't look sleepy at all; the former field agent named Roy obviously knew how to keep himself awake, and it was a trick he probably couldn't learn.
The small forward base was marked by ordinary lunar navigational charts or military navigation equipment no different than any ordinary forward base, but the fact remained that this one had a far higher level of secrecy than the average base. Even as part of the Intelligence Convergence, Fred had only recently had enough access to know what the base's secrets were - in fact, by the time he stepped off the shuttle, the secrets no longer counted as Secret now.
Several massive humanoids with red one-eyes and crowned heads were standing in a line along the wall. It was Ginn, something every Union soldier was familiar with-just as an enemy. But here, pilots and completists in Union uniforms were working their way up and down these bodies. The Joint Army's unknown MS field test squad, in fact the base itself, is all about that squad. As a technical officer, Fred could see things on those airframes that weren't obvious to the average person other than paint changes, like a certain misshapen armor plate, or a tiny offset in the position of one of the nozzles, certain changes in the waist-hanger structure and the Zaft model, and he could see that the personnel here were working hard on various experiments, or just trying to keep them going. The proper functioning of the mechs - curled-bladed heavy choppers and scratched armor plates were scattered in a corner, and it would be easy to look at that corner alone and think of the place as a junk dealer's dump, and even then, those mechs weren't in good shape! . The two in particular that were just coming out of the airlock were not only deformed in their external armor, joints and piping, but it looked like they were just still moving around, and he felt that if a Zaft Integral was here, that guy would probably think that most of the airframes here were in need of overhaul, while the two that had just come in would be better off being disassembled for parts and reused.
Once Carl was able to distinguish the dark spot on the far horizon from the surrounding craters, he had the airframe raise its hands and hold that position, then let the lead lieutenant enter first and brief the base. After all, this was an enemy airframe as fake as it was, and he didn't want to be taken out by those nervy friendly forces-no, not nervy, this featureless enemy airframe was a legitimate target in the first place, and if it was destroyed, it was just the man sitting inside it-. -That's what he was doing... he was killing himself. As soon as he was in comm range, he opened the Joint Forces combat channel "Hold your fire, this is Atlantic Federation Test Squad 0369, Captain Carl S. Black, requesting docking at your base. Repeat, do not fire, this is Atlantic Federation Captain, Carl S. Black, requesting to dock at your base." The possibility of being kicked out was undoubtedly there, after all, one was approaching a base in secrecy with a suspicious machine. But at least the other side hasn't opened fire at this distance, and it seems that the message brought by the previous Ensign has had an effect."
"Permission granted to dock as requested, please follow the guidance and make no unnecessary movements." After a long silence, the base finally answered back.
"Understood, thank you very much."
Carl breathed a huge sigh of relief, many of the Ginn's joints had been badly damaged in the previous melee, and although he walked at a steady pace and didn't do any strenuous maneuvering on the way back, he still felt like the machine could have dinged outwards at any moment and dropped a bunch of parts and then fall apart halfway through the journey. Luckily, that didn't happen and the airframe was slowly making its way up to a stop. He'd only heard rumours of such an MS test unit before and never had them confirmed, which meant that his own level of secrecy wasn't enough to know about this place, which might lead to some trouble, and he could see on the auxiliary camera screen that there were several figures with rifles waiting in the bay.
It was quite understandable, a machine belonging to the enemy, under the control of someone who wasn't supposed to know about the base was trying to dock at a highly classified base, even if he claimed to be friendly and wasn't destroyed by the base it didn't mean the base had trusted it.
"Carl, I know it's you, but could you please identify yourself, what's your identification code?" A somewhat familiar female voice came over the comm channel, another memory inserted on the battlefield life and death thread didn't make him forget anything and he quickly identified the person from his mind.
"Code is ********, Lena-san? It's good to hear your voice."
"Identity confirmed," then the business-like serious female voice began to level out "Long time no see Carl, I should have asked them to transfer you over sooner, I'm surprised the guys in R&D didn't tell me earlier that the guy flying MS on the display was you."
"It's normal for those professors not to be able to figure out a pilot's name, you should know it well having dealt with them in the Flight Training Wing. You seem to have just the right guests?" Karl noticed a shuttle belonging to the Ptolemy base in a nearby bay, forklifts loading and unloading something.
"Ah, that's the guys from the Intelligence Unity, and anyway, the airframe you brought back is a big help."
