Gundam Fire Still
Gundam's War Remains, Chapter 31
"I don't know, she said something, a liar or something. ... It was low and it seemed like she was crying, so I didn't hear it either."
"What? Is this man crying?" Jan couldn't suppress her confusion, the teenager's previous answers were normal, and even she had been a witness to the group of kids playing by the public tram; but then, after the fight started, this strange stranger who messed everything up, it was obvious she wasn't a professional, or she wouldn't have cried out for no reason, but going straight to the MS parking garage showed she wasn't. Nothing at all.
Lost Kitten, the strange codename, began to surface from his memory.
"Got it, so what's next?" Roy watched as his man was falling into thought, as if he hadn't been interrupted, and then asked his next question.
"Okay, thanks, your answer will help us a lot with our report, now you can go."
Seeing the teenager make a relieved expression, Yang felt that he probably had the same feeling in his heart, he wouldn't like this kind of work after all; the intelligence department would always be an annoying, but indispensable department, I remember some seniors saying so, but being annoyed is really not a pleasant thing to see.
"Excuse me, do you know? That strange strange girl, who is she?"
Surprisingly, the teenager's voice sounded again and Jan froze, locking eyes with his superior, he didn't know who it was but it seemed his superior had some idea, but the teenager's reaction...
"You're an Orb, aren't you? Then you should know about some of the big families in the ORB." Roy looked up from his desk and looked at the teenager who kept his motion of walking out the door "We suspect that that person is one of the Asha faction. The Asha faction that promotes pacifism believes that their country shouldn't develop armaments too much, and while I personally oppose that idea, it seems to be quite influential in your part of the world. That person probably heard certain news, and after seeing MS, he thought that was a kind of deception or betrayal to the Asha faction that upholds pacifism, so he said things like liar, and that's probably why." Roy was satisfied to see the boy's somewhat surprised expression, "More than that I don't know. It's nothing important, a little speculation of my own, and it doesn't matter if I tell you."
"Kira. Yamato-san, please come to the bridge immediately!"
The ringing in-ship communications and the closing electronic tones coincide.
====== Here are the author's delimiters ==============================
The writing in this chapter is a bit problematic, probably because I tried to switch the style and it didn't work out too well, so I'll look for two more Nikkei books next week and see if the next scene is better in a light novel style, probably
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12.Reasons to Pull the Trigger (above)
"Strange, isn't it?" Roy fiddled with the terminal on his desk and asked without looking up.
Jan nodded, "Yes, why did you tell him? I think there's something he's left unsaid."
"Yes,, it's a good step forward to see that there's still something he's not saying, Jan, but we've seen that he's really an Ob's Junior Adjuster and not an Adjuster spy who can shoot us in the back. On the other hand, while I don't know anything about MS combat, I believe I can trust those two pilots. When they look like they're indicating a lack of combat power, we'd better use up all the resources we can, i.e., the kid. So since he's interested, I'll let him know a little of my theory, we're in the same boat after all."
"The lost kitten, that's the one, isn't it?"
"But you should already know who she is, or you'd never be so quick about it."
"Very well, then...."
"Then can I ask..."
"No, I won't tell you, it's just speculation and there's no proof at the moment. Besides, I think I should contact the bridge."
=============== This is the dividing line for scene switching=========================
Kira could easily guess what those Earth troops wanted to do, what they would say to themselves, they wanted to be on their side in the fight, he would have some time to think about it, and their biggest weight was that he, and his friends on the satellite, were all in the same boat.
I remember the tall blond pilot who had suggested that surrender was an option, and the tone of his voice was still impressive. But the other pilot shook his head glumly, "Have you heard anything about PLANT ever reporting on POW camps? More than fifty percent of the Möbius destroyed in the Cosmic War managed to eject from the lifeboat, but less than ten percent of those harmless gadgets that sent out distress signals were recovered by us, and you should know what that means."
The old man with white hair and wearing a uniform without rank nodded slightly and remained silent; the woman with short black hair fiercely expressed her willingness to fight, he recognized the person who had passed him by in civilian clothes wearing sunglasses, the disguise of appearance could not hide the sense of defiance that was alien to the satellite, and now it was probably himself who exuded the sense of defiance; the woman who had pulled herself into the cockpit The officer's brow was locked, she remained silent and the entire bridge was thus enveloped in a heavy suffocation, as if everyone was waiting for her to speak, so she turned her face to the adjuster boy and said, "Thank you very much for everything you have done, Mr. Yamato, please consider our request and the situation we are facing carefully, you, may leave." He seemed to run away from the low-pressure enveloping the bridge. The female officer's feeble, forcefully raised volume tone echoed in his head.
It seems that even a soldier can be vulnerable inside, so the thought came to the teenager's mind.
=============== Dividing Line=======================================
Karl tethered himself to the observation deck in the refit room, the wide space that would not have looked cramped even with six MS parked was just below him, the empty deck only had two MS standing opposite each other and an MA parked between them, no noise of moving cranes and welding repairs, no silhouettes of the refit soldiers floating through the air, it was so cool it didn't even look like a battleship on a combat voyage! . Karl sighed silently, after all, what he was facing was not a situation that could be solved by stepping up the rush, even the most cleverly prepared soldiers couldn't play at conjuring up hulls and pilots out of thin air.
