Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 3: ,I'm sorry--)

"The model is locked! 'Sacred Shield Gundam', 'Storm Gundam', 'Thunder Gundam', 'Duel Gundam', 'Gates'!"

He still came.

In an instant, the pair of arms that held the bird in his palm appeared in Kira's mind.

It was a pair of hands with distinct muscles, bigger than when they were thirteen years old.

"Prepare to fight against submarines and MSs—!"

Mariu's voice jumped out of the communicator, and Kira's memories were interrupted by a high-strung tone.

"Just get rid of the enemy! It may not be easy, but good luck to everyone!"

"ECM maximum intensity! Projection of smoke exhaust pipe! Smoke screen on both sides!"

Kira drove the Assault out of the upper deck, and the “Assault Gundam” equipped with heavy artillery knelt down on one knee, pulled up the external power cable connected to the hull of the Archangel, and connected it to the “Flaming God”.

"Connect the conduit, the auxiliary power supply is online, and the preparation is complete."

As the start-up prompt sounded, Striker activated the PS armor system.

The Fire God Cannon can now obtain power supply from the mothership, so even if it fires multiple times, there is no need to worry about the problem of running out of power.

Taking advantage of the gap between the shadows of the aircraft ahead, the smoke bombs launched by the Archangel exploded in the air, and the smoke exhaust pipes on both sides of the bridge released thick smoke, which merged into smoke and gradually disappeared the hull of the ship.

"Don't be so nervous, you just need to support the Strike Gundam from the air."

After Mu Xia finished speaking, he heard Thor respond with a slightly nervous "Yes!".

"Go! Don't fall off!"

Two Air Overlords flew out of the linear catapult one after another. Mu's No. 1 aircraft carried "wing-type attack equipment", and Thor's No. 2 aircraft carried "giant sword-type attack equipment".

Kira watched the second plane break away, but still couldn't shake the uneasiness in her heart.

"Tsk, this thing is a little troublesome."

Looking at the thick smoke in front of Nuoer, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

The smoke was useless in previous battles, but since the neutron jammer was deployed, it has become useful.

Because of the influence of neutron interference, ordinary radar is difficult to use, even the radar of the ship will be affected, let alone the single-use radar carried on the MS.

In fact, the best solution to this kind of interference is fire coverage.

It's a pity that the five MSs can't achieve the firepower coverage of effective strikes at all, and they just waste their energy in vain.


Suddenly, just when Noel was distracted, a beam of light shot out from the smoke screen and swiped across the five mobile suits.


"Second Ao!"


Several people were taken aback by this sudden attack.

Nuoer was even more frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. The shot just now wiped his body, and Nuoer even seemed to feel the high temperature of the Fire God Cannon.

"Where did this guy aim from!"

Nuo Er forcibly raised the body and looked around the smoke. This kind of accuracy attack is absolutely impossible to be ignorant, not even the Son of Destiny!

So, there must be something in the raid that can detect their position, but the good news is that its accuracy doesn't seem to be very good.

"—Here is the Sky King Thor! Call the Strike Gundam!"

On the other side, Thor, who was piloting the Air Overlord for the first time, looked a little flustered, and shouted to the communicator calmly, "Now send the coordinates and shooting data of the enemy plane!"

"Got it!" Kira sat in the cockpit, his vision also blocked by smoke.

However, with the support of Air Overlord, although there is a certain delay, the attack can still be launched.

"Di Di-"


Looking at the transmitted data, Kira's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he unplugged the external power supply of the Fire God and activated the PS armor.

He suddenly accelerated in the direction of the smoke and jumped out.


The sudden appearance of the Assault Gundam surprised Yitzhak and Diaka.

However, due to their good psychological qualities, the two immediately raised their guns to fight back.

Several beam rays hit the storm.

But the two of them belonged to emergency attacks after all, and Strike Gundam lightly avoided their rays as he turned around.


During the rotation of the strong attack, the trigger of the Fire God Cannon was pulled, and a beam of light burst out from the cannon, which went straight through the aircraft under Yitzhak's feet.


Yitzhak, who was cold in battle, scolded and shot at Kira when he fell, but such an attack that could not master the accuracy was impossible to hit a strong attack.


Diaka glanced at Yitzhak who fell into the sea, and assembled a long cannon with his backhand to attack the assault.

