Gundam Fire Still
The Battle of Gundam Remains Chapter 68
"But even so, it still frightened those cabinet members at ORB. I don't know specifically what they did, what agreements they made, but you know what? That MS frame should be a key factor. Those ORB bureaucrats, like their country's principles, don't like war, don't like anything to do with war, and want to throw everything that could cause trouble, that could bring the spark of war, as far away as they can."
"Seriously, I don't see them making any concessions to the unpleasant joint statement issued by both sides plus a few other small nations on Earth the day we left?"
"There was obviously some negotiation and exchange of benefits behind that painless joint statement, what exactly is not for you or me to know, but what I can guess is that the MS was part of the plan."
"But they have MSs too, like the one the kid was driving."
"They don't like the Sahak's, either, and their military program, and hate them just a little less than they hate us. From what I've heard, the Sahak's head is in the universe, and Homura, the current ORB representative, is an indecisive fellow, and it's the same old Asha who makes the decisions, but those same cabinet members and the old Asha aren't on the same page, and they both say they're on this country's side, on the side of peace, but our people still seem to have achieved their goal. That's all I know, and that's all I know, the tricks of those political guys, it's so confusing. More worthy of our attention than the ORB, still......."
They both pointed upwards, above the turquoise blue sky of the, black universe, the circular array of satellites was what the military needed, the first target of attention.
== The following is the == author's == dividing line ==
I'm really sorry that I've stopped working again for a long time, but this time I'm really stuck, and I still can't write about neon imperial politics, whether it's internal deals or coercion or direct early elections or whatever.
It really is still a pattern.
I couldn't even write the story of the teenage girl I wanted to write.
That's probably how the Orb chapter ended badly.
Maybe you can fix it later if you have time? Or is it mentioned as a memory or an epithet or something? Ahhh, that's the distant future then. Thank you all, above.
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Epilogue. Alaska
Alaska, the northwestern corner of the North American continent, across the sea from Siberia, is known, like its neighbours, for its cold and constant snow and ice. This land and the countless birds and mammals that inhabit it have never been strangers to the roar of the war machine, and have always been at the forefront of the confrontation between the great powers of Eurasia and the Americas. The names of the countries on either side of the Bering Strait have changed, but the countless radars, radio antennas, and hidden and unhidden missile silos pointing skyward remain the same. Polar bears, if they had a civilization, would tell the story of the command towers of nuclear submarines threading their way out from under the ice for generations, and the large, cuddly carnivores were once on the verge of extinction, but as Earth's politics stabilized since the CE era and humanity turned its attention to space, their populations began to recover, along with the whales, seals, caribou, and grouse of the region. Seals on the ice floes have even been able to hear the difference between the sound of an engine belonging to an army patrol boat and one belonging to a hunter in a speedboat, and know that they don't need to run away when a Coast Guard speedboat passes by, but simply continue to laze about. Of course, they are still protected animals, and if these unique creatures of the North were unprotected, military bases on both sides of the Bering Strait, armed with assault rifles, artillery, and even more powerful weapons, and often bored by the long days and nights of poverty, would easily wipe out these harmless wild animals.
But, admittedly, it had been a long time since shells and explosives had gone off beyond the base's firing range and weapons testing range. There may still be Inuit who have yet to forget their traditional culture, or visitors from other parts of the planet who have hunted and shot in the mountains here, but that's about it.
But this light obviously wouldn't last long, there was no place to be left alone when the entire planet, or the Earth Circle, was in the midst of an all-out war, not to mention that this was the headquarters of the United Earth Forces. While the military alliance was not tightly knit, and was made up of several forces that had been at odds with each other, or at least had been at odds, they had unanimously agreed to make this their headquarters - it was obvious that it was close enough to their core and A place that appeared relatively fair and had a significant number of military personnel stationed there.
Faces from all parts of this earth could now be seen in the barracks here, soldiers from the East Asian Union with their representative black hair, some of whom could tell from each other's faces where in East Asia they came from, but to those outside Asia the dark-haired soldiers looked little different; soldiers from the Eurasian Union were both Slavs from across the Bering Strait and Germans from further south, southern Euro-Mediterraneaners, and even Middle Easterners, though the latter were often not born in the Middle East but were descended from Middle Eastern refugees who had moved to Europe as a result of the ongoing wars of the last century. As for the Atlantic Commonwealth, which is the host and the original founder of this base, the ancestry of the warriors belonging to this always immigrant federation can always be traced to another corner of the earth, but both the blacks and the Anglo-Saxons can show certain common characteristics that are characteristic of the Atlantic Commonwealth. features.
