Gundam Fire Still
Gundam's War Remains, Chapter 23
It was different from the Möbius he had usually seen, and even if he wasn't a pilot or other person familiar with the MA, he could clearly see the difference. It was also not the slender monocoque MA he had seen in combat, if that was the slimmed down version of Möbius, the one in front of him was the opposite of that, with the center cockpit section of the trimaran elongated, the thruster modules on either side enlarged and widened, and the fin-like armor plates spreading up and downwards to block almost the entire side. If the original Morbius was a fragile bamboo dragonfly, the enlarged body in front of it appeared more robust and powerful.
In the open cockpit, a pilot as burly as this one waved at him, then an unfamiliar neutral voice inserted itself into the channel "We don't have much time, so we better hurry.", Norman noted. , Norman noticed two open hatches in this MA's cockpit position.
"Whew~" Norman sat down with a satisfied sigh, after a long day of playing hide-and-seek with the MS in the air with his legs, it was satisfying to be able to sit in a very ergonomic chair, if ignoring the HUD in front of him that had something written all over it that he couldn't read. The tech officer, standing on the outer edge of the cockpit fuselage, leaned down and clicked on the HUD, and as various picture things flashed on the screen, he too began to ramble on, saying a bunch of unintelligible technical terms in a tone that made it hard to tell if he was talking to himself or to himself, "Okay, here it is. " he heard the last words at the end of a pile of vague technical terms, and then the technical officer turned to Norman as if he had just discovered there was another listener, "Since you're not a pilot, you just don't have to worry about most of the flight-related systems, mainly the Javelin missile launchers here, the general picture and your Marines' Pretty much, you can choose between a laser rack beam or tracking heat source, in this case a laser illuminator, but it needs to cool down after a while, you should know this; the heat source tracking can track six targets at once and attack two of them, one at a time if you're not used to it, the charge is enhanced so it's effective even if the hit is on Ginn's front." The technical officer gasped greatly after a long, unstoppable speech that seemed as if he was being chased.
"So here's moving vision and there's firing yes?"
"Yes, the current pattern is two shots at a time in unison, and you can adjust that here."
"So the foot pedals don't need to be bothered?"
"Don't bother, it's locked, you can put your feet up however you want, just buckle up. Wait, what else is there, two boomerang turrets, here, to compensate for the MA rear firing boundaries, now in automatic mode, it will match itself to the target, calculate the trajectory and fire, of course the hit rate will be as bad as the CIWS on the ship, you can do it manually here too if you have a spare moment. Well, and then it's gone, that's pretty much all you need to do, is there anything else you want to say? Pilot?" The technical officer tapped his helmet, as if to make sure he hadn't missed something.
"Just sit tight, it's best not to spit it out, I'll warn you before I do the maneuver, but don't answer, and don't talk during the maneuver, be careful of biting your tongue, that's all."
"I can't remember the last time I ate, sir." Norman laughed bitterly, then tightened his seat belt. Being strapped in tightly he suddenly thought it was a miracle that the big pilot in the front seat was able to sit down in that chair. The technical officer had jumped out of the fuselage and the airframe began to move slowly to the strike position.
"Target confirmed, three Ginn approaching, two more in the movement, what is this?" The tower personnel seemed to be at a loss as to what to expect.
"Whatever they are, Marines, sit tight, Mobius H., and get ready to go."
------. ------. ------. --- Here is the author's dividing line ------. ------. --- Update continues to be unstable two-seater Moebius' machine is released later to be told that it is written like a thesis, I have a hard time commenting on that, but the writing style does continue to improve.
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0. Leaky roof
CE 70.6.2 Standort der Heliopolis Twilight Joint Army
"Ein verlorenes Kätzchen?" Rick. Eisenhorn betrachtete den Bericht mit Erstaunen: "Ich glaube nicht, dass es ein Kätzchen ist, das wirklich im Institut herumhängt, oder?
"Nein, natürlich nicht, es ist ein Codename für jemanden, und diese unbekannte Person bewegt sich schon seit einiger Zeit in diesem Gebiet der Aurora und hat häufig versucht, sich dem Ort zu nähern, obwohl sie jedes Mal von der Sicherheit des ORB angehalten wurde.
"Jedes Mal? Das heisst, dieser Kerl hat es mehr als einmal versucht? Wie konnten die ORB's das zulassen? Wiseman runzelte als Major die Stirn, aber da er kurz davor stand, ein nagelneues Schiff zu kommandieren, wollte er nicht, dass etwas schief geht, bis er tatsächlich zur Basis zurückkehren und offiziell Kapitän werden kann, aber das ORB-Personal schien nicht geneigt zu sein, ihm seinen Willen zu lassen.