But the distance between Storm Gundam and Strike Gundam was too close, he couldn't aim effectively and was attacked close by, so he could only shoot a shot in a hurry.


With the violent impact of the strong attack, the Storm Gundam driven by Diaka also fell into the sea with Yitzhak's footsteps.


At the same time, Noel above, driving Gates, approached quickly. As the Assault was about to destroy the Diaka aircraft, several beams of light were fired from the beam rifles, interrupting the Assault's attack.

As long as there are flying machines, At least one of Yitzhak and Diaka can get up!

In the face of Gates' attack, Strike Gundam had to stop and turn around to avoid it.


However, while the Strike Gundam was dodging, the Fire God Cannon in his hand still did not stop attacking.

"Hey, this accuracy—"

When the striker raised his hand, Noel had already evaded it in advance, and Gates could have avoided the attack while spinning.

Nuoer was really frightened by the attack of the strong attack. The bombardment emitted by the body rotation can still have such accuracy, which is outrageous!

"Bang bang—"

However, Noel did not stop attacking when he reconsidered.

Two claws flew out of Gates' body and grabbed them in the direction of Strike Gundam.



However, the claws did not catch the strong attack. Instead, a beam from mid-air directly destroyed one of the claws. Although the other claws were spared, they also lost their accuracy in the explosion.

At the same time, the attack also landed in the direction of the smoke.

"I've been staring at you - Noel Cassia!"

Mu's voice came from the public channel.

Appearing together, there is also a beam of light.

However, the target of this beam is not Noel, but Storm Gundam, who is about to board the aircraft.



The aircraft exploded, and Diaka, who was just about to board the aircraft, cursed angrily and sank to the bottom with the wreckage of the aircraft.

"Do you think I don't exist!"

Noel looked at the Air Overlord who returned and flew away, and scolded the driver Gates and chased after him.

"Stop for me!"

At the same time, Aslan and Nigel drove the Aegis Gundam and Thunder Gundam to chase after them, and fired at the Assault Gundam.

"I- um!?"

Just as Noel was driving Gates to catch up with the Overlord, a white ship shadow slowly emerged from the smoke.


Flashes like distant thunder followed by a huge beam of light pierced through the thick smoke.

This is the main gun of the Archangel.

However, this attack is not mainly to annihilate the enemy, but mainly to support.


Following Lieutenant Bucky Lulu's roar, the already filled missiles flew out from around the Archangel.

In the face of this dense level of missiles, the three had to cover and retreat, not daring to go forward.

Kira, who returned to the deck, quickly unloaded the heavy artillery equipment. Although the battery still has electricity, judging from the current battle situation, it is better to change to the wing equipment.

By the time Noel and the others had destroyed all the missiles, the Strike Gundam had already completed its transformation. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

With the roar of the propeller, the assaulter charged towards the three with weapons in hand.

"Do you really think I'm a green-headed soldier!"

Noel looked at the 1V3 attack, and felt that the whole person was not well, so he scolded and rushed up.

Your individual strength is indeed stronger than ours, but you are too despised.

1V3! who do you think You Are!

In the blink of an eye, the beams flew in unison.

The three units work together ingeniously.

When using the Strike Gundam to attack the Thunder Gundam, the Aegis Gundam and Gates used the rifle rays to contain them.

In the face of the attack of the two, Strike Gundam raised his shield to defend.


Nigall, who was gasping for breath, roared and projected a chain.

This is Xunlei Gundam's unique three system, which integrates a 50mm high-energy beam rifle, 3 sets of ultra-high-speed moving body armor-piercing bullets, beam saber, left wrist claw anchor (wolf lock)


However, what responded to him was the sweeping slash of the Assault Gundam, and the spearhead was directly divided into two.

At the same time, they approached the Thunder Gundam rapidly.

Seeing this, Nigel's eyes narrowed slightly, and the beam saber popped out from the front of the shield attack system, rushing towards the strong attack.

In terms of melee combat, Nigel is not too bad.


The beam sabers burst into flames.

With the seamless conversion of the shield attack system, Thunder Gundam and Strike Gundam barely fought a stalemate.

But this stalemate will soon be broken.

Once Strike Gundam gets used to the shield attack system, Thunder Gundam will fall into crisis.


Aslan, who wanted to support him, was unable to participate in the support due to the restraint of the Archangel and Air Overlord.

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