If one were to look closely at this military base, he or she would notice that from some previous point in time, the people here began to prepare for something, and the base, which had seemed as lazy and sluggish as the animals of the Arctic, began to move faster, with new and departed ships in the military harbor, filled barracks, long-open dusty warehouses, and the occasional comings and goings of business jets and The transport, and the look on the soldier's face were enough to tell a sufficiently careful and analytical observer that there was going to be a battle here. And the timing of this change that had taken place was so close to the time a white ship with battle marks sailed into the harbor that some thought there was some sort of causal connection, others thought not.
While fighting and preparing for war was completely taken for granted for those on this base that was 90% military, and they were supposed to be ready for combat every moment of the day, that didn't mean the matter was a breeze, even if they had all been trained to deal with any trouble they might encounter.
That was exactly the case for the Major who was now sighing at his desk, although the VMS-03 squadron was the most well prepared of the current MS brigade, which also had only one empty shelf, after having just finished the long journey with no feet on the ground, having just stopped off in Alaska, and having been given an empty squadron to take care of before his ass even sat down. Ten and a half MS is not full but looking at the huge shortage of carrier aircraft in the entire coalition, both on the ground and in space, and the pitiful production of MS just put into small series production, we can see that to get just six MS is already the most benevolent to the commander of the Alaskan base and the generals and staffs in charge of the newly established MS force, although Alaska is very important, but There are still a lot of important bases for the coalition.
Yes, of the 10 and a half MS in this squadron, only 6 of them are the newest production assault short swords, the real MS, and 4 of them are MSD01, the anti-MS destroyer, which is a separate squadron, they use part of the MS design ideas and also have the MS melee capability, but their tracked chassis still make them unsuitable for MS. Working together, - it wasn't that these weapons were bad, in fact it was precisely because he had seen their capabilities on the battlefield that Carl had formed them independently into a squad for fire support purposes. Theoretically, a squadron should have at least one or two spare MS in case of an emergency, but the production line at General Dynamics' test run was full, and there was clearly no room for more.
Meanwhile, the squadron designation of this VMS-03 meant that the squadron was supposed to be assigned to a ship, not a ground base, but as squadron leader, Carl was well aware of having these cadets, fresh off the simulator, straight on board-... It wasn't a good idea for either spaceships or surface ships to familiarize themselves with the 1G gravity environment of Earth, and also the environment they were most accustomed to as human brains, to operate on the ground and fight in before they could consider further shipboarding. And the squadron was training in Alaska - admittedly the snowfields and mountains were not a very representative Earth landscape, but as the commander of a small squadron, Carl commented on this There was no way around it, because it was his only option to disembark in Alaska and report to headquarters - and it likewise meant that if Alaska was attacked, this squadron had the unquestioned, in Base Command The obligation to participate in combat under command, the need to participate in combat this is the same no matter where, as for receiving command well, this squadron has not been assigned to a ship yet, and also does not have the presence of a flight brigade/special mix formation commander. But in any case, his time is running out, the enemy or the war will not take care of untrained recruits, and these new recruits will be the precious second seed of the future United Earth MS Force.
And the intelligence that is slowly gathering from all sides indicates that the likelihood of an attack on this, or any other Earth Army stronghold on Earth, is increasing with time.
=====The following are the author's delimiters===.
Well, anyway, as an experimental pit, the hole is still slowly being filled, but sorry for the speed, meow, that's it.
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1.Whale Report
The office area that belonged to the Intelligence Analysis Unit was always filled with the beeping of electronic devices, something that Roy was familiar with.
"Zheng, we spent a lot of money to equip you with VR headsets to facilitate your intelligence analysis, not to play games for you."
"But sir, as you know, it's not my duty time." The young officer named replied removing his virtual helmet and saluted from the edge of his desk to his immediate supervisor and what appeared to be a new officer.
"Roy, as you can see, my boys here are of a high standard, they just lack... The sense of urgency will be laughing at us when the deadbeats in East Asia get there." One of Alaska Command's staff officers in charge of intelligence, Arthur . Lieutenant Colonel Roche shrugged, and in Roy's opinion, that was less of a frustration than a deliberate lack of any attempt at discipline because he liked the atmosphere here so much.
"Do people from Eurasia and East Asia come here too?"
"Of course, your intelligence unity exchange mission wants to see everywhere, you know, that 'cooperate or we'll lose,' and all that sort of slogan, last time there was even a lady from Russia who even wanted to go to the men's room, who knows if she was really going the wrong way or deliberately trying to get an exclusive Intelligence and all that, Russian female spies were famous in the last century." The colonel droned on as he walked away.