"What about the secrecy levels? I'd rather go fly MA than be investigated in an office."
"Geez, are you still so afraid of trouble, coming down the plane to the briefing room won't get you court-martialed, anyway."
"For security reasons, please understand, Captain," a sergeant with an assault rifle stepped forward to salute as the auxiliary boarding rope was slowly lowered to the ground.
"Lead the way, Sergeant."
"Hell, I should have guessed that the little girl was talking about her big sister was you, Sister Lena, you're the one in the Combined Division who knows MS best." Carl leaned back exhaustedly in one of the chairs in the briefing room, flying a MS that he wasn't very familiar with and the OS was very mismatched was a tiring task.
"Looks like Leafy Sauce did a good job." The dark haired female pilot leaned against the wall with a relaxed look on her face, Karl noticed that she also carried the rank of Captain, it seemed that there was still a big shortage of JCS officers.
"Very good indeed, good reflexes and tactics, it's a thing to make an MA pilot jealous to fight an Adjuster in close quarters to that extent, you know, MA hates melee."
"But I guess you've heard of Ed the Ripper out of South America, the guy who cut MS in half in an MA."
"You know, schoolgirl, I don't drive an MA in that style, I'm not the adventurous type."
"I'm sure it's an adventure for an MA pilot to drive an MS for miles, let alone get an MS from an Adjuster. I'm sure you'd do the same thing if you were in a combat situation where the only way to solve the problem was to crash into it, I'm sure."
"Well, anyway, what should we do with this Ginn? And then what am I supposed to do about arriving where I'm not supposed to be?"
"Your words will probably tug at the commander of this base and the commander of your top plus the intelligence unity for a while; but in any case, the organism you brought with you helped a lot, so it won't do anything to you, after all, it helped with that plan."
"The plan? What's the plan? the MS development plan?" Carl picked up on it casually, then saw the face of the object of his conversation change slightly.
"Hell, you can't know that. Even if I think you're guessing."
"I heard about an unlucky guy who wasn't supposed to know about this base but had the misfortune of being forced to land here, right?"
An icy male voice sounded from the doorway.
While his own colleagues were busy observing those MS, Roy quickly found the person in charge of the place and got what he was trying to acquire, then was told that the loading and unloading process of the shuttle was underway. With nothing else to do for a while Roy wasn't as interested in the captured and commissioned MS as his fellow tech officer, he noticed something else, like the Ginn, which didn't have the base number, and the few armed soldiers underneath it. With a field officer's keen sense of smell and instinct to suspect everything, he felt that this was something he deserved to know, because the more people knew about a secret, the greater the chance of leaks, and what this base was doing was important enough that even a friendly soldier could accidentally say something he shouldn't remember.
"Captain Lena, I'm sure the people in the Intelligence Combine have plenty of say when it comes to dealing with issues regarding secrecy regulations," Roy then turned coldly to the unfamiliar captain in standard issue clothing, "Captain, are you aware that you're in a place where you're not supposed to know? While there may have been good reasons for your actions, it was still a serious breach of confidentiality?"
The strange captain hadn't had time to reply, he looked as if he'd been startled, a reaction Roy had expected, and it took a warning effect to get one to keep his mouth shut
"In fact, Lieutenant Gale..." The first to react to his words were the unexpected, his counterparts. The personnel of the Intelligence Convergence also had ranks, but their authority often didn't match their paper rank, and they rarely referred to each other as such, so Roy frowned as he looked over his shoulder to see his counterpart putting on a strange expression.
"What's wrong?"
"If I'm not mistaken, Carl, is that you?" As the other nodded and seemed to recognize himself, Fred . Young continued with a seemingly smiling expression, "If I'm not mistaken, he actually has enough authority."
"Our secrecy level was raised because of that transfer order, and one of our missions this time was to deliver a similar document to a pilot from another test squad..."
"United Earth Forces-Atlantic Federation 0369th Test Squad, Carl S. Black, Captain, is that you?" Roy immediately understood what his colleague meant, though he couldn't explain how such a coincidence could have occurred.
"Yes, the identification number is ******," the unfamiliar captain replied immediately and pressed his finger on the electronic terminal handed to him by Roy
"Fingerprint confirmation, well, Captain, you're not worrying about anything about secrecy regulations or anything like that now, and, welcome to the Second Special Service Fleet. And then Fred, you explain to me how you know this guy."
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