Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 185: : All parties react

Frey's voice resounded almost throughout the battlefield.

All combat soldiers received the news.

Soldiers need reasons to fight, they also need anger, and they need benchmarks!

Among them, George Arstad, who died heroically in the war, was the highest-ranking official of the Atlantic Federation who died in the war, and also the highest-ranking official of the Earth United who died in the frontal battlefield.

Faced with this situation, the Atlantic Federation will inevitably pull out propaganda to stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

As the daughter of George Arstad, even a daughter who 'joined the army for the first time' when the other party attacked Hypolis, of course, she was also specially introduced.

As for whether she joined the army at that time, does this matter matter? not important.

What really matters is the order in which it all happened, Zaft attacked the Earth Federation, Frey Alstar enlisted in the army, and George Alstar died in the field.

The three combined into a very perfect promotional material.

"Sure enough, it is still used, it is indeed the lion of Orb, this courage has to be obeyed."

"But the latter sentence should have been added by Uzmi. Did you reserve an excuse in advance? Really..."

In the covenant, Noel couldn't help smiling when he heard Frey's voice, and silently drove the covenant out of the battlefield completely.

This statement certainly cannot stop the pace of the Atlantic Federation attack, after all, not everyone is Lux Klein.

But it can still be done if it is only to suspend the offensive.

Unless Darles and Murta behind Darles dare to do something that goes against the 'public opinion' and goes against the wish for peace.


"Director Murta Azrael, this..."

Fleet Commander Darles couldn't help but look at Murta Azrael. If this sudden incident is not resolved well, there will be a lot of troubles in the future.

If the Atlantic Federation was given a brutal name, the Eurasian Federation would most likely be happy to see all this.

"Look at what I do?"

Murta Azrael said with cold eyes: "She negotiated on behalf of the Atlantic Federation!"

Murta Azrael was no fool, and when this statement came out, he felt that something was wrong.

The Eurasian Federation is in conflict with the Atlantic Federation. Not long ago, Alaska and Panama were used to bind the Eurasian Federation to the chariot.

If the Eurasian Federation gets an excuse because of this incident, it will be a lot of trouble in the future.

"Stop attacking?" Dales asked with a frown.

"Of course, but only if a statement is made!"

Murta Azrael's eyes flickered, and he made a certain decision.

"What statement?" Dales looked puzzled, not knowing what Murta Azrael meant.

Murta Azrael asked coldly when he heard the words: "Has the Atlantic Federation ever sent a negotiator?"

"You mean, give up her?" Dalles reacted.

"Give up her? You want to give up on me, but you don't want to."

Murta Azrael sneered, if the former Frey Arsta could be used as a tool to inspire public opinion, she has now entered the sight of the soldiers.

Such a good political propaganda tool, how could it be let go.

"Send a withdrawal signal, and attach a statement - our army is extremely contemptuous of Orb's practice of holding the orphans of our martyrs as a bargaining chip, and we limit Orb to return Frey Arsta within three hours, as a sign of sincerity, our army is willing to Cease fire across the board and accept Orb's negotiating proposal!"

Although it happened very abruptly, Murta Azrael quickly had a method and wording to deal with.

Now put the big hat on, let the Atlantic Federation stand at the highest moral point in advance, and then use the withdrawal of troops to increase the political prestige of the Atlantic Federation, so that the Eurasian Federation has no excuse to find something.

And it can also rely on this matter to allow the Atlantic Commonwealth to gain greater benefits at the negotiating table.

However, he still needs to think carefully about how to maximize the benefits at the negotiating table.

He subconsciously thought that Uzmi was using this to negotiate. Although the method was a bit sloppy, the effect was immediate. At least he didn't dare to rashly order an attack in this situation.


After listening to the flickering eyes, Darles also made a decision, and said to the stunned subordinate not far away: "Send a retreat signal immediately! And broadcast our request synchronously!"



Three retreat flares rose from the bridge and exploded.

At the same time came the words of the Atlantic Federation.




Shani and the others, who were playing happily, looked at the flares rising in the distance, and felt as uncomfortable as eating flies.

I was about to kill these two machines, but you told me to retreat?

"You guys are just there on guard and don't have to go back, but don't shoot!"

Before a few people could react from their doubts, Murta Azrael's voice came synchronously from the communication devices of several people.

Negotiations between countries are all based on military strength as a bargaining chip and ticket.

Although the escape of the Archangel made Murta Azrael somewhat resentful, the existence of the Archangel was almost useless to the current Atlantic Federation, and it was a **** that could be discarded at any time.

If it’s gone, it’s gone. As long as Orb and the Orb Armory can be preserved, this Orb battle will not be a loss.


Kira listened to the voice on the radio, and the whole person froze in place. He wanted to contact the Orb command, but found that he couldn't connect at all.

Aslan frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Lord Uzmi..."

The person who felt the most was Captain Maryu.

She knew the ins and outs of things very well, but it was precisely because she knew, that she felt a heart infarction that was unbearable.

At the same time when this statement was sent, it also represented that the Lion of Orb completely gave up his dignity-"Interesting, really interesting... Frey Arsta..."

In Zaft's submarine, Cruzer naturally also received this remark from the public channel.

"team leader······"

Itzhak was also confused by this sudden If I remember correctly, Frey Alstar seems to be the Earth soldier captured by Captain Cruze.

But isn't she at the Chuckantalia base, how could she appear...

"Could it be Noel!?"

Suddenly, Yitzhak had a flash of inspiration and thought of Noel who was on a mission.

The fact that he knew the name was thanks to Noel's existence, but why?

He now believes that he understands the reason why Cruze is bringing Frey back. If nothing else, the fact that he can directly forcibly stop the Atlantic Federal Fleet is enough to make people pay attention.

But why did Noel send Frey Alstar back?

"Captain Cruze..."

The puzzled Yitzhak couldn't help but look at Cruzer, trying to get some useful information from Cruzer.

"That's really interesting."

Cruzer had no interest at all to 'solve' Itzhak at this time.

He just wanted to know now whether it was Durandal's instigation or Noel Cassia's voluntary behavior.

If the former, what is the reason? When did Durandal and Uzmi connect? What was the deal between the two of them? What is his purpose?

If it's the latter, then things suddenly become interesting, and it's a very interesting kind.

What was Noel Cassia's choice for what camp?

Not to mention that it was because they knew each other well, this kind of reason to lie to children that no one would believe was automatically dismissed by Cruze after a second.

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