But next, sudden vibrations came from the foot decks, followed by the noise of banging ear drums, a roar that was an order of magnitude greater than the mechanical roar of the hull that was originally used as background noise. The fusion rocket at the rear of the hull was draining the energy from inside the fuel nucleus and blasting out the workings in the form of a fiery ion tail flame, pushing the massive hull away from the drifting mass of debris and onto a new course.
At some point, there seemed to be an additional figure beside him, also looking out over the empty end of the entire deck. The two massive MS stared silently at each other, making it seem like they were facing two giants, or even two statues, but they were billions, if not tens of billions of dollars worth of gods, created with human hands and machinery.
"That, may I ask, is that true?" The voice in his ear matched the brain's suspicion that the adjuster boy involved in the battle was asking, "Is it true that Zaft would attack the escape pod? Why?"
"It's true, I'm let's say one of those who survived, but those escape pods that sent SOS were too few and far between to be recovered." He remembered the face of the startled little Integer floating in mid-air when the hatch of the escape pod was opened; he also remembered the face of the Gion army escape pod, mixed in with the floating debris, that he had seen while sailing through the Reef Universe long, long ago, and wondered if there was a dead face in the general black crack that had been torn open. "Because this is war, and every veteran who survives is an asset, and they can all still step into battle again, take up arms again, and be their enemies, like me. I can easily understand why they would do that."
"You can understand? But why, war?" The teenager's voice was filled with confusion
"Understanding and not avoiding war, kid, I understand that they want to kill me, just as they know I want to kill them. The people of Earth understand the pain that the nukes of Eunius 7 caused the Adjusters, and the Adjusters are just as aware of the pain that neutron interference causes the inhabitants of Earth, and understanding doesn't solve anything when there is a conflict. In fact both sides tried, in Copernicus, to solve the problem with communication, and no one knows if that meeting was successful, because the bomb took out all the delegates from Earth before it started. So the diplomat's job was over and the soldier's job came."
"No, actually it started much earlier than that," came the old man's voice from the rear, the reservist veteran probably not about to use his seniority over the two juniors working on the bridge, "even before George. Gray's announced Adjuster technology, unresolvable conflicts have always existed, and human history has always been more war than peace. From the 'Reunification and War' to the eve of this war, it's been a very rare, peaceful time."
The adjuster boy took a slight step backwards
"The conflict between adjusters and naturalists is not more violent than that between naturalists, and the jealousy of the adjuster's stronger body and faster brain is not more intense than the jealousy of other naturalists who have more money. The natural man who has been attacked by Blue Perestroika for slaughtering certain animals or catching certain fish is no less than the Adjuster who has been attacked."
"What? But, not that Blue Perestroika held the Earth Army...."
"It seems that ORB news reporters are as fond of reporting twisted truths as anywhere in the world," the old man smiled a smile that seemed exaggerated, "The fact is that with the adjusters of the PLANT satellite cluster kicking out the naturals and taking up independent footing, at that time There isn't a United Earth Army, but the militaries of several of Earth's major countries have naturally shown hostility to that extra-legal place, and that fits a part of Blue Perestroika's thinking. It's not that Blue Perestroika has taken control of the military to oppose the Adjuster, but it's just that the military's antipathy to the Adjuster makes them appear like Blue Perestroika."
"But why?"
"PLANT wasn't built out of thin air by the Adjusters, you should be able to figure that one out. Naturalists in East Asia, Eurasia, and Oceania mined iron ore and refined it into steel, every structure of the L5 colonial satellite cluster was built in factories on Earth, biomass from South America and South Africa was launched into space by launch vehicles from the Atlantic Federation and Eurasia, countless naturalist and Adjuster workers built the L5 colonial satellite cluster together, and every major power on Earth bet on the cluster Countless amounts of money; the result? The Adjuster kicks out the natural man, who underpins the entire L5 colonization program, as the discriminated fool or enemy. Even to the point of declaring themselves a new race that is different from the Naturals." The old man shook his head heavily, "That's the worst part, conflicts between people don't always end in the worst way, because we are one race, in one society, with a similar culture, so people envy each other, or despise each other, but rarely kill or even lead to war because of it. But what about the PLANT Adjusters, who have taken L5 for themselves, expanded their armies, split the communities, pitted the Naturals against the Adjusters, and unleashed clear malice towards the Naturals on Earth, so the malice that could have been dissipated on Earth had a direction. The conflict is building up and the powder keg is heating up."
"But, but there are people with good intentions, too." The young man tilted his face up to ask a question.
================= The following is the author's dividing line=====================
The time between this chapter and the next will be short, as some things need to be linked together, but that doesn't mean I've had ample time for coding lately. In addition, there will be some private goods in these two chapters, that is, my personal understanding of the war in the Seed, if you oppose, welcome to comment on the book, if you do not like it, it does not matter to throw these two chapters.
