Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 236: : Retreat of the Gardy, Pillar of the Celestial Realm


The beams staggered, and Swin drove the slaughter dagger to flip left and right.

Although Noel really wanted to give him a shot, there was a tougher guy in front of him——

Accompanied by radar alert reminders.

The Sword Suit Calamity also rushed to the front of the Covenant Gundam.


This should be the strongest guy with the sword that Noel has ever seen before.

"Unfortunately, the person you met was me—"

However, with a flash of light in Noel's eyes, he pushed the shield in his left hand to the left.


The ship-cutting knife was forcibly stopped by the covenant.

The right beam saber turned upright, aimed at the opponent's cockpit and stabbed it hard.

The sword suit Calamity's chest lit up, this is how the Siren Warcraft started.

"Use the same move twice! You underestimate me too!"

Noel had anticipated this, however, as the tip shifted upwards.


With the dazzling fire, the beam saber was directly inserted into the muzzle of the sword suit Calamity's chest.

boom -

A violent explosion sounded, and at the last moment, Sothes No. 4 forcibly activated the Siren Warcraft.

The force of the explosion split the two airframes.

bang bang-


Almost at the moment when the Covenant Gundam stopped, the plasma beam cannon on the back flipped and started to fire.

In Shi Wen's stunned eyes, two beams suddenly appeared in front of him.

Swain lowered his head to avoid the conditioned reflex of driving the Slaughter Shortsword.

It's a pity that Noel's purpose was never him. With the passing of the two beams, the muzzle of the slaughter dagger lwsp's backpack was directly melted.

Completely lost the possibility of use.


What's more terrifying is that Swen had just prepared to fire and pulled the trigger, but the energy could not be shot from the muzzle, causing the backpack to explode when overloaded.

"That's okay too?"

Nuoer was stunned by the light of the slaughtering dagger. Is he so lucky today?

This solves another one?


However, as the three beams flew out of the flames, Nuoer pouted and retreated, and now it seems that the luck is not good enough.

But when the Slaughter Dagger came out, Noel smiled.

Due to the consumption of too much energy in the early stage, the overload explosion of the Slaughter Short Sword's backpack this time is not fatal.

But that thing was carried on the back after all, and the upper body of the Slaughter Dagger was almost destroyed.

"Why bother--"

Noel shook his head, glanced at the almost scrapped sword suit Calamity and Slaughtering Short Sword, turned around and accelerated towards the Gardi-class battleship.

The right hand swept behind the body, the beam saber was contained, and it was replaced with a beam rifle.


The beams interlaced, hitting the engineering s who were preparing to drag the golden heretic back to the battleship.

boom -

These s are only driven by ordinary people, and they are almost powerless to fight back against the surprise attack of the Covenant.

beep beep-

The lack of resistance for engineering s does not mean that the battleship does not.

With the sound of the alarm locked by the radar, Noel stopped the attack and drove the Covenant Gundam to move in parallel.

[Main gun starts - launch! 】

【Automatic defense turret starts! 】


Mattis looked at the fast-approaching Covenant Gao and pondered for a while, and said, "Retreat, let them come back and we should go."

This time she came here by the way, and now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to fight with the covenant.

【Yes! 】

【Everyone retreats! 】

[No. 1-8 barrels are loaded with anti-beam blasting mines——]

[Automatic pursuit missile starts——]

[Engine start - maximum speed disengagement! 】

Following the order of Mattis, the Gadi ejected numerous missiles, and six high-energy beams shot towards the Covenant Gundam.

At the same time, the battleship Gadi also began to retreat rapidly towards the rear.

"Retreat? That's right. After all, all the good things have been taken away by you."

Looking at the gradually retreating battleship, Nuoer had no idea of ​​continuing to pursue, all he wanted was a golden heresy.

As for the Rebirth Gundam, it's gone if it's gone, and I can't use it anyway.

Bai picked up a golden heresy, not to mention, he also solved the brain damage of Gina Sahak, and by the way, he can use the golden heresy to get a wave of favorability——

This trip also made a lot of money!


Heaven's Imperial Pillar——

Originally the Orb Orbital Elevator, also known as - The Bridge of Dreams to the Universe.

In ce.58, when Uzmi took office as the head of the Orb Joint Chiefs, it was planned to start construction as an orbital elevator for national business.

The so-called orbital elevator is an elevator that literally extends to the universe (synchronous orbit).

Using it, you can get safer and lower cost and time than using rockets or space shuttles.

Once the construction is completed, its economic effect will be immeasurable.

For Orb, the resource colony satellite Helipolis owned by Lagrange 3 is Orb's production base in the universe.

The rail elevator can strengthen the connection with this Hailipolis, and can also provide great convenience for various things in Hailipolis.

And orbital elevators, by their very nature, cannot be built beyond the equator.

This is particularly beneficial for Orb.

Although Orb's main island is not on the equatorial island as the starting point on the ground of the orbital elevator (it was also because of this thing that Kira and the mentor were able to enter space silently.)

On the other hand, the very top of the elevator is at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers, in the orbit of a geostationary satellite.

The universe is already there, and the very top of the building at that location belongs to the space station itself.

The construction of the Imperial Pillar of the Sky started with the space station at the top.

Orb set up a large-scale workshop in the space station, and the resources brought from the moon and asteroids were made into the pillars of the elevator.

Originally everything was moving in a good direction, but unfortunately it backfired. This era did not allow this plan to be implemented.

By the time the top space station was completed, the relationship between pnt and the ground had also gradually deteriorated into a although Orb took a neutral stance in the international dispute.

But when the fire of war spreads to the whole world, and even rises to the race, it becomes difficult to completely implement the standpoint of neutrality.

Uzmi is not that naive fool either.

Weapons will indeed bring disaster to mankind, it magnifies human ambition.

But you can't deny that the original purpose of the weapon is to bring safety to human beings, and it also fulfills this task very well.

Having a knife and not having a knife in hand are two concepts.

As a result, the Imperial Pillar of Heaven was used as a space station with factories that produce weapons (Haripolis and Dawning Society).

There are also many things that can only be made outside the universe because they are used in weapons.

A special example is the Earth United ps armor material.

The same is true for the foam metal used in Orb's mass production of 1 Heresy Gundam, if it is not in zero gravity or low gravity, it is difficult to have stable quality.

It is worth mentioning that the Pheasant on which Cagalli was riding was also constructed in the Pillar of Sky Domain and transported to the ground for assembly.

In addition to the battleship, the Imperial Pillar of Heaven also has an independent s processing factory.

It is precisely because the focus of the Imperial Pillar of Heaven is more and more inclined to the construction of weapons and weapons, and its management and controllers have gradually become the sisters and brothers of the Kazakh family.

In this way, the Orbital Elevator Heaven's Imperial Pillar, which was originally intended to be built for peace and economic prosperity, gradually turned into a weapon factory that produced death.

In the ensuing Orb offensive and defensive battle.

The real leader of Orb disappeared with the Dawning Society.

And the Imperial Pillar of Heaven has also become the one-word hall of the Sahak family from that moment on.

------off topic-----

Happy New Year everyone!

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