"It's true that many times, there's been some *some* attitude on the part of the ORB, but since we didn't go into the area we were responsible for, there's no accusatory position on ours."
"Can we take certain coercive measures?" The would-be acting captain is clearly irritated.
"Can't do it, that would be actively revealing our presence."
"So you're just going to let this man keep trying to get into the research facility to pry into our secrets?"
"Our assessment is that this person was assigned by one of ORB's families and may be trying to find out information about us, so ORB's security personnel can stop him or her, but can't do anything effective to restrain this person because of the forces behind him or her." Roy slowly voiced his reasoning.
"That's to be expected, and a few of their big families are sure to do something, but isn't this man's way too ... . unprofessional?" Rick remembered that he had dealt with professional intelligence officers.
"This could very well be a smoke screen to cover up the real professionals, in fact we've already found some clues" Roy picked up a couple of photos on his desk and waved them around.
"What's this?"
"The camera near Professor Kato's office," Fred . Young explained, "used some not-so-good tactics to get these pictures, but they shouldn't have found that out yet, but even if they had, it wouldn't matter much because we found out more. This person has been meeting with Professor Kato on a regular basis for months, and after the meeting he would get on a regular flight back to ORB, on the other hand, there are records of copies being made of the classified parts of the Aurora internal network, and the time of leaving the records coincides with the cycle of this person's appearance. So we have enough evidence to make a conclusion that someone, or some force, is stealing information from this co-development project with the assistance of Professor Kato and bringing it back to Earth. There is no doubt that this is a violation of our agreement on the co-development project."
"Can you confirm who it is?"
"It can only be confirmed that it wasn't Zaft, any of the remaining Earth forces could have been, and it's possible that the stuff could have gone anywhere after it reached Earth's ORB home island, but of course it's the ORB itself that's the most suspicious."
"Well, it's very likely indeed that it was those ninja, so was it the Rundles?" Rick. Eisenhahn raised an eyebrow, as if he knew something.
"Mr. Howen, you are something else." Roy unexpectedly saw the confused and puzzled expressions of the Union Soldiers around him, "The Kazakhs, who do seem to have the syllable Rond in their name in this session, are very likely indeed.ORB agents are often referred to as ninjas because they are like medieval ninjas, or perhaps just carry on their medieval traditions, behind the scenes by one of the The family, not that country itself, manipulated it. The pillars of the ORB military, the Kazakh family, are the most skilled of them, and the people they have trained have always been the aces of the ORB intelligence community, and their current generation of householders has no intention of changing that ancient tradition. In fact, the project here itself is still being brokered by their family." "So that's exactly what was planned?" Carl suppressed the exclamation that was about to come out of his mouth, a so-called classified operation, which was just such a conglomeration of see-saw stuff.
"Is it possible for us to put pressure on them with these things?" The Operations Staff Emir asked, pointing to the photo on the table, a rather straightforward tactic befitting his status.
"Can't do it, we're in secrecy here itself, and to pressure them would destroy that secrecy, and then we'd have a big mess in the Foreign Ministry before we could protest them. Those guys are very accurate in their reading, and we have more to lose than to gain if we just maintain the level of breaking agreements and stealing technical information and turning on them."
"But the value of that information..." The tech captain muttered to himself
"This is not the time to count values, Captain Lamias, what do you think the ORB is offering to build MSs with this kind of offer of ships attached? It's still about getting a piece of the action. Hell, I could have guessed that." Major Wiseman shook his head.
"But Commodore Halbarton is the one who said that all technology must be used in Plan G first."
"You technical officers are still naive, old man Halbarton must know what the ORB is up to, and that's not the kind of thing you need to be concerned about, listen, Captain Lamias, keep an eye on the ship's weapons configuration so they don't cut corners, and the MS, our lives are in the hands of those things. If this ship is sunk as soon as it sails, nothing will come of it."
"The only thing we can do now is write a report on the incident, and if we can get it back to Moonface Base alive, the next thing is for the guys at that Intelligence Fusion, Cosmic Force Intelligence, or Equipment Committee to handle it. Until then, we're just going to have to stay here and stay hidden."
"Indeed," Rick. Eisenhorn nodded.
