Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 131: : Last Friendship and Serenity

"Sorry, I can't help you."

Lux said with an apologetic look on her face.

She won't persuade you not to do it, nor persuade you to stop, which is where Lux is smart, or where she is powerful.

Because she knows very well that when a person really has a decision, it will not be changed by the words of others.

"Hehe, this is the path I chose by myself."

Noel sometimes suspects that Lux said this on purpose.

But when she saw the sad look on Lux's face, that trace of doubt suddenly disappeared.

If someone else suddenly spoke to Noel like this, Noel might think she was acting on purpose for him.

But what if the other party has always been like this?

Can you still say she is acting?

"Then what can I do for you?"

Lux said, pursed her lips as if thinking of something, put her hands together on her chest, stood up and smiled at Nuoer: "How about I sing a song for you?"

"thank you for your kindness."

Noel rejected Lux's kind offer. Seeing Lux's puzzled expression, he couldn't help but continue to explain: "Your singing is really nice, but unfortunately I can't listen to it now."

The title of Lacus Diva is not for nothing. Her singing voice is very infectious and can really affect a person and even change a person.

Especially someone who is not firm in his own mind, basically fooling around.

"Then, you can tell me anytime you want to hear it."

Lux heard the words hesitantly and replied.

"I will."

Noel nodded back.

But by the time I can let go, I'm afraid it's too late.

"It's getting late, I'm about to go."

Noel said that he put the teacup in his hand on the table and closed the lid. The last friendship and tranquility are almost enjoyed, it's time to start.

From the corner of Lux's eyes, she noticed Noel's movements. She didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly, like someone walking out of a painting.

"Do you know the Panama war?" Noel said slowly, facing Lux's eyes.

"Well... I heard a little from my friends who participated." Lux recalled carefully.

"Then do you know that the Archangel is in Alaska?" Noel continued to ask, he was no longer interested in wrangling with others, even Lux.

It's really tiring just because of this hellish way of chatting.

Hearing this, Lux showed a stunned expression on her face and asked, "I don't know, Noel, why did you tell me this?"

"There is a Cyclops system under Alaska. If it is activated, at least no grass will grow in a radius of several miles."

Noel answered all the questions.

Lux blinked her eyes blankly and looked at Noel with a puzzled expression.

Do not understand, completely incomprehensible.

"Are you confused?"

Seeing Lux's rare ignorant appearance, Noel couldn't help laughing.

The sense of achievement is overwhelming!


"Well, Noel told me there must be your reasons for this."

Lux restrained her emotions and asked Nuoer with a smile, trying to get an answer from Nuoer.

"Guess what?" Noel laughed.

"..." Lux's expression condensed, this—

"Okay, it's time for me to go too. After all, it's better for the wounded to come out to bask in the sun, which is good for the body's recovery."

After Noel finished speaking, he ignored Lux's stunned expression, turned and walked straight to the aisle where he came.

I don't know if the path I've chosen is good or not.


As soon as Lux spoke, she was held down by her, because she didn't know how much Noel knew, and the dazed attack could easily make herself passive.

Playing foolishly can be used for a while, but not forever!

Outside the door, Nuoer, who was brought out by the maid, turned around and glanced at the manor for the last time, and got into the car silently.

Durandal's invitation to cooperate can't be refused, but it doesn't mean that he can't protect himself.

No one knew what Durandal was thinking.

If something happened in the future and he needed to give up on himself, he, Durandal, would definitely put himself away without frowning.

After all, he is not a crab head——

So self-protection is very necessary, the easiest of which is to become his irreplaceable assistant (tool)

At least you have to use this tool well before you solve your own hidden dangers, and only in this way can you get what you want.

And the best way to highlight his existence is to balance the strength between Durandal and his opponent.

As for who to balance, Lux's power is undoubtedly the first choice among the powers of the PNT party that can be contacted at present.

Otherwise, it would be Sarah, but now Sarah is about to be considered a fool by these guys, and she is also a gift when she passes by.

In addition to PNT, it is the Earth Federation and Mars. It is very likely that I will go to the Earth Federation now as an experimental material.

As for Mars—let’s forget it, based on the information and information I have obtained so far, if the people on Mars have a conflict with PNT and Earth, it will be as simple as a father beating his son.

"By the way, Durandal should know that I'm here-"

"Then I—forget it."

Noel shook his head and pulled the idea out. Who made this his current best choice?

You can't really just hang around and wait to die.

Although that is also an option, but——the taste of being rotten is really uncomfortable.


In the garden, Lux sat in the garden quietly looking at the ocean in the distance.

"Da da da--"

The sound of the wooden stick falling to the ground was clear and bright, and the Moluki jacket teacher, who had closed his eyes, walked slowly from the aisle.

Standing beside Lux, standing with a cane in both hands, quietly feeling the breeze.

He is Lux's mentor, so he needs to stand up when Lux has doubts and difficulties.

As for whether Lux can find the answer by herself or not, whether she needs her own help or not, this is Lux's own business.


The sound of the wheelchair rolling sounded, and in the aisle behind the Moluji coat instructor, several servants walked out of the aisle pushing the bed.

Behind them, Kira Yamato with bandages on her body.


Lux looked back and looked at Kira, who was wrapped in bandages. She got up from the chair while concentrating her thoughts, and walked in the direction of Kira Yamato with a smile.

"The will of the swordsman is very Moluji's jacket teacher turned in the direction of the voice and said quietly towards Lux's back.

The quality of the sword is of course important, but the will of the sword-wielder is even more important. It determines who your sword should pierce.

Lux heard the words for a moment.

night time--

Inside the study of Siegel Klein Manor.

"What's his purpose for doing this?" Siegel Klein couldn't help but look embarrassed when he recalled the news that Lux gave.

What does Panama have to do with Alaska?

There is also the one-eyed system under Alaska. Is there any connection between the three?

"What if Cutthroat was targeting Alaska?"

Instructor Moluki couldn't help but replied.

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