Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 265: : Durandall's candid, vulgar but precious self-satisfaction

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Not only Natal, but all the crew members were stunned by these words.

"What general attack!?"

Natal couldn't believe it, stood up involuntarily and asked Azrael, "You don't understand how heavy casualties our army is suffering now, right? How to attack in this situation?"

The casualties of the fleet have exceeded half, and there are not a few warships that cannot move freely.

All those who returned to the flight were obviously damaged. The driver was either injured or suffered a mental blow. No matter whether it was a person or something, it was unusable.

In this state, it is not wise to order the army to attack again.

However, Murta shouted in a more rude tone: "The Lunar Headquarters will send reinforcements and supplies soon! The army of the Eurasian Federation will also come here, and you don't need to worry about the issue of troops!"

Listening to Murta's speech, Natal didn't know what to say for a while.

Total attack? What's the point of an act that's no different from suicide?

"I think the one who really doesn't understand the situation is you!"

"Didn't you see the power of that thing? Do you want to keep that thing in that kind of place? How dare they talk about the savage nuclear weapons of natural people? In front of such weapons, who is savage!"

Murta reached out and grabbed the back of the seat, stopped his body spinning due to inertia, and operated the dashboard with his fingers.

Soon, the schematic diagram of the weapon appeared on the screen, and the angle of the scope could be adjusted arbitrarily.

"If this weapon is aimed at the earth—!"

The words sent a chill down Natal's back.

She had been unconsciously keeping that terrifying possibility out of her thoughts.

"Those guys are savage with such god-killing weapons! And who dares to say that they won't launch it at the earth one day? If it is launched, it will be too late! Do we have to pray that the other party will not wipe out the human race!? "

Listen to Murta's roar.

Natal finally understood where his gaffe came from.

"He's already fired the first time! It's bound to be the second time, the third time - so we can't just let it stay there! It has to go with it! Before Earth is attacked!"

Natal clenched her fists subconsciously.

He's right - Earth cannot be left to be attacked.

They are soldiers, how indispensable the earth is, even if they have to sacrifice their lives for it, they must go forward bravely.

Zaft's direction was the same when the Earth Alliance was building up its army.

"I've heard everything about the front line."

In the captain's exclusive dormitory, Durandal's face jumped out of the computer.

Although Noel's team was disbanded, he still held the title of captain.

"So, this is the result you want?" Noel couldn't help asking.

Durandal fell into a brief silence when he heard the words, and replied: "I underestimated the determination and hatred of the Earth United and Speaker Sarah."

Durandal can accept soldiers dying because they die to protect.

Maybe a little bit - absurd and ridiculous.

In fact, Durandal is indeed a person who is working hard to end the war in a real sense.

However, as the idea of ​​irreconcilability between the two sides broke out completely.

He found that the power of speech was so weak in adjusting to the contradiction with the natural person, and over time his ideas gradually diverged from the Kleinists, or in other words, they diverged from the ideas of Siegel Klein.

Plus he encountered something that affected his life.

Two seemingly unrelated things made him see the essence of the world completely.

"Ha ha--"

Nuoer smiled dumbly and continued to ask: "It's already at this point, can you explain it to me?"

He doesn't care about Durandal's original intention, and he doesn't want to know whether Durandal's remarks are true or false.

He just wanted to know what Durandal's plan was, or what his role was in this war between nature and adjuster.

At the same time, he can estimate his position in this war from it, although he already knew it.

"What do you want to know?" Durandal asked rhetorically.

"Everything." Noel replied.

"Do you have the time?"

Durandal was a little surprised by Noel's answer.

"So you need to make a long story short." Nuoer spread his hands and replied.

"Would you like to believe everything I say?" Durandal continued to ask, he felt that Noel was a little different at this time.

"If I said I believed everything you said, would you believe it?" Noel threw the unanswerable question back.

A look of surprise flashed in Durandal's eyes when he heard the words, and then he said with a smile: "In a sense, the activation identification code of the Freedom Gundam was given by me."

"What did you say!?"

This answer completely surprised Noel.

He always thought that the departure of Freedom Gundam was entirely the hands of the Klein faction——

Well, Durandal seems to have been a Kleinist all along!

"So surprised? Then if I tell you, I am responsible for most of the materials for the three battleships of the Eternal, and I also provide the information they obtained, and even the S2 virus and the Rebirth Gundam are all provided by me. How are you planning?"

Durandal likes this feeling, the feeling of "showing off with friends" and getting surprised feedback from the other party.

This is a kind of 'vulgar self-satisfaction' that has not been enjoyed in a long time, but has been longing for.

He knew this kind of thing was childish.

But looking at Noel's surprised expression, he somehow felt that it was all worth it.

Although it is really naive and stupid.


After listening to Noel, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. Damn, it really deserves to be the final boss!

He used to wonder how the core figures of the Klein faction were strictly monitored by Sarah, how could they provide Lux and the others with so many things, and why he could directly leapfrog to become the president of the Supreme Council.

After a long time-

But if everything is as Durandal said, then the Klein faction is not Durandal's word...

"No wonder you want to kill Siegel!"

Noel suddenly understood why Siegel died.

Or maybe this was the first time he had strictly defined Durandal's intentions.

As the undisputed leader and creator of the Klein faction, Siegel Klein will never die, and no one else will ever rise to power.

Not even Durandal.

In the same way, Lux's defection, or the Freedom Gundam incident, is also similar to Siegel's incident.

If Siegel is the undisputed leader of the Klein faction, then Lux, or the former Lux, is the most stable successor of the Klein faction, the kind that no one can shake.

This is true both in terms of public and political, so in order to ensure that this 'external person' can smoothly ascend to the position.

Durandal first helped Siegel and Lux ​​get the freedom Gundam, and let them betray the reputation of traitors, and then used himself, or Sarah killed Siegel Klein, and cast the blame on himself on the head-

And it can also bring a "small gift" that comes with it.

Lock yourself, or completely lock Covenant Gundam in the camp.

He was the leader of the Siegel team, and Siegel died in front of him. Even if Lux was willing to believe in him, would the other Klein factions believe it?

Therefore, this disguised the possibility of joining the Lux faction.

And Lux, who defected, became the last weapon Durandal used to stabilize the situation.

After all, Lux's idea of ​​the Klein faction has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and even without Durandal's push, Lux will automatically become his weapon.

In addition, Cruze's persecution of himself, which Durandal broke the news, also cut off the possibility of himself joining the Sara faction and the Earth Federation.

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A person who can't go to Lux, can't integrate into the Sara faction, and can't go to the Earth Federation.

Are there any other options besides joining Covenant Gundam and Durandal who can provide potions?

And Noel seriously suspects that there are other things in it, but with the information Noel currently has, it cannot be inferred.

In conclusion, Durandal is not killing three birds with one stone at all.

But a flock of birds per stone.

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