"Related to that, there's the matter of a possible battle plan, which Emil and I are working on, and if the intel leaks out and we run into all sorts of Zaft situations on the way to rendezvous with this team. But the performance of the ships is critical to how we should make our judgments. Sir, you've carried ships before, you know that the battle plan must be based on the performance of the ship. But the performance of the battleships on..." Major Wiseman was about to stop talking.
Although Eisenhorn was no longer a soldier, the combined forces in Plan G still called the oldest senior man an officer, and the latter had no quarrel with that.
"As a matter of fact Captain Blake mentioned that the four close-guns on both sides of the ship are completely inadequate right now, and we're trying to convince the ORB's to put more of them on." Emil added slowly "as well as a few other problems...". .
"It's simply irresponsible of them to do this, and while it's not the focus of this meeting, I feel I must mention it," Carl picked up, "With the weapon configuration they have on the design, I could use Möbius to drop 1000kg bombs on its bridge from the front. The bridge or ship-to-ship weapons aren't an aspect I'm familiar with, but as a pilot I have to say that the lack of its close defense weapons is simply appalling."
"We are getting them to make improvements, but it will take time, some of their design ideas are still quite old and their designers are quite stubborn" Major Wiseman looked worried, he clearly did not want the bridge cut open by an assaulting MS, as seen in his World Tree combat logs, he was even thinking at the time Whether the people in the bridge would die first from the lack of oxygen or exploding debris in cosmic space, or from the impact of the chopper blade. But he didn't want to think about that at all when he realized that it could happen to him as well.
"I've noticed a similar problem in terms of MS design, the joint is more in need of a generalized body rather than a specialised machine or flashy morphing mechanism."
"I've already made a formal comment to that effect, and the response from Aurora says that they plan to make some improvements to the skeleton, and then they'll start modularizing the equipment."
"Well, I hope it's not too late, Captain Lamias, you should have asked them to do that earlier."
"I believe I understand that, Carl, those professors are into novelties like shape-shifting mechanisms and such, they're professors at an institute or university, not an arsenal, so they must be looking for high performance, or strange designs, rather than generic standardized modules, it's quite understandable, and it's our job, Captain Lamias, pilot. , all of the ship's officers, is to correct that and tell them what the military needs. Also, how are the OS adjustments provided by the Moonface coming along?"
"It's being tried out on the 0, and putting together Professor Kato's basic operation and the Moonface's integrated system is more trouble than I expected," the so-called 0, the Ginn that was initially bulked up and used as a basic example, was reassembled for OS and weapons as the prototype was rapidly shipped out of the factory Experiment. Carl knew this wasn't going to be easy on his hands, the OS from the ORB was just the operation of every joint and nozzle and was still a half-assed program, the system from the Moonface Test Team was a learning system that integrated basic operations into a continuum of movement, shooting, evasion and the like and stored them, and again it was only a half-assed program.
"The program can take its time, but the Moonface's operating system must be kept secret, perhaps it's the only thing we still keep secret from the ORB, and they can't know everything. So rather do it yourself, you might be able to borrow a few programmers from the Marines, but don't let the ORB's touch that system." Roy sighed, as an intelligence officer, he hated the feeling of being under someone else's control.
"Sir, there's bad news." Marine Staff Sergeant Decker pushed his way through the door, his electronic terminal in hand.
"Bad news indeed." Rick. Eisenhorn slowly swept over the news headlines, "but it has nothing to do with us."
CE 706.2 Battle of Endymion Crater, heavy losses for the coalition forces --- ------. ------. --Splitting line ---... ------. ------. ------. ------. ------. ---no update next week I guess, we're exams, so I can only say sorry. As for the overall saving grace, I'm sure it can be better than United Strikes Back (probably, probably, hopefully).P.S, for those of you who haven't seen United Strikes Back, go check it out, Frog's writing is much better than mine, unfortunately TJ.
The Story of a Teenager - Part I. Everyday Brokenness
CE 711 24 October CE 711 Joint Chiefs Colonial Satellite Heliopolis Technical Institute
The brown-haired teenager was tapping away at a keyboard in a corner of the campus, unconsciously, though he was completing the programming aspect of the task, and his fingers clicked on the window of the news site. So the boring array of code was instantly occupied by burning ruins.
Even adjusters have this simple bad habit of having to complete tasks outside of what must be done, which is always more eye-catching.
Kira. Yamato, the average Ob student teenager.
As much as it would be tempting to present it that way, that was no doubt a lie, and whether it was in the city of Copernicus on the face of the moon as a young child or in the egalitarian Orb, the Adjusters would always be a mere minority. And, it's the kind of noticeable minority that stands above most natural people.
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