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13.The Source of War - Its One
"You know, initially, the governments on Earth thought that the independence of PLANT would curb the accumulation of conflicts, because the satellite constellation of L5 would insulate both sides from contact, especially the radicals on both sides. Yes, for a short time, the activity of Earth's anti-Adjuster movement dropped to a minimum, and those Adjusters who didn't go into space were even seen as one of their own by the Naturals, who were less and less likely to be attacked and made difficult, which seemed like a good sign, or at least the short-sighted politicians seemed happy about it. But by the time the government realized the problem was really happening, it was too late. The Adjusters started claiming that L5 was exile to them, ignoring the fact that they were colonial satellites stolen from several of Earth's major governments, and then pointing the finger at Earth; and the Naturals endured the condescending and aggressive stares of the Adjusters, as well as the high-tech products that were starting to be exported to Earth, and so began to raise their middle fingers to the sky as well. When such emotions begin to brew on both sides at the same time, it is beyond the control of the governments of the Earth."
"Why, it'll be like this...." The young man made a muttered murmur, "But, but, there will be people releasing goodwill, right?"
Carl sighed quietly, at the same time as another sigh vibrated his ear drums, and over his shoulder he saw Rick. Eisenhorn's face appeared somber.
"What is the use of mere goodwill? When the conflict is driven more strongly."
All that can be recalled in the mind is the light of the wars of the cosmic centuries, where the little peace between the wars was as pitiful as the thin slice of ham between thick sandwiches, and the little goodwill and tolerance was thrown away like grains of sand in a sea of contradictions, disappearing without a trace; Earth and the colonies, the solid home planet and the lonely artificial home suspended in a sea of stars, the walls of contradictions have always been standing, dialogues. And what negotiations have failed to resolve, war and bloodshed can only draw a temporary hiatus. "Such conflicts can no longer be healed by good intentions,"
"Yes," the old man slowly moved his lips "In fact, good intentions tend to make things worse, and even, become the catalyst for deeper conflicts. If I were an active duty soldier, I probably shouldn't be talking about this, but..."
Karl nodded, responding to the old man's questioning gaze, he wasn't in a position to stop the conversation between the two "civilians", besides, he saw something in the young man, if that was the case... "Are you referring to what happened on the flight path, those 'accidents'?" Rumors that had once been heard quickly surfaced in the brain.
"That's exactly what happened, and while the conflict is gradually rising, there have always been civilian routes from Earth to the L5 colony satellite, and some people on both sides are trying to maintain trade with each other, both naturalists and adjusters, operating those routes with as much goodwill towards each other as possible. But, as you can guess, the fate of those routes was a microcosm of the gradually increasing conflict. Initially, those ships were subjected to all sorts of paperwork and formalities at customs on the other side of the border; later, they were pestered and harassed by patrols, to the point that some cargo ships could be seen with visible blast marks on their hulls, or embedded with shell casings. This happened on both sides of the fence, whether it was the cosmic armies of several of Earth's major nations that became inclined to Blue Perestroika, or the laxly disciplined Self-Defense Zaft, not long after PLANT's inception.I'm sure you've heard things, Pilot, that some were fired, but others were left behind with a blind eye."
"No sir, I'm not familiar with that one as I only joined the Atlantic Federation Army after the S2 flu crisis." Carl shook his head "But I can imagine those officers would find a way to shelter the boys under their command, even if they did certain impulses, or worse."
"Oh, the S2 flu, that's pretty much the worst thing that could have happened, maybe second only to that Copernicus terrorist attack, if we weren't able to find out too much I'd almost have to think it was an attack by the same group of terrorists to inspire conflict between Earth and PLANT." The old man rapped his knuckles against the glass partition of the observatory, "No, you take that for what it's worth, we can't prove anything about the S2 flu, don't take that association seriously, although a lot of the damn media thinks so, don't believe them, there's no proof that it was connected to any kind of terrorists. But at least it did inspire both sides of the conflict with great efficiency right. The populace doesn't really like war or politics, even if they don't like the adjusters far up in the sky, they're more concerned with their own lives, the tasks their bosses set them and tomorrow's breakfast than they are with getting upset with people thousands of miles away, which you ORB should be very representative of. But the S2 flu, a disease that poses a direct threat to the daily lives the population wants to maintain, and it's clear what they're going to think when they see that PLANT is completely unaffected. Then PLANT sent a volunteer medical team and it backfired, and the public saw this act as some kind of charity or fake compassion, so what? Either the Atlantic Commonwealth or Eurasia or East Asia tried to keep order, but the volunteer medical teams of those adjusters were still attacked; presumably in retaliation, the few ships left on the civil route, run by companies of naturalists, sailed out and never came back, and everyone knew what had happened, and it was said that Eurasia had retaliated accordingly. So what happened? Civilian shipping stopped completely, the authorities started threatening steel and food supplies to PLANT, and PLANT started building agricultural satellites and developing asteroid mining, and everything started moving toward war in a big way. Naturalists who brought goodwill to do business with PLANT, Adjusters who brought goodwill to Earth to treat the S2 flu...."
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