Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 179: : Covenant Attack

The Orb Command, which was exhausted and everyone was tense, also grasped the dynamics of the Earth Army at the same time.

In the Orb Co-Executive House, the chiefs were stunned when they received the report of the revival of the Atlantic Federation operation.

"I asked for a meeting again and didn't give an answer...!"

"Lord Uzmi...!"

"Damn it! Is this your answer? Earth Army! ——After treating us as an enemy, you don't even want to talk about it?"

Among the astonished, frightened, and angry crowd, there was a hint of determination on one person's face.

At the same time, in the hangar where Nuoer and others are located, countless logisticians are busy preparing for dispatch.

"The attack begins!"

"The enemy MS group and the aviation fleet are attacking with the target of the silt energy!"

"The MS unit is dispatched immediately!"

"All combatants, please take your place and start fighting!"

With the operator's voice coming from the megaphone, the M1 Heresy Gundam was dispatched one after another.

The Archangel, which was in the dock to deal with the part that was hit by the bullet, also launched again and headed for the enemy fleet.

The counterattack facilities all over the island were activated one after another, and the bombardment of the missiles was as terrifying as the sky and the earth were torn apart.

Aslan and Kira also boarded the aircraft after a moment of conversation.

"It's a matter of benevolence and righteousness to get to this point. How can I run away..."

Noel, who took the potion, also sat in the repaired covenant.

Drive the covenant slowly towards the attack channel.

But unlike how other people think about fighting, what he thinks is how to run.

His purpose was to come over to get a wave of favorability and prepare for future contacts.

Now the favorability level has been swung, then——

"The road is cleared - Covenant Gundam, please dispatch!"

"Covenant Gundam - Noel Cassia, attack!"

After a while, as Noel's voice fell, Covenant rushed out of the base gate after Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam.



After coming out of the base, it was like entering another world, with wars everywhere and beams shooting everywhere.

The MS unit that had attacked earlier had already come into contact with the Assault Dagger.

The beams are interlaced, and the sound of the body exploding can be heard incessantly.

"Forget it, I'll send Buddha to the west, and I'll help you in the end—"

Looking at the Orb front line that was almost crushing, Noel took out his beam saber and dived towards the three MS besieged below.

At this time, if he wants to leave the Orb battlefield alone, there is almost no problem.

It's just that it will be ugly, and it will give people a suspicion of anticlimactic.

With the roar of the covenant's back thruster, the covenant rushed into the besieged battlefield.



The beams interlaced, and as the dark red shadow jumped away, several assault daggers turned into scrap metal in the sound of the explosion.



Noel drives Covenant across the ground front.

The dragoon on the back turned and turned into a mobile turret, and the beam saber in the beam scattering room slid from the cockpit of the Assault Dagger.


"do not want!"



Watching the covenant body rush straight in, the driver of the assault dagger screamed in horror.

Even the driver who did not touch the covenant showed obvious timidity on his face.

On the covenant's forward route, there are even airframes that retreat from the front line.

However, how could an ordinary body escape the pursuit of the covenant? With the rumbling fire, countless assault daggers turned into scrap iron in the flames.

The red covenant of the dead, the name of the shadow tree of men.

The one that caused Panama to fall and the body to appear, caused a clear setback in the small-scale war.

All the assault daggers facing the covenant didn't even have a chance to resist. Under the powerful melee movement speed of the covenant, the assault dagger seemed to stand there waiting for the covenant to harvest.


"Is this the covenant..."

"What a horrible guy, fortunately he is his companion..."

During the assault on Gundam, Barry Hall couldn't help but marveled at the covenant that was still in a no-man's land.

I can't even help but feel some sympathy for those assault daggers.

Facing an organism of this level of Covenant...

"how did you do that···"

"What a monster."

In the three machines rescued by Noel, the three women wearing Orb combat uniforms couldn't help but sigh.

They, who were experimenting with the OS system, understood the horror of what the Covenant did better than anyone else.



"Instead of sighing here, you might as well think about how to save your life. Next time you won't be so lucky..."

After Noel destroyed the assault dagger that was going to attack a few people, he drove the covenant to climb from the ground front and flew towards the ocean battlefield ahead.

On the sea level not far ahead, the six machines from yesterday came into view.

The other two water MSs must have already been dispatched.

"Kira...that one over there!"

In Justice Gundam, Aslan also discovered the existence of the other party and couldn't help reminding Kira.

"Well, I saw it." Kira turned the machine to look at the person who came.

Chisaka compiled the results of intelligence gathering last night, and sorted out the relevant information on the new aircraft of the Earth Alliance as much as possible.

Of these eight units, three are the second generation of the GAT-X series.

Calamity Gundam inherits the design concept of Storm Gundam, but its firepower is even higher. Therefore, in addition to the 125mm double-mounted high-energy long-range beam cannon on the back and the 337mm plasma armor-piercing rocket on the right hand, a 580mm rocket is also installed in the center of the chest. Reset phase energy cannon siren monster.

In addition, its left hand is a 115mm double-attached horn gun Beetle II attack and shield system.

The heavy firepower is a bit too much.

The Robbery Gundam follows the deformation mechanism of the Aegis Gundam, and in terms of armament, there are the 100mm energy cannon "Rage" on the head, the second 52mm high muzzle velocity anti-shield gun on the right hand, and the crushing ball "Thor's Hammer" in the left hand~www.readwn. com~ and the 76mm cannon M2M3 that can be fired from both shoulders when in MA form, the 80mm cannon M417 on the top of the head, and the short-range plasma cannon "Kwangshin" on the claws; therefore, the claws can be used to grab the enemy After that, attack and go tactics.

Forbidden Gundam's features are the energy-biased armor "elastic armor" and the induced plasma cannon "Ferocious Eagle" that can bend rays at will - the former should be the pair of shield armors that can refract beams.

These special weapons and Shock Gundams share the same principles with phantom particles.

In addition, its shield is equipped with an 88mm magnetic cannon "fang", the head is a 75mm anti-air automatic Vulcan gun turret system, and its arms are equipped with 115mm cannon fire arms, and the weapon in its hand is a heavy scythe.

"It's that guy!"

In the cockpit of Forbidden Gundam, Shani spotted the red body in the distance at a glance, and jumped out of the water without any hesitation.


Several beams hit the covenant.


"Death to me!"

Olga fired at the same time while standing on the back of Hunter Gundam, which had transformed into MA form.

The powerful recoil even made Hunting Gundam fall down a little.

Noel has been paying attention to the two mobile suits, Forbidden and Calamity, so he planned the evasion direction in advance on the eve of their aim.



"Damn, if it wasn't for the butterfly effect, I really wanted to chop you up—"

Nuoer looked at the affected front line, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

These two neuroses are really annoying!

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