Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 321: : Mina's gift

Belongs to Aprilius.

After finishing his speech work, Durandal returned to the manor in a special car with the preview of tomorrow's speech in his hand.


Just as Durandal looked at the manuscript in his hand and lost his mind, an encrypted message came in from the outside.

Durandal put down the manuscript, reached out and turned on the communication computer.

Soon, as the screen rose, a message jumped into view.

The content of the message is not much, less than a hundred words.

But there was something in it that made Durandal raise his eyebrows slightly.

After a while, Durandal closed the message, recalling what had happened recently, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

However, within the time of giving a speech, things have changed so much.

'Earth United ignored the armistice agreement, secretly dispatched armed forces into the space domain to attack, could not help destroying the Genesis α, and even sent troops to rob the main angel, in order to prevent the chaos of the residents who had just quelled the war. Blockade information will not be released for the time being—'

The above is the general content of this message.

"Accidental—or inevitable?"

Durandal murmured, his eyes a little erratic.


In the pitch-black space, two broken warships sailed silently, dragging their heavily wounded bodies.

Inside the main angel's hangar, there was no peace after the war, instead, there was an air of tension.

"Who are you?"

Natal and the soldiers surrounded Sothes who had come down from the MS.

At this time, Natal had countless questions in her heart that needed to be answered.

How did the Earth United organism appear here?

If it is said that they are the people who came to meet them, is there a connection between Noel and the Earth United?

What is the position of this ship?

What is Noel's purpose?

Too many doubts haunt my heart.

"Sothes Four - Noira."

Noira, the name he gave himself with Mina's permission.

Because of the instability of the previous experiments, and the reasons for the influence of memory and emotion on Sothis's fighting ability, Sothis's top ten did not completely remove all emotions and reason.

In fact, there are more reasons that cannot be completely eliminated. After all, Cong Yungai is a defector of Sosis, and it is difficult for some powerful experimental subjects to forcibly control.

"Sothes No. 7."

On the other hand, Sosis No. 7, who was beside him, had a cold poker face that had never fluctuated.


Natal's face is solemn. She has thought about countless possibilities, but she has not thought about this.

As the battleship that Murta took in the war, Natal knew some secrets that ordinary soldiers didn't know.

The existence of Sothis is one of them.

But it was just because he knew that it was incredible. Sothes was a member of the 81st Independent Mobile Unit, commonly known as the Phantom Pain Unit.

The Phantom Pain is directly affiliated with LOGOS. Is it because of LOGOS's instructing that Sosis appeared here?

"Why are you here?"

Natal pulled her thoughts away and continued to ask the two of them, "Who sent you here? And what happened to the communication just now?"

The communication in Natal's mouth refers to the first communication sent. In addition to expressing his own intention, the other one is to ask Natal to activate the positron cannon to destroy the Genesis α.

Although she was a little skeptical at first, destroying the Genesis Alpha at that point was a really good option for procrastination.

The two of Noira's expressions did not change at all when they heard the words, but they just stood there coldly without saying a word.

"What exactly is going on!"

Seeing the two who completely ignored her, Natal felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Get caught? Certainly not.

After all, without the assistance of the two of them, the Archangel could not have escaped.

But if you don't catch it, it doesn't seem to work.


"Captain Natal!"

Before Natal could figure out what to do with the two, a communication from the bridge suddenly came from the hangar, saying, "A large unknown source of speciality is found ahead, presumably it is a battleship!"

Gu Qian, "Wait a minute, I'll be right here."

Hearing the words, Natal's eyes narrowed slightly, and after replying, she said to the soldiers: "Take the two of them to the soldiers' room and keep them under strict supervision. No one is allowed to contact them without my order!"

This is the best solution at present.

"No, we'll go up with you. That battleship is here to pick us up."

Just as Natal was about to leave, Sothes No. 4 Noira suddenly spoke.

"Pick you up?"

Natal looked over in surprise, but the surprise was quickly suppressed by her.

Thinking about it, it's right. Without the support of the battleship, it would be impossible for the disaster to come from the Earth base with only two swords.

The Archangel on the other side also found the battleship appearing ahead.

Different from the vigilance of the main angel, the people of the Archangel are more confused.

The battleship Izumo is a battleship of the same specifications as the Kusanagi.

This new type of warship is also the basis of the Archangel-class warship of the Earth Alliance.

Among them, the No. 1 ship Izumo belongs to the Sahak family, while the No. 2 ship Kusanagi is controlled by the Ashar family.

"There is a communication from the opposing warship!"

Inside the battleship Archangel, the soldier in charge of communications spoke to Natal and the others who had just entered the bridge.

"Yes." Natal walked to the main seat of the battleship and took his seat.


The communication was connected, and the face of the woman with long black hair jumped into the screen.

"Are you Natal Buckylulu?"

Mina Sahaka leaned on the battleship command chair, stretched out her hand to support her cheek, and looked at the woman in the picture with interest.

This is a pure soldier.

He is a guy who imprints the soldier's creed in his bones. This is Mina Sahaka's first impression.

"It's me, who are you?"

Natal frowned slightly, the other party's domineering attitude made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Lund Mina Sahaka."

Mina Sahaka heard the slight anger in Natal's words, and she could understand that.

This kind of person who regards the military creed as high, she sees everyone except her boss and comrades in arms.

"Sahaka... Orb?"

Natal knows Sahaka's name, even if he doesn't pay special attention to these families.

Apart from the fact that the Sahaka family is one of the five Orb, it is more because the Sahaka family has always been active on the battlefield and often interacts with the Atlantic Federation army.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your assistance. I am very grateful. I will arrange for them to leave later."

After Natal was slightly surprised, she made a decisive decision.

The Sahaka family that Orb belongs to actually has Sosis—

The water is too deep, and she doesn't want to get involved.

"No need, wait until the place is ready to transfer." Mina Sahaka replied.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Natal's heart tightened, and there was a very bad feeling in her heart.

"My mission is to take you to the Pillar of Heaven until someone comes to receive you." Mina Sahaka said bluntly.

"Your Excellency intends to detain us?"

Listening to Mina's bold words, Natal couldn't help but ask through gritted teeth.

"You can understand that too," Mina Sahaka replied.

"I belong to the Atlantic Ocean..."

"Di Di—"

"Unknown heat source found! Number - 15! Presumably MS!"

Before Natal could finish speaking, his soldiers suddenly screamed.

"What do you mean?" Natal looked at the MSs coming from all around and couldn't help asking Mina.

"Literally, oh right, I forgot to tell you, there are gifts I left for you on those two sword suits, I hope you don't reject them."

Mina Sahaka hung up the communication after she finished speaking.

It doesn't make sense to reason with someone like Natal, and she is not a person who likes reasoning.

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