"But sir, it's really quite possible that this is a coincidence, knowing that over 50% of the intelligence unity is technical and scientific personnel, not all of us with the habit of wanting to take a look at everything..." Roy laughed as he tried to argue something back.
"You guys are a set, haha, we all know very well that people who engage in eavesdropping have always been classified as technicians." The Colonel said as he opened the office door, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Korten, I'm sure there's no bad news on my desk."
"Not at the moment, sir, but there are some papers that I've left in my usual place." The secretary lady looked up a little, then turned her head back to her computer.
The Colonel took Roy into the back room and closed the door. "You'll have to pour your own coffee if you want it, the pot's in the corner, you know, in the intelligence business, we're used to being self-reliant."
"It's the same everywhere you go, Arthur, the Unity is more similar to the old MI than you might think, you are the eyes and ears of the Atlantic Federation, and the Intelligence Unity is the joint common ear of the Earth, though mainly divided into cosmic aspects; but I wouldn't have made it back alive this time on the ground without that Eurasian counterpart. "
"Well Roy, come and meet the officers of the Intelligence Fusion posting in Joshua," the Colonel stood up at the sound of a doorbell and opened the door on the other side of the office "This is Robert, Robert. This is Robert, Major Robert Meyer, and this is Captain Roy Gale. Captain Gale, he's telling the story of getting the help of your fellow officers on the ground."
"Nice to meet you, I just heard your story recently." The officer who walked in was dressed in a uniform similar to Roy's, the Universe Army's Intelligence Unity.
"It seems we can't get information to our friends in Eurasia fast enough, at least the first half of the story should have been on your tables while we were still floating at sea."
"The news did get delayed at Uncle Ivan's, but it did arrive a bit earlier than you did, and the ORB didn't know about it until about the same time as your arrival."
"I have to admit the ORB screwed us hard on this MS thing, it really was, hell." Major Meyer sighed.
"I hear Halbarton is resigning?"
"If I'm not mistaken it's to be dishonorably discharged, and in my opinion he should be court-martialed, that's simply a capital enemy."
"I am more interested in the guerrillas you encountered in the desert than in Halbarton, Captain." Arthur. Lieutenant Colonel Roche said as he stood up and poured himself a cup of coffee.
"It's really interesting how people show an extraordinary interest in the tropical desert when they're at this frozen base."
"Well, that's true, it's not really nothing but snow, in fact there's plenty of animals and plants and stuff, but people are still more interested in the tropics that they can't see." The Colonel laughed bitterly, "But as you can guess, I'm personally more interested in who that old guerrilla man is that you mentioned in your report, not every old North African man can say those things."
"Yes, I had a guess at the time, but it was impossible to ask him directly. During the last war, the last nuclear one, when the Middle East in North Africa was in serious disarray because of the loss of oil's special status, the rapidly rising Islamic State there quickly unified that mess with a secular approach, but our intelligence at the time was that he actually had a team of highly scientific and modern-minded advisors. Next he began to become more radical, seeking nuclear weapons from the chaos of Eastern Europe or Central Asia while trying to influence Europe to the north, what exactly happened may not have been declassified, but I suspect that the old man was part of that staff team, and I get the impression from what he said that some of them deliberately turned their backs on that dictator and then leaked out information about it, and then we, or The Russians did something and probably so now all we have in our history books is the last nuclear bomb that exploded in Central Asia." Roy also stood up to get a cup of coffee after a whole lot of talking, "Anyway, it's nothing more than baseless speculation that couldn't possibly be put into any report, so let's just talk to you guys."
"Of course, there's not much need to say about all the things that can be put into the report, and you know we're paying a lot of attention to the reports that the Intelligence Fusion sends us now, because you can piece together the information that comes in from different sources into a whole."
"In that case, it's business as usual, what's my next assignment?"
"Until the new mission arrives, you are considered part of the Intelligence Unity assigned to the Joshua base, and the latest mission, well, I'm sure you've heard, Eurasia and East Asia are about to send an exchange group over, I think you'll have to take on some of the reception duties, and if I remember correctly you are fluent in many languages on the Eurasian and East Asian side. "
"Great, at least this exchange is mutual," Roy raised an eyebrow to show that he understood the subsequent meaning, "but now that we're almost certainly going to have a big fight soon, is the exchange schedule still the same?"
"Of course, preparation and fighting is part of the exchange and observation, and we'll have a group going to Europe soon to exchange as well, so no matter which side is fighting, we've got to have someone to see it."
"Oh, and you'll have to make a report, of a less formal sort, on the tactical and equipment characteristics of the Zaft you've encountered, which quite a few of us here need to hear, mainly the front-line field officers."
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